Pathetic Overwatch situation

swearing is not toxicity is it?

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It literally is.

Again, here’s the thread:

Here’s a really important part:

Remember that the existence of profanity filters does not make it acceptable for players to use offensive, hateful, or language that violates our In-Game Code of Conduct —and as always, we encourage you to report instances of such behavior if you encounter them. Using language report by the community and deemed offensive by Blizzard will result in severe account restrictions.

And here’s where they specifically mention they’re going to be banning people in a wave:

UPDATE (Oct 12):

In addition to the improved profanity filter and updated penalties for inappropriate language, we’ve also performed a manual action wave against some of the worst offenders of toxic language in Overwatch. This action will take effect with updates to profanity filter and penalties in the next live game patch.

That was almost 4 years ago.

I don’t blame you for not noticing profanity bans before now. I didn’t even see this thread until just recently when I searched these forums for profanity bans. But to say they’re only doing this now and haven’t been doing this for years is blatantly untrue.

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someone ought to make a script that turns all your profanity into “blizzard”

That would help, but sadly you know folks would deliberately try to find a way around that script, either by using spaces, numbers, special characters or alt-codes to fool the script but still make the word appear the way they want it to.

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I dunno. I’m glad I use Discord to talk with my team. I cuss a lot when playing this game. Cussing relieves stress, so they should care about our mental health.

Well, I grew up in a blue-collar factory town up north. Every sentence should have at least 1 cuss word.


Getting cussed at can also increase someone’s stress and anxiety. People want to play this game to have fun, not get screamed at because you lost a round and you think they’re to blame for that.

So by your own logic that they should ‘care about our mental health’ they’re doing the right thing. You can always cuss outside of chat or voice. I do. I’m no saint when it comes to cursing, I curse like a sailor. I just don’t do it in voice chat and I don’t type it out.

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I’m not cussing at people. I’m sure I wouldn’t have friends to play with if I did.

It’s just a part of speech. I’m not mean to anyone. I bet you’re the same.

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You’re missing my point.

Just because you’re not cussing at people, doesn’t mean no one is, and Blizzard has a blanket ban on cussing in text chat or their own voice chat. I have seen exactly how toxic the people in this game can be. I’m sure you have to. No one deserves to get treated like that.

If I want to cuss (and believe me, I do), I just don’t do it where Blizzard has told me not to. I can follow the rules I’m given. It’s like being told to use deodorant at a gaming tournament. It’s a small thing for you to do, and it shows that you respect the tournament hosts and others around you. Sure, you can decide not to do that. But then the hosts of the tournament have the right to exclude you because you didn’t follow their simple instructions.

I’m in Discord, so it doesn’t matter to me. However, the cuss words are not the problem, insults are. People can upset others without cussing.

I have a tournament tomorrow. We will be cussing. It’s normal.


Because we are trying to be child-friendly here, so stupid kids…sorry, customers would “borrow” their parent’s credit card to buy our skins.


Blizzard when they ban you for saying aw dang it instead of aw flibberflabber :exploding_head: :exploding_head:


I can’t tell you what you should or should not do, and I am not saying either side is right or wrong.

I am just stating that everyone signed something that stated they would not use harsh language. It is up to you if you can abide by the rules or not. If you break the rules and you signed something that says you won’t, you have only yourself to blame. It does not matter if someone else started it, or an NPC says it, it does not automatically give you license to also do it.

Now just to be clear, I’ve never heard any of those NPC’s use the F bomb or other nasty vulgar words but perhaps I’ve not paid full attention to what they said.

Feel free to be condescending all you want; you can even call me any name you’d like (bootlicker, shill, etc) it won’t bother me one bit.

Do remember this, I’m not the one kicking up a tantrum because I got in trouble for using swear words in a game, or that I’m being called out and sanctioned for using cuss words in a game nor am I the one who signed/agreed to something (w/o reading/comprehending it) and is now crying on forums how horrible life is or as someone put it :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

Well, banning people for such a simple thing is dumb af, just mute the person instead. Not that hard, blizzard.

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If someone is at the point of being banned in game for toxic chatter, they’ve been reported a boat load of times and have been silenced more than once or they said something very offensive, racist or similar.

Are you there in the locker rooms after the fact? Are there on the car ride home after the losing meet? I doubt it. I however am. AS a PT I see and hear all the ugliness that YOU don’t because it’s kept out of the public eye. Sit down.

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Okay 11 post wonder.

Looking at your post history, it’s clear you’re just a bigoted troll, and not worth my attention beyond saying that.

If you’re a PT, whoever you work with deserves better.

LOl nice red herring. But you did nothing to refute my obviously superior point. Good-bye.

No. My BF made an account to play with me just last week. Said"EZ" at the end of a match and got permabanned.

So you’re claiming superiority over others because you, in your own perception of yourself, are better than others because you pretend to be nice.?