Patch 1.34 [Speculation Time]

Nerf Zarya’s damage
Buff Mercy’s HPS to 55
Put through the buffs to beam heroes vs Armor (Winston buff mainly)
Buff Junk a bit
Buff Pharah a bit
Nerf Shatter

Hmm. Maybe they could combine that with a damage nerf so she gets significantly worse against squishies but not as much worse against tanks.

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Zarya is fine. You just need target focus to burn her quickly. She is the squishiest of the tanks.

I’ll make sure to inform the OWL players.

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Tbh I think Dva and Orisa are a lot easier to take out than Zarya.

Brigitte flail no longer goes through barriers.
Some nerf to rally.
Tomb victory pose added for her.

Reaper lifesteal is now 100%.

A nerf to Mercy, because why not?

Those are my speculations.

What i want? Happy squid is hero 30.

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Here are some proposals (to be considered together or separately, they are random ideas)

  • I think it’s necessary to nerf the energy accumulated by Zarya in time (or a restoration of his last buff). Or a nerf in her damage splash.
  • a skill very similar to the old globes of Symmetra, a slow, predictable projectile, but which pierces shields and adversaries. (for hero 30?)
  • a slight buff to symmetra: teleporter faster to summon? faster projectiles (including turrets)? Do not let Torbjorn Turret and bob reveal the Sym Turrets automatically?
  • a slight junkrat buff: greater distance for grenades? restoration of the speed of the ultimate?
  • balance the doomfist ulti, it is too predictable and paradoxically the rocket punch is more dangerous than the ulti. less volume while deciding the target? or a slight rework on its execution?
  • Orisa Buff: interface indicating the duration of the active barrier? ( invulnerability in fortification (no damage fire? More armor?)?
  • Including in the UI the fellow interface you have in junkerstein events and archives, it is useful to coordinate with your teammates. (

Interesting, I actually thought Zarya might get her damage reduced vs armour to bring her back inline with where her damage was against armoured targets before the changes.

I mean part of the goal (we assume) is to break up 3/3, Zarya is already in the DPS slot in 3/3 so improving her damage against armour would solidify her as a better pick than other characters in a mirror match.

If they reduce her damage vs armour then it might be more reasonable to take an actual DPS in the DPS slot.



  • 300% lifesteal
  • can now FtH

Developer comments: We found that Reaper was sometimes still dying.


Well as you said we know Genji isn’t up for changes, probably for quite a while considering Jeff also said Genji wasn’t a balance problem on October 2017 as well as now.

But if they want to go the route of immediately slaughtering GOATS with no remorse:

Doom/Junkrat Buffs
Lucio/Zen/Zarya/Rein Nerfs
New hero has a new form of anti-heal and slowing effect

Yeah, so I can imagine them using the new tech to buff Winston’s Tesla cannon so that it’s DPS matches or exceeds melee weaving.

I would assume that same tech would be used to set Zarya’s damage lower vs armour but keep the feel of her gun the same.

  • Brigitte can no longer be selected in the hero screen
  • Guardian Angel cooldown increased to 5 seconds

Developer comments: Our statistics showed people still plays Brigitte. As for Mercy we needed to do some random nerf just in case


Based on their balancing pattern so far though, they seem to hate armor a lot want want to kill it dead.

guess it already worked

The armour changes were more about the characters they positively affected than they were about nerfing the tanks.

Characters that received the most benefit from the armour changes were largely struggling while beneficiaries of armour were ruling the character select screen.

I think Zarya is an unintended benefactor of the armour changes and will be receiving a nerf to compensate (not to mention her prominence in 3/3).

  • Delete Doomfist

** Developer comment** : He was overpowered

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i think a good change would be to make zarya need 3 full bubbles to reach max charge. each bubble charges 33 or 35 dmg to compensate for the decay. would be nice to see some changes to the competitive mode and social features

In before the ‘mysterious feature’ is something which mostly benefits OWL and/or its viewers :stuck_out_tongue:, or those above or at diamond.

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Buffs= Pharah, Doomfist, Roadhog, Orisa,
Nerfs = Ana, Brig forever, Zarya, Lucio

Hero 30, no guesses.

Joking about the Doomfist buffs btw