Paladins vs Overwatch 2019

That’s what makes paladins more fun.

That’s part of why Overwatch is so boring, healers are so strong that almost nobody dies unless you have insane burst or an ultimate.

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The kit designs in Paladins are significantly more fun to use in my opinion.

That and Siege is an excellently designed game mode that I wish was implemented in more games.



Ok let’s all agree right here there is one thing that puts Paladin’s over the top.

“I will not die, not yet amigo!”


“This is a hot team! It is like a normal team, but with me in it!”


“Once more i RIIIISEEEE!!”


Step into the light… AND PERISH!


I love the ults in Paladins. They are so out there. Oh and the chicken ult, i laugh every time.

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It’s all fun and games until your team’s Pip saves the enemy with his ult.


Pip is Lucio in dog form.

I’m biased on this because I uninstalled Overwatch recently while still playing Paladins. Overwatch has days where it’s just not fun. In Paladins, I barely feel any frustrations whether it’s casual or ranked. You can customize your champion to fit one of 3 play styles. They also patch almost every month with various fixes and changes. They promised patches every month this year with an emphasis on bug fixes. Liking how Paladins is sounding at the moment.


Here’s the thing: I play Overwatch more than Paladins because I enjoy Blizzard’s polish. They just have a way with designing systems that is unmatched by others. As others mentioned, the way the weapons feel and characters move is just so…organic and makes you immersed.

Paladins has the superior characters, customization, and fun factor. You can customize your characters’ abilities and play style. It would be like in Overwatch if your favorite thing about Mei was her ice wall and ice block being able to customize her so those are the main focus of her kit. Or if you enjoy Mercy but like Battle Mercy and make her do better dps at the cost of less healing. You can do that in Paladins. And it’s fun. You’re less salty because if you screw up you wonder how you could customize your character better next time or learn to play them more instead of hating the kit the devs give you.

Paladins also provides more lore, better aesthetics in terms of skin differences + actually making the skins feel different.

If Paladins could somehow get up to Blizzard’s level of polish, I’d uninstall Overwatch and never look back.


I love Jenos so much. I play him more on console than PC tho, for some reason he feels better to play on my Switch/ps4.

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I honestly feel like the healers in Paladins are very diverse, and you can balance out DPSing and healing easier, especially thanks to being able to create loadouts.

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I miss on launch Jenos. So much healing xD

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Ow is better in almost every way, esp with high mobility heroes, because the controls are so much better.

Paladins does 2 things way better than OW however:

#1) You can customize your hero loadout …CONSIDERABLY. Think perks in COD taken to another level. This leads to a fun environment that reminds me of Wow arena where you have to figure out your opponent’s build at the start of a fight, and work to counter it. This also leads to…

#2) Heroes are way more self-determining and self-sustaining. Not only do you have the COD-style heal-up-out-of-combat for everyone, but being able to customize loadouts also gives you tactical opportunities and advantages. The bottom line is, its way easier to carry games when popping off, and there are very few interactions of the “hard counter” variety, like in OW when Winston gets on Genji or Doom gets on Ana. Its more fun to play because of this, you feel like you impact the match more as a individual when you deserve to, and you are less reliant on your team.

But the actual gameplay is just so buggy with wonky controls and wonky feedback and wonky UI. The FOV is nice, however.

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I wasn’t there for launch so I don’t remember that lol. But I do love me some Jenos. :heart: I love Ying, too, but I’m super upset that they chose to remove the “Lifelike” talent. :frowning:

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Which one was lifelike again?
tfw 200 hours in Paladins but don’t know names of things dkdkdk

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Healed 2 people at once at the cost of 20% less healing than if it were one beam. I wish they had just put “Focusing Lense” (if all 5 bullets hit 1 person extra dmg is added) in her base kit like they did when they removed one of Jenos’s and Seris’s talents.

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I came to Overwatch from Paladins and do prefer Overwatch overall, mainly due to the hero roster, game engine and overall polish of the game. Oh and the absence of the card system, which I was never a fan of.

I didn’t like that one much tbh, I like the new one where shatter is replaced with burst healing