Patch 1.30 Mercy Buff is fine

With apologies, I disagree with this statement

I care about it, and so do many other Mercy players I have been talking to since the PTR change was announced

With apologies once again, I disagree with this statement

I get value from Valkyrie not just by boosting the damage of my teammates, but also from the chained healing, and in many other ways as well. I have seen other Mercys do the same.

With apologies, I have already explained why this is a buff; and do not see the need to repeat myself

With apologies, I have already explained why this is a partial revert; and do not see the need to repeat myself :kissing_heart:

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I read this whole back-and-forth and want to rip my hair out.

A buff or a nerf can be described as a revert if it counterbalances a previous nerf or buff, respectively.

However, a revert must also be a buff or a nerf unless it does not affect the subject’s power at all.

That is not the case here, as Mercy was obviously made more powerful by these changes. Thus these changes are a buff from her previous live version regardless of her balance history up to that point.

So either these changes are both a buff and a revert, or – in all practical and sensible terms – simply a godamn buff.

she’s had 60 HPS for 2 years,its a partial revert

I find her to be correctly powered (balanced) and very fun to play in her current state

Good for you,many do not

With apologies, I disagree - Valkyrie is earned, and I personally dont think that Mercy should have to earn both

Valk is bad design,contradicts her kit and rez should be an ult (massrez) or part of valk only,and valk should get a redisgn to be more engaging.

Rez is too powerful as an ability which made her a mess and why they had to nerf valk so much

How can you say in the same sentence « crazy strong » and « unnecessary nerf »

I am genuinely wondering…

I dont get that partial revert thing. I havnt been on forums for a while but is it like some sort of inside joke? If a character started out OP does that mean every buff is a partial revert?

Oh mccree used to be able to fth and kill tanks? then this is next buff is just a partial revert and he deserves more.

Hey every nerf Hanzo gets is just a partial revert back to his old state

Its a really weird joke

Tbh Blizz needs to take a good hard look in the mirror about Mercy, because she does way too much now.

No other healer has massive heals combined with so much utility, its nuts. Its one or the other for everyone else, thr fact its not is y shes op.

Either Mercy needs to be a utility support where res and damage boost are the focus, in which case her healing should drop to Zen levels, or she should be pushed towards main healer, and have her utility (mainly res) nerfed.

Personally i would like to see Mercy as an off healer.

Factually, in her most recent past version, she healed 50HPs/s in Valkyrie

Factually, in the current version, she now heals 60HPs/s in Valkyrie

Given that 60 is greater than 50, this is a buff

I agree that many do not, but I am also pointing out that there are a large numbers of folks, myself included, who do like (and even prefer) Mercy in her current state

In my opinion, her design and kit are excellent, working very well together. The movement gained in Valkyrie enhances and enables a number of the other elements of her kit. I personally do not see any contradiction.

In my opinion, mass rez should never have been in the game, and should not ever return to the game. Thankfully, the developers have stated that they concur with this position

I find Valkyrie to be very engaging, fun, effective, and balanced in its current state, so I personally hope that it does not change

I think this is the most important part to consider with your statement. This is an opinion. If you find her great then that’s awesome! That doesn’t mean that everyone else is 100% fine and dandy with the changes however, nor should you speak for everyone else.

As someone who mains Mercy, while I see it as progress, I’m going to have to disagree with you there. I personally don’t think 1.30 is suddenly going to make Mercy “fine.” I believe that there is still work to be done with the hero, and I am looking for more reverts in the future and compensating tweaks for her weaker healing. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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I’m talking about two different moments.

“I’m not talking about when she was crazy strong” -> You know that time when she had instant rez and all after her rework ?

“i’m talking about how she was before her unnecessary nerf last patch” -> Like 2 patch ago where she was just fine and didn’t need the nerf of -10hps while every support were buffed.

By partial revert i just meant by taking in reference the state she was before her nerf in the support patch. The changes they gave us recently just put her back more or less to that state.

I think Moira and Ana have some pretty good tools to challenge that, especially after the support patch.

I think that’s what a lot of people are expecting. From what i’ve seen, people have been complaining about her issue being her rez and not her healing. That’s why people were not happy when her heal was touched instead of her other issues.

But thats still technically a buff. Its just also a partial revert to an earlier stronger state. Like you could say not every change is a partial revert, but every revert is a change. And these changes can be classified into either “buff” or “nerf” based on the outcome

Well, i already talked about that with another person here so i won’t start another discussion that is just in the end a different point of view.

I know that technically, factually, etc that’s a buff because the value went up.

For me, if you’re gonna change something and put it back right after in the next patch, that’s a revert. If you wait 8 patch or so to do so, it’s different imo because a lot might have changed since, her place might be different etc (the whole game might have changed).

Her state is just not that different to how she was previously. Like they nerfed her, they buffed her, in the end it’s still pretty much the same.

The reason i also call it a revert is because i saw absolutely no reason to nerf her at that moment because every support received a buff and i felt like all support were more equal than they were before so it was fine, she didn’t need that.

I see it as a good thing. No more sledge hammer level buffs and nerfs. They nerfed her down a bit realise it wasnt working, will buff her up a bit. Check how it works. Decide next move later. Some real fine tuning

Yeah i know, it just become annoying when your favorite and main hero get modified nearly every patch :confused:

Like, what’s the test branch for x) ?

The thing is tho res cant take many more nerfs, whereas her healing could. Like if Mercy had her healing outside of ultimate brought down to 30 or 40 hps, she would still be picked, because of her utility (damage boost, res).

But theres not much more they can do to res other than lock it behind ult, which would bea much bigger nerf than reducing Mercys healing again, probably so much shed become a d-tier support IMO.

I mean tbf they probably cpuld afford to nerf damage boost to like +25% or +20% damage if they wanted and Mercy could take it.

I understand what theyre doing. Mercy is clearly supposed to be the “pure” support (no hydrid role), so its fair she can do a LITTLE bit of everything. But Mercy doesnt do “a little”"-- she does a lot.

Her healing is hands down the best, because: 1.) its free (no ammo, no resource), 2.) its the longest range (15 m beam, 30 m GA, 45 m effective heal area) and 3.) its easy (autolock).

So even tho heroes like ana and Moira exist, who both can do up to 150 hps without ults, their individual drawbacks means Mercy still beats them for healing done.

And this would be fine and balanced … If she didnt also possess some of the best utility in the game too ie on tap damage boost and literal resurrection.

No other healer is like this. Ana comes close but at all ranks bar the highest, her healing is held back by her aim and ammo requirements. Moira has strong healing but almost no utility. Every other healer is the opposite of Moira: Lots of utility, little heals.

Im sure they could eventually balance Mercy with these continual nerfs so that everything is just “meh”, but I think Mercy would be so much more fun and interesting to play if they emphasized her utility (buff damage boost, buff res) and downplay the healing.

Further, the meta really needs less healing rn w the rise of GOATs

Factually she had 50 HPS at launch
Factually she was buffed to 60 HPS because that was too weak
Factually she was then reworked and OP
Factually she has after 2 years lost her 60 HPS and gotten 50 HPS
Factually she then just now got a partial revert back to 60 HPS
Factually never did i state it was not a buff compared to her previous state. But if you compare her back to far more states before,she’s had 60HPS longer then 50 HPS

So Factually this is a buff AND a partial revert

dont be pedantic , several things can be true at the same time
Dont twist people’s words. I never said it was not a buff.

I do not believe I have twisted any words

Instead, I have (in my opinion) made it clear that this set of two changes to Mercy is factually a buff

i never said it was NOT a buff ,then why do you repeat it to me?
Its ALSO a partial revert

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You should let it go man, i already tried and it went to the same result x)

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