Paladins just changed every Champion in the Game

I think most hero design in OW are fine, the devs are just a bit shortsighted. They do cool concept, but don’t think enough on how something will affect the game.

After the majority of playerbase quits, yea. They may change a lot then.

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Small frequent balance changes are fine but I was turned off by league because drastic item changes all the time, rune changes, so many items, so many champions. To be good at a comp game I feel like you really have to know each character and item in and out to play well against them but league just became too big to keep track of everything. Especially after taking a long break, going back to the game I just don’t have the patience to study the massive amount of content in the game.

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a game everyone thinks is an OW ripoff that was in development before OW that a lot of people feel care more about their game than blizzard does

great videos on the subject:

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I know what Paladins is I was being a smart butt, because who the heck plays it?
Why play with MegaBlocks when you have Legos.

paladins have way more heroes to play as, and each hero has different cards and talents to customize them meaning that instead of just feeling like tools to counter other heroes like in overwatch, they’re allowed to be more fleshed out and open.
also its free so…

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By… doing… what?

Because technically Blizzard changes every character in the game everytime they give everyone a voiceline. What changed?

Nice for they, I guess? It shows they fixed many of the problems they had, which isn’t really a good signal on itself.

I hope it doesn’t

Not like any of them are any good.

That sounds absolutely terrible.

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Actually, this post should mean paladin devs could do more work done than blizzard devs.
But they shouldn’t roll out so many changes in the same time. It’ll be a disaster.

I mean, Blizzard has already been a continuity nightmare with Roadhog and D.VA


Speak for yourself, not all of us. There CAN be two games in the same genre that coexist peacefully, you CAN play both of them


Its a game where skills matters and people can’t play to counter like cowards that is paladins

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Minor changes to most of the hero’s.

A couple big changes to long term throw picks.

Removed card caut so hero’s couldn’t start with caut3.

Just a lot of long needed changes, but instead of gradually over 5 years, they just pulled the bandaid off.

What did they do?

There’s a lot of people in here talkin about things they obviously know nothing about lmao

Nearly all the changes they’ve made are good for the game. The only real complaints from players are from a couple of groups of people who main certain characters who disagree with changes to their character’s talents, but even then the devs are open to their complaints.

They’ve already made one revision to one character’s talents. Evie mains were complaining about “Over The Moon” being removed instead of “Reprieve”, as most Evie mains don’t touch that talent, and so the devs went back and put OtM back in and removed Reprieve.

Nearly everyone else is open to or happy with the changes.


Was it a blanket change or…?

EVERYONE is getting changed. All of them are losing one Talent card, and any cards that had Cauterize or Anti CC effects have had those effects changed just to name a few, not even getting into Balance changes.

I do want to say this is the SECOND time Paladins has made sweeping changes to all their Chanpions

So sounds like a blanket change. Like when Blizzard decreased all ult charge rates by 25% in 2017.

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