yes, this was preety recent case with removed player icon flag
but things like flags are something like ‘public’ property and they cant copyright them as part of OW game
they could get sued
I kinda find it absurd that using public/national symbols could cause legal issues. Think about how many commercial websites use flags for localization, or sport games.
I mean, let’s get a Syrian and North Korean flag because why not right?
if you want to claim that sort of symbol as your own, like big corpos like to do (to protect their rights)… then they cant use originals, they would have to bring before court differences between their product and flag that is alvalible everywhere
they must modify it, so lawyers that are in copyright buisness could give it a green light
And what do you expect Palestinians to do I wonder ? Just sit tight and watch Israel attack their country ? “Oh, well, go on boiz, keep it up, just take all of our land and kill our children, nothing wrong with it, you are just violating over 60 UN resolutions and other stuff.”
Putting the Palestine flag in the game would be a political statement, like it or not. So of course the discussion about this issue includes surprinsingly politics.
i agree with u but some ‘‘legal resons’’ i think they will not add it idk
i feel like palestin is a country so it should be a flag so i hope they will do it
they wont do it …
this is flag of Taipei in OW world cup
this is real flag of Taipei
knowing about US population, relations with israel and other stuff, there is no chance for Palestine flag in OW
sadly this conflict is still going on and it doesnt look like it will end, because recent events only fuelled it (i mean border and recent settling)
the question blizz had to ask it self is
- should we avoid conflicts like that, by not adding flags of countries
- should we add flags only from oficial UN list
- should we piss off big demographics inside US
but honestly - i dont believe they will add Palestine flag, because potential of selling their products is much much bigger in China than in Tibet… the same goes for middle east
Don’t be so passimistic.
I’m sure Trump will be able to wrap this up over the next 6 years.
i will be honest - there is no even slightest chance for that
Never say never grasshopper.
The reality we’re living in is often stranger then fiction.
Well, not funding the UNWRA any longer was indeed a good and important move by Mr. Trump.
This thread has derailed hard, now people are talking about a lunatic solving a century old conflict the greatest minds couldn’t solve…
Yeah, now kids in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan won’t go to school. They’ll join terror groups instead. What a progress.
Believe it or not - it is.
Having the U.N take care of them for decades on end meant Lebanon and Jordan could just let the situation remain as is.
Now its a problem that they will HAVE to deal with, because it would explode in their faces otherwise.
UNRWA isn’t part of the solution - its a method of perpetuating the problem.
It allowed Palestinian “refugees” to remain refugees several generation’s later - unlike every other group of refugees in the world.
Removing this agency will help prevent this from continuing.
Except it will only lead to disasters, because neither Israel or the US are going to enable the creation of an actual Palestinian state, not to say they will completely prevent it.
The US are the primary cause of why this issue isn’t solved. They’ve pumped billions of $$$ in Israel to develop it fast, make it a strong military power. In the mean time they have vetoed any resolution from the UN that would have sanctioned Israel for its crimes or helped the creation and recognition of a Palestinian state.
Israel is a like a criminal, son of some bigwig, and the US (the bigwig) give them weapons and protection from the law.
Removing the veto right from UNSC members would do far more than removing the UNRWA.
are you aware that it would open the worst kind of pandora box? besides, veto in UN is one of USA levers on world system… that US provide protection for
now, i think this topic should be closed untill its (i must admit) preety civil
lets talk Overwatch, we all know whats the deal in middle east, but we cant do anything about it here on this forums
The US right now only provide protection to themselves and Israel. They treat everyone else as enemies. Well not quite, on one hand they want their NATO allies to basically serve them, on the other hand, they go on a full scale economic war with said allies.
The US hegemony needs to stop. One way or another.
no mate, you are wrong - this is not genue representation of what is going on
oversimplified and wrong
read Mackinder or somethin
Show me where and why I’m wrong, instead of spouting “No you are wrong.”
every single sentence here
you know very well that throwing such labels is not fair, nor correct