Patch Notes July 9

The radio silence is killing me. No, Alec’s AMA response doesn’t count.


Oh this patch will definitely change something. Every time they buff tanks more people get fed up with the state of the game.

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This is by far the WORST patch i’ve sadly let my eyes see.
So hog, mauga, orisa, zarya, and winston only gets 20 damage slightly faster lmaooo

Yeah… I already barely play because the meta has been complete dog since hog sat in meta. Whoever is keeping Alec at Blizzard is cooked.

As a tank main, this is wild and seems like a miserable season 1-8 again.

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More buffs to tanks (Sigma including), with Cass, and dps passive nerfs.

Akj is going to be mad.

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Garbage patch,stop making the tanks raid bosses and just admit 5v5 is not it.

Also why is Pharah being baby nerfed?


Everyone except Tank players gonna be mad.

Lifeweaver is a cancerous design, needs rework not buffs. y’all are insane

fire the devs and put them in prison


Increasing Matrix duration LOL and also buffing micro missiles, I ain’t playing, nope.


I don’t know the fix but we do need more people wanting to play tank

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It’s Zarya Season 1 and meta all again. It will be awful. Zarya is already oppressive in my games. I don’t want to deal with this crap again…

yeah send 'em all to play tank 'cause at this rate tanks are going to be the only people left playing.

Oh god, what have you done blizzard!!!

You buff every tank and change nothing, it might even be worse to play now…

How much further will you push this before you realise the single tank format is unsustainable.

*Edit, I’m an idiot.

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What the hell are they thinking with the Mauga changes. Do they not understand this hero literally makes all other tanks unfun to play?

It doesn’t matter how much you buff the other tanks if this garbage hero is capable of mowing them down. Relegate him to the sym darkzone.


They nerfed McCree, not buffing him.

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They nerfed him… bruh.

Flats just said he will be a 6v6 defender again. LMAO


nah the duration nerf honestly just impacts the bad players. 40% dmg reduction with 100% lifesteal brings him up to orisa with fortify levels of tankiness.


We’re heading to tanks being raid bosses. This is stupid.

Also, not enough pharah nerfs.

Oops I misread, so befuddled by the tank changes I forgot how to read.

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