Paladins vs Overwatch 2019

That’s the one I use now, since I have everything optimized for pumping out as much heals as possible lol.

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The skins are amazing.
Honestly playing amerikhan with his own voice lines and ult voice lines makes the game special for me

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to be fair life exchange is a straight upgrade. It heals more and on demand.
It basically covers ying weakness, the fact tht you cant choose who to heal.

The only thing that keeps me away from paladins is the overall design. It just looks not so good as OW… in every other part… paladins is better than OW. And that comes from a person that hated paladins… but since then… Paladino moved forward and OW… not.

Paladins have more heroes than OW but even if they did had less they’d still have more because of the amount of playstyles you can have with each hero. Some heroes there can be build into 4 freaking different classes lol


It only heals the person already being targeted, iirc

Life exchange is a separate heal from the illusions.
It functions as a hitscan burst for 800 healing from Ying herself.

I would say it’s exactly the opposite. I think they have communicated changes better with community and they have actually made balance changes based on what community thinks. Here it seems that there is slowly increasing disconnect between players/devs.

But i can agree with everything else you say. And yes, Overwatch community is unfortunately much worse. Paladins community is super reasonable compared to OW community, even at their most toxic. :slightly_frowning_face:

Huh? Last time i checked, Paladins community was talking about Burst Damage being meta. Have i missed something in last two days? I’m confused.


Paladins is actually kinda meh. If you haven’t ever played it, you might actually like it since you’d be having a much easier time there. Extra closed maps, huge hitboxes, etc.
Though it feels kinda cheap at this point.

100% agree. For everyone that doesnt know. Paladins every month gets what they call a “patch preview” which basically shows of all thats new in the coming patch. Its usually a 1 hr live stream where multiple developers show off maybe a new hero/map, some new skins, maybe a new event, and have a whole section dedicated to balance updates and changes. They show each new thing in client. So when they are talking about the new map they actually show gameplay in the background on the new map. When they are talking about a new hero they show footage of the new hero in action. When they show skins they show the artwork first and then the rendered model in game with all the new effects each skin gets. They even feature a community segment where they show off community art and such.

Whats the comparison in overwatch. A 10 minute dev update every 3 months, with no actual footage of whats being discussed, we just watch jeff talk. No balance changes are discussed unless its something major like a rework. No community discussion segment to bridge the disconnect between the community and the devs and show they are listening to our feedback. No different developers, just jeff, to share different views/stories etc. I would love to hear reasons for specific balance changes and their ideas going forward. I would love to get michael chu on to talk about the lore and how its going to progress but instead we are all just left in the dark.

Pathetic that a AAA company like Bizzard are this disconnected from their community while a much smaller team manage to shadow them.


Ah, okay. Thank you. :slight_smile:

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yeah i hate getting stopped cold through my khan shield while holding the point

paladins had a serious problem of burst meta, it was due to how easy it was to circumvent heals, so characters were deleted uber fast from the start.
NOTE: in paladins you can buy an item during matches called Cauterize. It comes in 3 levels and progressively reduces the healing received by whoever you are shooting. It’s needed to counterbalance the far higher heals that paladins supports are capable of and is balanced.
The game handed loadout cards (stuff separated from items) that gave cauterize 3 from the get go, completely breaking the item shop.

That, and far too much burst damage. Some champs were ridiculous in the amount of damage output they could do (i’m thinking about cassie, who they refuse to nerf despite being S tier since launch, and drogoz).

Crab Rave


balanced, symmetrical, not abundantly filled with hazards that get camped by knockback champs

that’s true, but at least there are no oneshot abilities with bigger hitboxes… (snipers, doomfist, etc.)

Overwatch have probably the best FPS E-SPORT and is very popular for that. Sadly blizzard is too permisive with the users allowing they ruin the game for other users

Paladins is more a skill based game and is a lot more balanced than OW. Sadly the graphics are terrible, paladins e-sport is death and the characters are not so charming like OW

hitboxes in paladins are basically spheres around the character. At the same time, the game is far more about strategy and smart use of abilities and ults, with champs that have more tools to be effective.
They don’t bother me too much, as ttk is far longer in this game.
That, and outside of ult there’s no oneshot. Not even a sniper headshot can oneshot (ok, kinessa with the right talent can one shot some flanks on headshot).
The only other ability strong enough to oneshot is Broadside, but it takes 2 full seconds to go off, so…

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Overwatch sets itself in a futuristic setting with way advanced technology so it’s not really a fair comparison. They’re two different things.

I personally think Overwatch is better. It has a sense of finesse and quality paladins didn’t have. Paladins has grown a lot from where it was and I feel it should be given credit for what it has done. Paladins also has plenty of unnecessary fanservice. Blizzard takers time to make polished heroes even though there are some broken ones. They all get fixed eventually though. But overall I think Overwatch is better in general. But this is only my opinion don’t take it personally.

Now - Paladins. 2016-mid 2018 - Overwatch
Better story - i remember when paladins didn’t even had description of who is this champion and why is they like that. But now when paladins tries to advance it, OW just repeats (OW was good, Talon is bad) with little to no new info, and most new info is more of a teaser than a reveal.

Playable characters. OW heroes are more polished and each one has its own distinctive kit, while Champions have “pile” of abilities that kinda interact with each other, but talents and cards allow to build your playstyle any way you want. OW was better when heroes were more unique and had more interesting mechanics. Now in paladins champions have even more interesting and unique mechanics than overwatch does.

Maps. Now - Paladins. Overwatch we have nice cool new maps, but new ones still repeat mistakes of previous ones. Paladins now has actually balanced maps and the worst ones aren’t newest, but oldest ones.

Polish - Overwatch. I love paladins, but no one can refuse that it’s filled with all sorts of bugs. Overwatch has way better sound (some sounds in paladins are too loud and almost impossible to instantly tell which direction were they from or how long sound source is from you). Hitboxes are better in OW

Updates - hero shooter with 3 heroes per year can’t be a winner in that category

Graphics - both are cartoonish, but OW is better.

SOO, my winner - Paladins. There are more characters.
Each one can be built in a different way to have different playstyle. That makes each game fresh and unique, because i quit OW when found out that i don’t want to play any hero because of how bored i am to do one thing over and over and over again.
Game flow is better. No basic ability can instakill you, ttk is decent, but not really long. Ultimates are really well made there. They can break stalemate, but even well placed ult isn’t always insta win.