LOL, didn’t even notice the date…
honestly, putting the polish flag there is indefensible
probably because nobody casually referenced war crimes up until an hour ago?
It has no relevance to whether the flag of Palestine - a pretender country which has never existed before in history as an independent polity - has a place alongside the flags and banners of actual sovereign nations.
So you’re basically taking the Biblical “sins of the fathers” argument and applying it to entire peoples? The atrocities which happened at any given point in time were the works of individuals: those who organized and planned, those who carried out, and those who enabled. Those individuals, and no one else, are responsible for their own actions.
Do they?
I just use it as a representive sign of where I’m from, and I don’t give a damn about what others say.
I don’t think Kosovo is in overwatch and I have some friends from there. yeah its a real bummer but what can you do when politics is in the way of progress
Palestine is a non-member state recognised by the UN.
By the way, flags were added as a reference to the Olympics. Palestine takes part in the Olympics, so their flag can be in the game just fine.
Why should the flag of a modern rogue state be included into the game?
I guess the same question would be really a no brainer if somebody wanted to include North Korea, or the Iran.
Well Iran is complying with international laws (though 45 claims they don’t), unlike Israel sooooo, if anything Israel is a rogue state, not Iran.
The only other “observer” entity in the UN is the Holy See, and I don’t think Pope Francis would like First Person Shooters too much…
We’re getting off-topic, the person who posted this thread DIDN’T want things to get political and have this turn into an argument.
I think it would be good to STOP arguing politics and get back to the topic.
I’d like to see a Palestinian flag player icon.
dude are you serious? … go and get an education
i guess you know very well that i can debate you with multiple details here, but its OW forum
you simply posted flag of Poland and Germany and that looks like Poland ran Aushwitz, then you post link to a terribly misleading article
simply edit the post
You can not have discussion on a political subject that is not political. Like I said, USA doesn’t recognize Palestine, and their government is pretty strict about companies following their politics. They probably are not allowed to use country flags that are on USA’s “black list” either. Companies can’t do bussiness in those countries, that’s certain.
Don’t really get what you’re getting at? Nothing is black and white in a war … but Poles were never na*zists
The whole point wasn’t to argue politics, it was asking for a Palestinian flag icon.
Also, you don’t speak for other countries.
yea history is messy - lies about Jedwabne and your post are an perfect example of that - like i said, i know many details on this topic
yea, and what is wrong with that law?
like i said do you know details of those events to spill such things in forum about a GAME?
media like BBC are in dark and repeat what they heard… what do BBC journalist know about how law operate in PL?
they know nothing, and even citing that law they twist its meaning
I don’t get you either. Blizzard would 99% like to add Palestinian flag. Why not? They’re company, they don’t care about politics … but their government does …
And what do you expect israelis to do I wonder? Just sit tight and watch palestinian attacking their country? “Oh, well, go on boiz, keep it up, just kill more people, nothing wrong with it, we are just in UN, u know, resolutions and other stuff”
hehe you know 0 (zero) details on subject you are pushing… absolute ZERO knowledge and pure ignorance
where sould i start - OK, ill start with full detailed list od ALL aushwitz guards
find me even ONE (1) polish guard
I remember Blizzard mentioned they need to go through a lot of obstacles to get certain flags in the game.