Pathetic Overwatch situation

Except the language about what is and isn’t acceptable is BEYOND vague

If someone takes offense to ANYTHING it is 100% reportable under the current language of the TOS

If I got enough people to report everyone who says “glhf” they would get actioned and banned because of how the current report system works, and in doing that, I am not in the wrong because /I/ find seeing “glhf” offensive which breaks the current TOS of what is and isn’t acceptable


“I do not trust a man who does not swear”

But that would never happen because Blizzard knows which reports are real and which ones have no merit!


Yeah except that’s not true anymore with everything being automated

I had a friend who has chat disabled be silenced for a week because they were reported for inappropriate communications

My comment was all sarcasm. I think the system is horrendous.

Yes they do lmao. It’s off-camera or in the locker rooms. Have you watched literally any hockey game/basketball game?

There is literal evidence of people being banned or taken out for a season in e-sports for cursing at players in-game publicly. You think they’re any tamer in the VC’s or in the post-game meetings?

Actual delusion to think otherwise.

It does. Do you know why? Because the nature of games is a competition to see who can win. To win, you need to be aggressive, you need to be assertive, you need to want to win in order to win. What happens when you lose/die? You should be angry that your plan didn’t pan out because it means you haven’t improved enough. (Now pile on all the B.S. that comes with cheap gimmicks and broken heroes in OW and it should paint a pretty vivid picture of how it breeds profanity).

Idk I feel like it’s somewhat a requirement of playing tank a lot to just not care. “Oh I guess I got one shot unlucky”. There’s being competitive and there’s getting angry and aggressive. Being competitive doesn’t require it at all, though obviously to some extent it’s hard to avoid when people are trying really hard to win and it just doesn’t work. Different people have different tolerance thresholds as well.

Personally I don’t think swearing should be against the rules, as long as it’s not used in a context that demeans other players but I digress. Blizzard disagrees and they make the rules

We’ve been talking about how bad the CoC is for over a decade now, even before OW adopted the profanity clause from it. It’s just that now that the automated system is going haywire due to their newest renovations on it (dating months back) that it has actually become a problem. The system should not be as volatile as it has been and returning to the old system would be much better. Because quite frankly it’s better to allow leniency to a degree where the actually bad cases get actioned and the sometimes more egregeous cases don’t, rather than have just everyone be on the firing range waiting to get suspended

I’ve gotten silenced and denied because of profanity a long time ago. After that I got actioned and they actually revoked the action because there was no profanity or anything of the sort in the logs. Just having to go through that is too much tbh. It’s just punishing everyone despite them never breaking rules. It’s creating innocent victims as is

That’s impossible even if he does deserve it.

Ah I see lmao

Hard to tell anymore with people jumping to defend Blizzard no matter how awful their systems are

Yeah, instead you’re talking like a stereotypical redditor

That’s even worse tbh

OW2 actually feels dead NGL.

People used to actually use voicechat in most matches in quick play.

McCree has BAMF on his belt. : )

But its cool, PJ said swears werent allowed even when abbreviated but its in their own game.

They wont ban basically every last big streamer despite them obviously swearing in every game.

Its almost like Blizzard hasnt had this be bannable for 8 years, and randomly thinks it should be for zero reason. Swearing is common and mundane speech, banning it does literally nothing.

I promise little timmy knew the meanie swear words years before he ever read them in an Overwatch chat. Blizzard doesnt get to play the “tehe UWU swears are BAD kids, dont look at McCrees belt buckle!” while stealing human milk behind the scenes.

Companies doing this kind of thing disgusts me, people need to grow up. There is a filter for every swear word in the game that you can turn on with EXACTLY 5 button presses. You can change your own experience in any way you please but you dont get to force others to conform when reigning precedent for the last 8 years says swears were never a regularly actionable offense.

If people are being rude to one another and they get told off. They deserve it.

If someone is just swearing at someone for the sake of anger and insults , just to be a recreational abuser. Than yeah. fair to ban.

Yeah small flaw there, being that swearing was what somehow made insulting someone else bannable.

The problem is in being toxic to other people, not swearing. Blizzard has made standard swearing that isnt negatively directed at another person bannable, after 8 years of it not being actionable and McCree still having BAMF on his belt buckle.

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This mindset only lasts so long. I am usually like this, but 10 seasons of horrendous game development decisions really starts to chip away at your tolerance.

Especially since the devs are making it even more frustrating to play the game with stupid restrictions that prevent you from even being able to enjoy the game/relax.

To a degree, I agree, but putting an ambiguous limit to what is and isn’t allowed is what got us in this mess in the first place. What one person considers “demeaning” could mean absolutely nothing to another (Hence why players shouldn’t have the ability to take away another players account. Most are incredibly vindictive and do it out of spite).

The customer can force those rules to change by showing Blizzard they’ll stop playing the game if the rule doesn’t change. As a consumer, you have far more power than you think.

Nice fake news from an account with 20 posts maximum on a story that didn’t happen to fit the narrative you are trying to push.

No, I’m claiming that someone having a tantrum about not being able to swear in a video game is the last reason to claim to be living in a “worst timeline”. No where did I ever pretend to be nice, claim I was nice or even gave a hint I was nice.

You are connecting dots that are not there.

I would agree that some of it seems a bit silly. saying gg ez or others like that could be perceived as offensive in some circumstances I don’t think it is actionable.

Swear words (no matter how common people think it is - of which it is not) can be considered offensive, and some words are more offensive than others, so the best course of action is to just not use them at all.

I do believe that most of this is made up to push a narrative that people are mad they can’t swear in game. – just my opinion, I have no facts to back that opinion up, but I suspect I am correct.

This is true. So if it’s a big issue then people gotta stop spending money and quit. But they won’t. It’s not really an issue people care about that much