Passives: Every hero should have one!

Doomfist armor is already a passive.

Reread it. I said armor he gains if he eliminates the target becomes permanent instead of decaying. Gives him a bit more sustainability.


  • Always Watching: Sombra cannot receive any additional changes.


  • The ordre through chaos: By using damaging someone with her left click, Symmetra can change the priority of turrets.


  • Engineer: While out of combat and still having some armor points left, Torbjorn will regenerate armor to 75 armor.


  • The eye of Horus: People affected by the biotic grenade or the biotic rifle can be seen through walls.


  • Creeping chill: When hitting a surface with her weapon, a patch of ice will emerge from the surface and slowly freeze ennemies near it.


  • Helping hands: When overhealed, Moira will regenerate a small portion of her left-click ressources.


Smashing Tranquility

Every time Zen touches an enemy in his Trance the enemy gets knocked down

every hero should have a passive. kinda weird that some do and some dont o-o

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So many great ideas, and easy ways to fix current issues. Yet, Blizz is to lazy to do this, ehhhhhhhhhā€¦ so disappointed.

  • Mei can freeze environment and shields. Using it on the ground will give her and allied heroes speed bonus (ice slide like), using it on the wall will prevent enemies from climbing. Using it on the shields will cause debuff which makes shields destroy at faster rate (just idea, that way Blizz can more tanky to balance it, Mei comes to metaā€¦ probably).

Blizzard doesnā€™t want to improve Meiā€™s mobility. So, i do prefer a passive who improve her ability to disable opponent (Especially mobile one since theyā€™ll likely move onto the freezing surface).