Patch notes are up

That would be a cool concept at least, giving hog the ability to just at cleanse part of the anti-nade.

Oh, no I meant Tracer should treat Cass like old Cass when dueling him now after this patch. The spread is definitely a problem, but Blizzard says they’ll be keeping an eye on her damage.

No native Mac support either.

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Can this please make Lifeweaver the size of a support already

I’m still trying to wrap my head around Cassidy change

No longer max range 10??? So it can travel further?

How far does the throw itself go?

And how long does debuff last (not mentioned)

I am a Tracer main and what you’ve said is exactly how I feel: like time I’m putting into getting better at the character is constantly getting nullified to cater to a bunch of people who have never bothered to learn a bit of aiming and situational awareness skills. This game is rapidly becoming a complete joke when it comes to balancing.


This, WHO even complained about Tracer?

I was like what? Why?


It feels like the initial travel is 1.5 meter but the moment it tracks someone, that person has 1 second to run and get cover as the mag nade follows them.

So if it locks to a tracer and she blinks, that mag nade will follow them for 1 second.

I’m guessing this applies to Sym tele as well, where if it locks to you and you tele, the mag nade follows you for 1 second until it either disappear or fizzles out.

Could be better than what we have for mag right now. Will have to test to find out. Mag had a huge range and this is only 1.5. Could be better than old stun because it gives a chance for flankers to fight back, or might be flat out oppressive.

I would say that they need to reduce the damage a little, prob 50 instead of 80.

i was excited to come back to the game thanks to the snipers nerf and then i read about the completely random and UNNECESSARY Reaper/Moira nerf…
When will this madness stop?

That’s not how I read it though…it’ll latch on to someone within 1.5 meters on it doesn’t mean it only travels 1.5 (or maybe it does)

Why I was asking how far it actually goes


Nvm it actually literally has no max range (first minute below)

It’ll come down to how fast the mag nade is.

I assume that if it locks to tracer and she keeps blinking, the nade will keep following her until it hits another object or time runs out.

Edit: Oh wow, I actually guess right?

I actually like that new Grenade haha.

ok i see the sombra interaction now…yea hes a bit better against her depending on health. usually when a cassidy has stuck me i translocate instantly but now… i cant so basically he can just tap me to death. yea, kind of crazy heh. i’ll probably really start to hate the dude more than hanzo which right now is a hero that is pretty annoying

They nerfed reaper.

Mccuse me?

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Pulse Pistols

Spread increased by 15%.

Developer Comment: We uncovered a bug that was setting Tracer’s maximum weapon spread smaller than intended. We’ll be monitoring the results of this one closely, as fixing it may have a significant impact on her overall effectiveness.

This is just to take her out of OWL’s meta.


its just a grenade now, that doesnt auto-explode after a fixed distance.
basically like widows venom mine. it also has a 1.5m radius where it can locate enemies, and then attempt to stick to them for 1s. if they outspeed it, teleport, etc before they get stuck, or it cant stick within 1s, it will detonate itself.

That’s how I interpreted it. It will have a latch on range for 1.5 meters and will follow you (no max range) for an additional 1 sec.

Old Stun Nade: Stuns you for 1.5 sec, non-homing, does 5 damage(?, don’t remember)
Current Grenade: Homing, 10-13 max meters, 60-120 damage.
Next patch nade: Homing, 1.5 max meter, follow indefinitely for 1 second if attached, slow effect, stops movement ability for 1 second.

Lmao, bye bye get-out-of-jail-free card :wave: :wave:

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