Patch Notes July 9

Just right when i’m starting to queue for flex. I guess this is an aweful but winning patch for me?

Yea I noticed, I’m just discombobulated.


This season will be miserable, like season 1 was. Good luck for supports and dps, I guess.

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BoB crit reduction I can live with but why unboopable???
I am an ardent supporter of Cowboy being nerfed into oblivion, but that baby Pharah nerf paired with the top performing ranged hitscan getting his range reduced is a terrible twosome. Legit, awful.

The tank changes are… A mixed bag? I don’t like the DPS passive nerf vs Tanks, it reinforces that the Tank is the primary focus of shutting down or enabling teams. Like as Support it makes the game more keep your tank up longer than they can to win, with several receiving buffs to their self mitigation/self heals I don’t particularly like the idea of just more healing efficacy.

I hate that Illari change, I need that notification to know I’m essentially solo-healing and need to position more defensively while juggling allies more efficiently since she just has her beam which can’t really be relied on like Pylon. I get adding it as an option, but default opting me in is booty.

Player surveys should’ve been implemented back in like s3 when everyone was dogging on the matchmaker. I really wonder what data they expect to get or want to get from it.

I don’t know how I feel about Low Health displaying healthbars, personally I feel like it’ll be more clutter unless you’re burst damage? Like my 20 damage Barbie Blaster can finish of crit HP enemies, but Low??? Mmmm. Nah like Illari’s that should be a toggle option.

I’m not a fan based on the notes, I’ll probably play a few games to solidify my opinion or change my mind, but it’s looking like a season I don’t even hit 40 on rn.

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Also, no Illari nerfs, despite she is overperforming with 55% win rate. No Sojourn buffs. Bob is a tank now. What are the devs doing?

Also, a nerf for Zen???

Zen got minorly buffed.


Mauga has better lifesteal than a DPS now. That should really be all I NEED to say, but oh-ho I’ve got plenty more.

The fact that DPS heros might as well be throwing paper balls at tanks now that their ONE big advantage literally got neutered by half.

These devs do not give a flying rats backside about this game doing well. NOTHING has changed about the core gameplay loop for tanks, counterwatch will just get even worse. And now DPS and supports have even MORE powerful tanks to deal with.

You people just…christ on a motorbike, I wouldn’t cry a single bloody tear if all of team 4 got fired. TODAY.

They deserve NOTHING less for this trash.


I need to see samitos justified rage at this he is gonna feel so vindicated.


Oh boy, Mauga and JQ are going to make a mess of the rest of the season…

I was on the fence before, but screw it. I am ALL aboard his ‘praying for Overwatchs downfall’ train. They don’t know their heads from holes in the ground. they have NOTHING better to offer than gigabuffing tanks because that’s all their limited comprehension of their own game can even manage to come up with.

I would sooner trust a team of devs from freaking ELECTRONIC ARTS to handle this.


Im guessing the idea here is to swing the pendulum so far in the other direction that you can then have nerfs after to bring it more in line but the problem is it STILL doesnt fix the actual biggest problem with tanks which is that playing it is still counterswap simulator.

Update: just tried playing tank. Got FP against 2 flyers, a mercy, and a zarya. Still a miserable game.

Tried playing OQ so I wouldn’t be trapped against flyers but cancelled after 5+ mins.

What are you doing Blizzard.

  1. mythic weapons - I saw this coming the moment prisms were introduced. Guaranteed Blizz will release more, and charge more, while at the same time reducing prisms rewards to milk more money out of players.

  2. tank buffs - just insane and before this season is over, dps will complain they are irrelevant again

Lucio mains in shambles.

I’m excited on these huge tanks buffs.

I thought more power than other roles give the players more responsibility and stress. Also, lower skill floor with so many passives(just like helicopter parents) make them just bland, unfun to play.

But their answer is even more power and even lower skill floor. I wanna see if it could solve the shortage of tanks.

GG, they made open queue even worse with these buffs, now I’ll lose even more games when my teammates are getting diffed or if they play dps! yay!

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Thanks. I misread. I was getting nuts…

Hog got giga buffs there. He was already the best tank, and now he’s getting only 10% of the dps passive + 25% headshot reduction.

What makes no sense to me is why they made open queue 5v5 when the only reason they changed to 5v5 for role lock was queue times. So dumb.


I like this change. I have not really liked playing D.Va since Blizzard altered Defense Matrix to a resource instead of a cool down. I am old school, what can I say. I have never thought of Defense Matrix having the same impact as it used to. With this buff I may play D.Va more often now, as I think she can front line just a little longer with the addition of still being mobile to chase and bully.

I like the change, but it’s not what I was hoping for. Doomfist is still probably, in my opinion, the most fun tank to play. Allowing him a greater advantage for playing into grouped enemies is great, but he still has the glaring weakness that crowd control deletes him before it can wear off because his cool downs don’t sync like I feel they should. The change Blizzard made to his Rocket Punch a when Overwatch the DLCeequal came out, by reducing his cool down by one second is still the best feeling Doomfist I have played. Ya ya, I know, the 3 people who break Doomfist when playing him were at a huge advantage in their games. Still, not a bad change.

Another one of the “fun” tanks. My take before playing the patch, this is almost a nothing change really. 25 additional overhealth in the game right now, because it’s not armor, and on a long cool down, will be insignificant. Since math is involved on the extra self healing modifier I will have to play and feel it before I can tell how good of a change this is.

I like this change. I don’t like Overrun as a skill, but it did feel lackluster. Felt like I would use it mainly to position for Ultimate, but outside of that, it was a death button. It may make his charge feel more impactful and lead to a larger space gap being present with the fear of getting hit…maybe.

Cardiac Overdrive felt good as long as you were attacking a single or dual targets. Now with the increase in overall lifesteal it may feel better in a 5v5 team fight, but not too sure, and I don’t play much Mauga.

This is next to nothing as a buff. Fortify was never really an issue to the counter tank, it’s always been Javelin Spin. The fact it can ignore damage, make her faster, and displace you is the issue. This buff is like placating Orisa because it was a tank overhaul.

I like the extra armor, don’t really see the need for extra damage. By giving him the armor this allows him to play more aggressively in Nemesis Form, without having to block and get healed. Since the ability has unrestricted punch through I can’t fathom why more damage was necessary. But it’s Blizzard so…

Yes to more shield health. Though I won’t be truly happy until it’s back to 2000 like it should be. There was no reason to reduce it in the first place as his barrier was not one of the issues when barriers were reduced to begin with. Damage is high enough in the game, there is zero reason he shouldn’t have the original value.

Charge needed the buff to damage. Another skill that should have never been changed. Only thing I would have altered is;

50 impact damage
200 damage during the Charge, draining as you Charge
50 more impact damage when you hit a wall.

It would allow the skill to deal damage while you are charging. Giving you some damage if a Lifeweaver pulls the target, and lessening the impact of a short Charge. This won’t happen though.

He is not now, nor has he ever been a tank in my eyes. I don’t care what they do to Roadhog. I don’t care about Roadhog players. Bad design, bad character, bad “tank”.

Surprise, surprise, the tank with 2 damage reduction abilities, and overhealth from 1 of them, doesn’t have survival issues. Whoda thunk it.

Making his rock more lethal, another damage change, whatever.

I like the Primal Rage change. Dying in it has always felt bad, and it happens more often now then it ever has. Hopefully this will make it feel better.

Tesla cannon damage change…sure.

The last of “fun” tanks. Reloading his gun change, cool.

I like the Adaptive Shield change, but I don’t see it used the way it looks on paper anyway. Hammond doesn’t frontline…ever, so allowing his team overhealth on a cool down as long as it is, is almost negligible.

These numbers look low, but I can’t deny it, these changes are huge. Zarya thrives on denying the ability for other players to use attack buttons. Since she has 2 Particle Barriers, it increases the total time from 4 to 5 seconds of you not being able to shoot her. That’s a 20% increase in the uptime. Additionally, she can gain more charge on enemies that decide to attack her.

That being said, it will give her a greater amount of leeway on avoidance of things like D.Va bomb, Rip Tire so on and so forth.

Yes, yes, yes, so much yes.

I never knew why it wasn’t the case to begin with. Healing a tank is already reduced Ultimate charge, never understood why the anti healing effect wasn’t also diluted.

Final Thoughts:

I like the patch, and I haven’t said that about anything Blizzard has done in a very, very long time.

I am happy to see changes where they are, and disappointed I didn’t see more for Doomfist.

I would have like to see Reinhardt’s shield go back to 2000, but that’s a personal ask, one that I know people would cry about. Also…give me original Shatter mechanic please, and thank you.

Pretty stoked about seeing how this plays out. I think Zarya will be the winner pre-playing this patch. I would expect to see more D.Va and Ramattra as well, as if there wasn’t already a huge population of them. Though, I guess playing as much Reinhardt as I do, I end up seeing way more Ramattra then average.


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