Patch Notes July 9

Does the forum always explode like this on patch releases? There’s legit been a hundred threads made in the last hour, there’s easily 50 going in the last 30 minutes. Pretty wild.

I think these patch notes feel unique

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Speaking as a tank main, making all tanks raid bosses is a fantastic way to lose whatever tank mains you have left. This patch went the exact opposite direction of what tanks were asking for.

At this point they should just make Tanks immune to all abilities :smiley:

not the only reason…

and you can have OQ in any format…its just no role locking…no reason why it shouldve remained 6v6

I think because it’s pretty clear they just went ‘we buff all tank’ and just did that, without even attempting to think through the ramifications or why people don’t like tank. It’s just lazy and embarrassing.

I am actually going to go against the grain and argue that none of these changes are magically going to make tank more enjoyable. Especially the knockback resistance debuff. I sure do love having my position forcefully removed! It’s just so fun!

I predict that the queue times are resolved for a couple days while we enjoy Optimus Rein and then it is back to business as usual. But I could be wrong, maybe Blizzard has finally done it and tanks become unkillable by reducing a bit more damage on armor. :joy:


I just realised they gigabuffed tank stats across the board and also reduced the healing reduction on them to 10%

this is going to be a very fun season!

Show me anytime in Overwatch history when a game was played for hours on end because things didn’t die, and I will agree with you.

In fact, the proverbial mental monster of release Bridgette, people still played, and won games against the most feared little girl in all of Overwatch.

I don’t understand why people think this will alter the game to a degree where we will all be playing a match for hours on end because tanks live forever.


I don’t know if my calculations are wrong but…

Sigma has his one shot combo back right?


Those mid-season patches keep getting worse every time.

Yuck. I ran into a bajillion Rein’s where i have to shoot the shield to do anything. Figures since there’s a skin to sell.

No you end up just short of 250dmg


Ram also get a stealth nerf it seems. Nemesis is on 11 second cd now

That’s not really against the grain. Buffing tanks like this doesn’t address any of the complains us tank mains had.

Most tank mains actually hate the ‘gigabuffed raidboss’ style tank, so these changes might actually lose them tank players.


Damn right he did, imagine if he could just give himself 300 armour every 8 seconds… He is already basically unkillable now

It’s the Doom buffs for me. The changes to the other tanks don’t mean much, because why would you ever not pick Doom?


That is technically my point. Personally? I prefer being a raid boss. If I am going to get blamed for everything regardless, supe me up, homie. I just do not believe these changes actually do that. Reinhardt is obviously the closest, but even then, if this makes people hate playing against Reinhardt, you already know they fake as hell. Propaganda is not useless.

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Pharah is my favorite DPS.

As such, this was my reaction to the patch.

I get what you’re saying.

Me personally? Even if tanks were 100% balanced, I’d stop playing the role completely if they stay as raid bosses. It takes all of the skill out of the role, and makes it boring.

Blizzard still doesn’t realize the problems with tanks isn’t related to balance at all.