Pathetic Overwatch situation

If this in-game or on forums? Forums are filtered and in-game I haven’t experienced that.

Talking about ridiculous bans, my first forum ban that I received here was due to “language” for saying “holy !@#$” in my post. I literally self-censored the !@#$ part in my post. I still have the screenshots of that post before it got edited by a mod and after.

It was my first forum ban in the history of forum bans.

Exactly this. Banning people for “profanity” is applying US rules to the world. The game is played worldwide so why are we living under the rules of the “pure” American souls that get upset at the tiniest thing they don’t like? In most EU countries F and C words are not a problem - anyone can say them and they are part of conversations.

Most countries have managed to mature enough not to let give words power over them. Children can the the F-word where I live with no problem. I listen to the radio every day to just normal channels and Americans would faint at the number of times they use “profane” words. But it is not a problem here. It is just part of normal everyday language.

And we get punished for it by Blizzard because some wimps in America give power to words that almost everyone uses - even your children behind your back. It’s just sad.

You got hit by the anti-woke religious right. Nothing more woke than reporting people for censored profanity though. The irony of these people.

I’ve reported your post to Blizzard for insulting and harassing the user you responded to on a professional and personal level. They gave you direct insight as a Personal Trainer and you insulted them based on their account, their identity, and their profession.

For someone who claims to be so adamant about following the rules, you sure do know how to break them. Hopefully this isn’t how you act in-game.

Games absolutely ruined, what a joke this has become

Oh boo hoo.

I’m quaking in my boots, really, you sure showed me.


I guess you’re banned because you used the “n” world ?

You know, some guys beyond 18+ are less mature and easy cry/insult others. Besides, if you want to insult them, go in roblox, GTA, minecraft, fortnite and others games with childish mentality, a game made for you :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The people saying “just don’t swear”. Dude…you are not my mother and I am not 6. There is a language filter to save your poor eyes from such vile collections of letters on a computer screen =)

And if you try the argument “mY kIdZ pLaY tHiS gAmE!”, dude, I have news for you. They are seeing FARRRRR worse on the internet, tiktok, from their friends, etc. OW chat is the least of your concerns.

CS don’t have the time or the care to find nuance in reports. They just see a whole heap of reports for BM-ing, glanced at the logs, and thought ‘yup, deserved.’ Especially if that account has had prior actions against it.

People getting banned for ‘swearing’ also likely got several of the following:
Chat ban (24 hours)
Another chat ban (2 weeks)

All before getting banned. If they’re getting banned over that, it means they’ve had many warnings (whether they admit to them or not) and continued to annoy people in chat.

That is not to say the system is perfect, no system is. I think the appeals process could be better, I think it needs to be a little more hands on. But outside of that I feel that some people are their own worst enemies.

The ESRB rating doesn’t matter when users sign the EULA to play OW2. As “guests” in Blizzard’s house, we either follow their rules or get kicked out. And some players choose the latter because they lack the emotional intelligence to avoid toxic behavior.

The language filter is a layer of protection, it exists because Blizzard is more than aware that people like you play this game.

But the existence of the filter does not give you permission to use coarse language in-game, either in general or towards another player. Every time you do, you run the risk of being reported and banned for your behaviour.

Oh no…mommy better spank me then eye rolllllll First world problems for sure.

Hey, it’s your account.

If you want to risk it getting banned because you can’t control what you type or say in voice chat, that’s entirely on you.

And when you inevitably come here to complain about the ban you got, everyone will just laugh at you. Because not only did you know you were breaking the rules, but you were explicitly told what would happen if you kept going and you decided to keep going.

Oh even better…daddy blizz is gonna spank me for hurting feelings and saying bad words. First. World. Problems. The stupid things people get upset about lololololol

To be honest I think banning someone from the game for foul language is a bit extreme. If you type slurs they should be auto-removed from your text when it’s sent/never go through. If you say profanity it should also disappear when sent so nobody actually gets reported and banned for foul language that isn’t allowed in the game besides in Voice Chat. Being silenced instead would probably hurt player numbers less + boost morale when the innocent get unjustly reported from a spiteful five-stack or something.


Each group / stack counts only 1 report towards any incident. However, when reported by multiple non-grouped players for the same infraction across several games, the reports do pile up faster, leading to quicker action against the offending party.