Pathetic Overwatch situation

Your obsession with me seems a lil unhealthy

get some help

You asked me a question. Questions require responses.

Fun fact, the “?” at the end of a sentence means you are asking a question.

Apparently reading comprehension is something you struggle with. I would suggest you have less tantrums in online games and forums and more education. Those would benefit you greatly.

Another fun fact: No one, and I mean no one is obsessed with you, expect yourself.

It isn’t until it is and at that point, it’ll already be to late. When people stop playing a game in droves, it’s no longer about doing what they asked in the first place. It becomes doing what they asked and more to please them.

Redditor energies in 20 chars

This still applies
:point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

Yeah this applies still too lol

I’m ok with that with having a Redditor energy.

People get banned for many reasons. Mainly many false reports. However it could be from misusing pronouns and or genders. People get really worked up over those things.

lets stop the cap here the games heroes them self are swearing 24/7 if that was the case halve of the voiceline would get removed let’s get the hypocrisies out of the way swearing is just now being implemented on storiod because they got aquired by microsoft and i can say this for a fact because final fantasy 14 on xbox you can’t even communicate normaly normal words gets censored because the filter tries to filter out even spaces for example if i where to say

as swearing changes anything

^ see this about the as s would get censored it would show ?? ?wearin changes anything the chat is unreadable halve of the time you can’t even dissable it and some ppl got there xbox live account banned only to get restore because reddit made a fuss about it ppl like you are making games unplayble and soon ppl will just stop engaging at all

here a other example there a city called thanalan it shows as
th???an in the chat because it has anal in the middle of the word i can go on and on snowflake culture is killing basic communication in games and im not even exaggerating disable chat and dont engage or suck it up

The code of conduct is what we agreed to when we created our Overwatch accounts. That code of conduct says that we cannot use profanity. Multiple Blizzard staff over the years have said we cannot use profanity or we risk account action. Multiple people have been banned for using profanity in game chat or in voice chat.

That’s as simple as it gets.

What is included in Blizzard’s own game, as voice lines, does not give you carte blanche to break the rules you agreed to follow.

And if you decide today that you don’t want to follow the rules, well you have that right. But you will eventually get banned and you will lose access to your account. So have fun with that.

no ones cares when the code of conduct contradict what’s already in game all it does is damage the games and make communication unbearable/impossible on top of runing the game

The code of conduct is not contradicted.

Again, the code of conduct are the rules that WE agreed to follow, the players. Blizzard is not held to the same code, they’re not players, they’re the developers.

And no, not being able to use profanity does not ‘make communication unbearable/impossible’ and it doesn’t ‘ruin the game’.

that’s not true at all heroes had voiceline that are played by players if you remember correctly the reaper voice line that had the black voice line had the get modified because players where using the mechanic in game that ppl didn’t like

its not just chat it’s also heroes voiceline nothing to do with blizzard witch comes back to my point the entire coc is pure hypocrisy and is redundant and is running the game by making communication unbearable/impossible in general and it’s getting in most game where is can’t have a normal convo with ppl

no one cares about the bad coc because it makes the games worst witch comes back to ether disable the chat and dont engage or suck it up

It is true, the heroes may be played by players, but the voice lines themselves are made by Blizzard, they’re part of the game, as such, the voice lines are not subject to the code of conduct. They don’t count as ‘profanity’. And yes, Reaper’s voice line was modified, so it couldn’t be interrupted by another one, because players were being toxic/racist and Blizzard didn’t like that. The voice line by itself which says “Black’s my lucky color.” is perfectly fine.

It isn’t. It’s a set of rules that we, as the players, agreed to follow. Again, Blizzard is not held to the same rules. When they’re making content for the game, the code of conduct doesn’t apply. It only applies to the developers when they’re actually playing the game with us, at which point they become players and their conduct in-game is held to the same standard as we are.

Again it is not. I can communicate perfectly fine without needing to use profanity. So can you, so can every other player. Using profanity is entirely optional. Can you talk to people in real life without constantly swearing? Yes? Then practice that same communication in-game. It’s not hard.

No, it is not part of the Code of Conduct.

Allow me to be crystal clear with you so even a toddler could understand.

The Code of Conduct ONLY applies to PLAYERS. What we type in chat or say in voice, how we act in-game. THAT’S IT!

It does NOT apply to the developers.
It does NOT apply to anything the developers put in the game.

The developers could put in a voice line that is Reinhardt constantly swearing while censored with beeps and that STILL wouldn’t give YOU the ability to use profanity.

You can communicate perfectly fine without it, something 99.9% of adults manage to do on a daily basis without issue. Be like the 99.9%

it is and you’re ignorant and its funny to see it voice line from heroes already got players banned from combos stop it it’s painful to read

It is not. You repeating yourself constantly does not make it true.

You are sitting here claiming the Code of Conduct is hypocritical because ‘there are voice lines that can be combo’d to say bad things’. That’s not Blizzard’s fault. That’s the players fault. They are the ones who are using the in game voice lines to say things that if they said them in chat, would get them banned.

So yeah, they got banned for that. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

You want to swear? Go for it. Just don’t come crying here when you get banned from the game, because you’ll get no sympathy and most folks with working brains and decent sense will tell you that you got what you deserved.

except you’re wrong and you’re the one repeating yourself and have a difunctional brain blizzard allows voice line created by themself that gets player banned no amount of hiding behind the coc will unvalidated that ppl like you ruins games and im happy because eventually you’ll get banned by your own making

just like game nowdays you can’t even type normal word that has no swearword without it getting censored and potentially get you banned witch some players already got into the receive hand of it can you stop with the cope it’s 100% there fault

and tbh no swearing should be banned there a mute bouton for that exact reason just like im gonna use it on you have a good life

I’m not, again, Blizzard has made their stance very clear. You’re trying to ‘logic’ your way around it by claiming Blizzard is being hypocritical (they’re not) and you’re trying to claim that it’s ‘impossible’ to communicate without using profanity (it’s possible)

Throwing insults is a sure way to cede an argument.

Yes, because instead of playing the voice line out fully, which is what you’re supposed to do, the banned players manipulated the lines to say inappropriate things that the character wouldn’t otherwise have said, and had they typed it in chat, would have got them instantly banned.

What part of that is hard to understand?

The game seems to be doing just fine. A less toxic game environment is better for everyone. Except for the people being toxic, because they’re banned. Again, good riddance to bad rubbish.

I’ve been playing Overwatch since 2016. Want to know how many times I’ve been banned? 0 times. Because I don’t say anything toxic in-game. I communicate often, very easily, no bans. It’s almost as if people who are toxic get penalized and people who aren’t don’t suffer any negative consequences.

I can literally type entire sentences in game without a single word getting censored. Because again, not typing anything toxic.

You’ve made your stance on toxicity perfectly clear. You want to be toxic and swear and you don’t think Blizzard should ban you. Well sadly, for you anyway, Blizzard feels the opposite way and will ban you. So by all means, keep rolling the dice and risking your account. Eventually you’ll roll snake eyes.

I was in a match just last night where I hopped into voice.

I wasn’t even complaining about the other players, but someone jumped in and started talking about how “OW players are such babies and make a big deal out of everything”, and I was like “yeah, I guess that happens sometimes, but most of the people I tend to play with are adults so I don’t really notice it” and then they left voice chat haha.

I wasnt even trying to be mean or make any sort of point but after they left I was like "whoops?":man_shrugging: