Passives: Every hero should have one!

I like that. For having good aim, it rewards you with health

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I just thought of one for rein. Steadfast (yes this is in reference to the Pokémon ability that does something similar) knockback from all sources and stuns from melee sources (df, shield bash,charge) are reduced to 1/4 or 1/2 knockback and stun time. Long ranged stuns such as earthshatter will still have full effect.


I love this one SO SO much, but I would rename it “Hot Hand”

 and I would make it reduce Flashbang too.


if i recall right some of the heroes have them. allready. brig has her passive healing as long as shes attacking. thats the only one i realy know for sure but i do know thers have them also.

I’ve got a better idea

Ana: Daughter’s Mother

Hoverboots that go up max 2.25 meters. Used to close distance on jumps. Has fuel, but the fuel takes 10 seconds to fully reload. Full tank is emptied in 2 seconds. Has mechanics of hover jet but not anywhere as good.


McCree and Widow - high velocity rounds. Damage to barriers is doubled.


It was a pine pun, but I also like that name.


Just think of how fun it would be when killing slicers in uprising with randos XD

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I got one

Hanzo: Tribalman

Enemies take 5 damage per second for 5 seconds after being hit by an arrow

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Ana- Alchemist

For every 5 hp healed, Ana gets 1 hp back
(15 self healing per shot maximum, does not stack with Biotic Grenade)


I LOVE all the suggestions for Ana because she actually does NEED something like this.

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Hanzo: William Tell

Every hero has an apple on their head and if you hit it with an arrow it’s a one-shot /s



What’s that smell?: After Roadhog uses Take A Breather, he farts leaving behind a toxic cloud of gas for 5 seconds that does damage to enemies standing in it


Might overload some kits but I like the idea of passives on most characters.

What if rein had a passive called momentum redirection. Hammer knockback scales with the speed enemies went when it hit them. Ex waking into a hammer swing would either knock you a little left or right, but if you Swift struck into one you would fly away somewhere because you went in too fast and the passive doesn’t reduce speed or stop it at all.

Symmetra: Light Recharge: only when standing under direct sunlight ammo slowly recharges and shield recovers faster
Seems not too powerful while being lore-related, you know all that solid light shenanigans


Sombra: Tech Scan
-reveals technology through walls (turrets, sym’s ults, translocator, biotic field, etc
) in a large area. When targeting these, Hack can go through walls and has a 1 second cooldown. Hacked enemies are revealed for the duration and allies can see their health bar.
Symmetra: Photon Shield
-grants all allies 25 shields regardless of range. (removed on Sym’s death)
-Sym’s ults are shown to allies and reveal enemies in a small area if attacked.
-Turrets reveal enemies for as long as their beam is connected
Mei: Ice Rink
-Mei slides fast on ground hit by her primary fire.
Doomfist: Offense is the Best Defense
-generates 40 temporary shields when an enemy takes damage from one of his three abilities. Shields start decaying after 5 seconds of inactivity/not taking damage/hitting enemies with abilities
Widowmaker: Widow’s Web
-after grappling to a surface straight above, she stays suspended upside down (release with space/shift to another surface, press W/S to adjust height)
Orisa: All-Terrain-Vehicle
-can walk up walls/celings (release with space) and over small obstacles. Her barrier will also now stick to walls/ceilings.
McCree: Duck and Cover
-cannot be crit/headshot while rolling
Dive Roll
-goes a lot farther if he jumps into his roll
Winston: Ape Agility
-can climb over/up walls
Ana: Transfusion
-heals for 50% of poison damage she deals with Biotic Rifle
-basic attacks pierce allies
Zenyatta: Hover
-cannot be trapped by Junkrat
Reinhardt: Crusader Armor
-takes 75% less damage from all melee hits (including Boosters and Brig’s Flail, but NOT other Rocket Hammers, Dragonblade, and Doomfist’s abilities.)
Emergency Defense
-when Barrier Field is broken, gain 150 armor for 10 seconds (max 150)


McCree: Wild West

  • Combat roll has a healing effect and a movement speed buff of 15% for 2 seconds. No longer reloads his Peacekeeper.
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That would certainly help all those flanking McCrees
since ya know, Deadeye is usually best used when flanking. lol

Doomfist Best defense rework. Doomfist gains 30 barriers per hit and additional 20 for each ability that hits consecutively in the following 3 seconds. 30-50-70 respectively. Hitting shots with handcannon now resets the timer before the decay begins but does not add to the barriers.


Doomfist new passive. Unstoppable. Doomfist’s ult is decreased to 800 points however he can hold up to 1600. By pressing Q when an ability is active it uses ult charge to boost the ability, increasing damage, charge time, movement speed, and slight damage resistance.