Paladins just changed every Champion in the Game

Is Blizzard ever going to be this bold?


That sounds like balance and continuity nightmare.


Whats a Paladins?..

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The adult table during dinner.


I don’t think they’d be happy having more than half of their heroes be throw picks.


What would happen if you walked into a McDonalds and started telling everyone there that Burger King changed their menu items… :thinking:


Ouch! That does not sound good for Paladins. I really hope Overwatch never reaches a state that it’s bad that they need to do that.


no one really cares about paladins here…

I used to play it but then the company got greedier and everything is behind a huge and thick pay wall. I switched to overwatch, a good decision was made that day.


Blizz will never get adventurous because of OWL. E-sports pretty much means you’ll have gradual low-risk change that isn’t going to shake anything up. Rainbow 6 siege has been having issues with that as well, where the new added operators tend to be rather mediocre because they’re always afraid of shaking up the pro scene.

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yes because adding CC is mediocre when the game had very little cc like it

unlike blizzard evilmojo doesnt care about the players’ feelings
they’re removing my fav card from zhin
and i feel bad
it’s for greater good
so i’m okey with it (prolly wont play zhin ever again)
bcz the game is gonna get better
and ow should do the same


They’re working on it, OP:

Per Jeff Kaplan^


You know, when games do stuff like this, it just makes me want to stay away. I don’t want to be immediately dumped back in bronze every time I come back to a game because it’s radically different now and everything I learned before is worthless.

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Exactly. It’s why I quit league. Way too many big changes happening all the time and with all the items and heroes it’s a ridiculous amount of information to take in that’s always changing.

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If a game needs a complete overhaul, that is OW.

What exactly happened to Paladins? At least it was more balanced than OW.


What did they do?


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They don’t need to change every character, but they could definitely do a big balance pass while reworking several characters and/or trying out different things.

I would like to see what Overwatch would look like in a world where all shields are 50-60% reduced from what they are now (and the game is then balanced around this fact).

Just when you thought you were the sexiest person here, I show up.

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Idk about league but I played a moba that got monthly changes that often nerf or buffed like a third the roster and some equipment choices/macro changes on mob spawns and values. They were almost always small changes and typically moved us closer to hero balance at all times. It was the most balanced games I’ve ever played (ruined subsequently by a major rework to how the game worked which destroyed years of frequent but small balance tweaking). Does this sound appealing or would you dislike it due to the sheer volume of changes?