Patch notes are up

holy crap this is madness! this new magnetic grenade will be horrible to play against!
This looks like something stupid coming out of a streamer experimental card or april fools…
What were they thinking?
Mccree meta incoming for sure

oh so a homing magnetic grenade isnt cheesy as well?

i would be fine but this just makes cassidy the best hero and havnt we seen enough of that throughout the years. also sombra isnt really the greatest hero atm. of course you have haters for every hero so i guess you’re gonnna enjoy it

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The matchmaker changes look great!

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Yeah, it’s so good for the game that the only really viable DPS left are Cassidy, Ashe and Sojourn… Great for the health of the game to limit the value from high skill ceiling heroes to the point they almost become a throw to play.


Both snipers were wrist slapped, not destroyed. Hanzo lost his storm arrow oneshot against 2 heroes that struggle against him anyways, and Widow lost oneshots in around 4 or 5 sight lines that were either not used (Illios ruins) or completely oppressive (JTown, Havana, Circuit).

Compared to other nerf bat sessions on other less favored heroes, that is nothing.

The cowboy change meanwhile means that immobile heroes are far more attractive to deal with him, like Mei and Sym. Or external mobility heroes like Junkrat, and, again, Sym.

Which is intended, because he was always supposed to be an anti-flanker hero that struggles against extreme close or high range heroes.


I think he’s referring to the Tracer nerf.

Honestly, bout time but I also don’t have any hope for it to stick. Tracer is the golden child of OW, and rarely does nerfs stick on her.


killed reaper, no genji changes, tracer buff/fix, mei buff, cass giga buff
man, i am SO glad i quit this game, have fun in hell boys.

I like most of what I see. The Tracer nerf is a bit concerning.

aaaaand still no kiriko tp fix

This took a backseat because fanservice.

I cannot believe one fugging skin is getting all the attention in the midst if CC additions and uncalled for nerfs among a filler season patch…

Ya… so that’s not true at all?..

Half the server and activity is literally on Mercy’s new skin.

“Is it free?”
“I cannot believe its happening!”
“She’s so CYOOT!”
“Nerf Mercy now.”

Yaa… it doesn’t look like “half the server”, whatever that means.

You looked through the list of topics?

There’s, what, maybe three or four on-going conversations about it, alongside complaints and concerns and opinions on all the other changes.

I don’t know what forum you’re looking at man but it’s time to stop freaking out over something not worth freaking out over.

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Safe to assume thats never coming to overwatch. a lot of console games still dont have it and ftr they run like crap on ps4 and xbox one anyway with noticeable input lag

I was asleep. This is going to be terrible. Bloody slow meta with Life Weaver now being forced into playability. And Grip becoming more common. Who the hell is going to want to play tank in any capacity?

Top500, GM, some in Masters. She has something like a 15% pickrate there. And whilst a lot of it is due to Widow. A lot is because she’s just too powerful atm. I don’t think spread was the right thing to nerf.

Was at least 10. Stun plus headshot would kill Tracer, and headshots did 140.

If you think that:

  1. These are the highest skill ceiling heroes
    Or that
  2. they are going to really notice these changes.

You are lying to yourself.

It depends. The wording is weird, with regard to it seeming like he has to be within 1.5 m of the hero he uses it on, but honestly a few parts of the patch notes were so unclear that it’s likely another bad explanation. If so, he’s going to be even more annoying to go against and the damage is far too high on the ability for that effect. Crazy.

Can’t have him out of the meta (even if he’s still one of the top DPS picks) for more than a season without making him even more obnoxious, it seems.

If we get more cree, then it’ll just be back to business as usual, but I also don’t see widow or hanzo falling off all that much with the visualisation of widow’s change and nothing truly meaningful happening to hanzo beyond QOL for his enemies.

Funnily enough, the 3 main examples will still be problematic. Sure, she can’t snipe you out of spawn now. But the instant you get around that corner for that incredibly long sightline which each of these maps have with the incredibly difficult to push high ground and little to no cover, she’s going to be dominating just the same.

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I have to say, I wasn’t shocked yet was still disappointed to see that all they did was the hitbox reduction and stat buffs for him. And as it stands, the changes won’t be enough. He needs his problems fixing, not to have his numbers increased. All that’ll do is make him annoying to play against and boring to play. …ok, I guess that is the standard for OW2. Bland but annoying.

Next season appears to be a bust already. Even the cinematic we’ll finally get is for the most bland character in the game lmao.

Perhaps the Tiny Tina’s Wonderland rip off will be fun for a bit longer than 10 minutes this time, however.

He got I think 8 straight buffs with one mild nerf, and another that effectively doesn’t change him. I’d be surprised if this doesn’t make him ‘playable’.

Yup. Give life grip F to accept and give him a rework to make him less clunky.

And horrible to play with.

Glad I wasn’t the only one noticing that it just seemed… Completely void of life. Literally as if the script was written by chatgpt or something similar.

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OW2 in a phrase.

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