Patch notes are up

‘Cassidy isn’t the top DPS, what do we do?!’
‘Nerf Reaper and Moira to make him counter them, give him infinite range on grenade, nerf Tracer and make grenade counter recall, give the grenade as much slow as Mei’s initial left click’
‘But what about the complaints?’
‘Don’t worry, Lifeguard Mercy will keep them quiet’

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[curls mustache]
“And keep us from drowning in money”
[evil hue-hues ensue]

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Nothing we haven’t heard a million times already every single Season and every single Season it gets worse.
Matchmaker is in the worst state it has ever been, so don’t expect anything to change.

My favorite change is “Groups who are different sizes by wide margins will prioritize putting them against the same people” so basically hopefully I don’t have to help 2 diamond/masters players carry gold jimmy716 in my freaking diamond lobbies.

I mean that’s the thing; it could make him playable, but it doesn’t deal with the issues he has. Only thing that was really addressed was how easy he is to kill and I suspect that really wasn’t enough, because 10% of the petals alone is nothing - he himself is still bigger than all other 200 HP heroes. On top of that, he’s just plain clunky and unintuitive to play as.

I really don’t agree life grip is the problem outside of low ranks, tbh.

Yes, because he’s so underwhelming. Rather have a mercy lol.

Yeah, this is the issue I keep having each season - it depresses me. This game doesn’t feel like Overwatch yet I still keep coming back to not have any fun. I could win 10 games in a row and not have fun because so many instances in-game feel frustrating and most of those wins were steamrolls because matchmaking and I know for a fact that my next session will be the reverse anyway.

Exactly why I put it in apostrophe’s.


I’ve played with gm life weavers and am currently masters. It isn’t that they’ll always misuse it. The problem is it ruins player autonomy and makes the Life Weaver into the team master where no one else gets to control themselves if he thinks he deserves to.

It’s terribly unfun to play with and is why I’ve not really touched tank over season 4, and sure as hell won’t be touching it until it gets f to accept. I want to make my own decisions, not sit there and be a dog on a leash for someone else.

Because he ruins player agency.

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I think everyone is just tired at this point. We need a collective forum nap before we go :orangutan: :poop: on the patch notes.

Honestly, I feel that. Had that a fair few times across ranks.

Rather have a Mercy because his power is so much lower and he doesn’t enable aggression as well, even with Life Grip; better to be offensive than defensive with utility.

Been playing on my offroles, and whilst it feels worse in plat and diamond, because well they make more mistakes and misuse it more. It doesn’t magically fix itself by players being ‘good’ as people keep trying to tell me.

The funny part is his concept is to enable aggression. But since it’s purely reactive it doesn’t really in practice. F to accept would help it actually serve this purpose since people would be able to be more aggressive than normal, treating it like Reaper Wraith but on steroids.

But instead it’s just “You look like you’ll be in trouble vaguely in the future, you are coming back now.”

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