Patch 1.34 [Speculation Time]

Zarya and Lucio nerfs
Probably DPS buffs
Hero 30 release

Then some surprise, but hero 30 might be enough!

No character specifically needs a nerf in goats

Maybe zaryas dmg but thats it

It just needs counters! New heroes with abilities that counter the comp

Hero 30, time dependent.

We’ll then most likely see something done to core GOATS characters, such as Zarya or Lucio, or another Brig nerf.

Maybe some Sym buffs?

i expect them to buff junk or pharah, or maybe even bastion (insert sigh)
because they seem to be hell bent on patching goats out of existence.
theyve tried nerfing goats heroes, and started buffing counters like reaper.
i think theyll continue buffing counters.
doesnt mean theyll be successful, but that will probably be their agenda.

and there will definitely be some really unforeseen stuff, because thats always the case. something like “reduced spread on widowmakers machine gun” or something, that nobody needs and nobody asked for, and wont change anything.

These are my hopes
New hero: Hakim (Tank)

Slam traveling distance reverted to 15 m.

Junkrat bomb size reverted.
Junkrats bombs now have a faster detonation time after being shot out of the grenade launcher.

Projectile speed increased from 80 to 90
Orisa’s fire rate increased from 12 rps to 15 rps

Winstons tick rate increased (Heard them talk about upping tickrate of heroes including Winston.)

Wrecking Ball
Wrecking ball ammo increase from 80 to 90.
Wreckingballs fire rate increased from 25 to 30.

That was sarcasm dude. The problem with goats starts with lucio’s aura and 750 instant barrier. Zarya will get charge in that comp regardless of what happens. Even if they nerf her to let’s say 150dps at max, it’ll still won’t matter since both teams will run same characters. But if they nerf lucio’s ult+aura it’ll make dps more viable.

I honestly think burst heals and heal stacking should be dealt with in this patch.

I’ve heard complaints of ultimates supposedly being too frequent, but they refuse to see the underlying problem: heal stacking CAUSES ultimate spam.

If nothing is dying due to all the healing, ultimates keep getting charged, and since nothing dies from normal damage, ultimates become the only option.

So: fix the heal stacking dilemma, you also fix ultimate spam.

So I’d say a mechanic being added to make heal-stacking weaker or something to do with the healers by least is in store for next patch.