OWL is not my DAD

no that means 86% of the playerbase is bronze, silver, gold, or platinum.
you can be competitive without being good, thus why they have the ranks to begin with
that’s an old statistic too

because they know what they’re on about. if i want to know about the weather, i’m gonna talk to a meteorologist, not someone who stared at the sky for a second

buddy if these forums had the sole say in what went through, this game would be unplayable

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OWL may not be your dad, but your father should have taught you about the outcome of making assumptions :sweat_smile: But perhaps you already know the saying :man_shrugging:t2:

To be fair, it’s not like GM is all that happy about the barrier meta either

The main issue with the Sigma and Orisa nerf is that they were too strong when played together. Those nerfs made them worse on their own and it was a direct result of Double Shield with Orisa and Sigma, now Sigma and Reinhardt are played higher up.

The Overwatch heroes do have generally simple kits minus, in my opinion, Doomfist. We should have more complicated heroes later on.

Once Overwatch 2 finishes development, I’m optimistic in the balancing later on. Since they’ll have more time to think, code, and test changes.

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I wish they would add more passives, passives to their abilities and ults, it would make the game more complicated, easier to balance and more fun.


tbh i dont even know why zarya isnt beeing used in high ranks with rein.

personally id suggest This to zarya


  • Buff orisa (8s cooldown barrier)…
  • buff winston (maybe make his melee deal an extra 20 damage against armor to make the melee swaping more viable, and increase his DPS to 70)
  • hammond (airlock back to 1)
  • Dva (PTR might be it)
  • Roadhog (maybe 1-3-2 cloud, could be heals/damage resistance/antiCC, i really like the idea of anti-cc on his E lately)

And might seem countrary to popular belief but i still want to remove sigmas barrier cooldown cuz its clunky

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Honestly if they removed the cooldown and reduced the barrier health I’d reckon he’d be perfectly balanced.

Bro you are funny :joy:. The weather man figurative language is dumb and have nothing of what I’m talking about. I don’t care how knowledgeable a owl try hard is of overwatch.

  • If a owl player wants a trash/easy character like pharah, reaper or junkrat buffed up to their skill level. It ruins the game for everyone.
  • If a owl try hard wants a character like sombra, nerf for their level. She becomes weak for everyone.
  • Buddy. I never said the forums should come up with the patch notes. I just want the average players (the majority btw) and the try hards to have separate patches.
  • Idc if they slice the game patches up in 2 slices or 3.
  • Like average, top and owl
  • Or average and top.
  • I can tell if you open a restaurant. It wouldn’t be successful. Because you would rather put 0% of your customers wants on the menu. When 86% of your customers don’t like what that 0% likes. Even if that 0% are knowledgeable chefs. 86% pay the bills. 0% do not.

Every single competitive game is balanced around the top players. Get used to it, because that’s never changing.

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So I see you want a dead game. If majority of your player base is not happy. They are not going to buy loot boxes. Less money = less content for the game.


It’s literally not though.

Orisa/Sigma is still better than Reinhardt/Zarya in most situations.

Bad players are simply unwilling to adapt to changes that make a hero play differently and stubbornly force that hero as they have been when that hero was busted, get punished for it then decide that the hero has been gutted.

Brigitte, Orisa & Sigma are the biggest examples of this but it applies to almost every support & tank hero in the game that has been rebalanced.

If somewhere within gold is literally the middle of the pack of the player base. Then they are literally the average skill level lol :man_facepalming:t5:. High plat and diamond is not average. Especially diamond. Do 10% diamond sound average to you? 32% of the player base is gold. That’s literally where the average players are. That’s not an opinion. That’s a fact.

  • Gold is average and the majority
  • Platinum is above average
  • Diamond is try hards hangout.
  • Master is how TF are you so good.
  • Grand Master is GOAT Nerd tier status.
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These stats are from years ago and the patches based around giving crutches for casuals created a decrease in high ranked players and pros. And I’m sorry that u have to improve but having too ok think and aim is a lot more fun to learn than spamming abilities

That’s pointless and more work than it needs to be. Because those people will climb from gold when heroes are easier/different in gameplay, then drop again when they reach a level where all of that falls away.

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Most of those 86% of the player base you mentioned couldn’t shoot their way out of a paper bag or understand what peel, or making space means so why would we want to balance the game around them?

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Because the goal is to rank up. Why should we balance around people who don’t know how to play the game properly?

How about I direct you to Activision and Electronic Arts. They treat games like businesses, why is everyone pissed at them?

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Im not saying literally make a patch for every character and rank in the game.

Like separate patches for average, Good and owl players.

A certain hero example can be pharah.

  • She can be too strong if buffed for average players
  • Good/decent for average players
  • Decent/trash for owl players
    Now, if they nerfed her for average players. (Again. Literally the majority of the player base)
  • Good/Decent for average players
  • Decent/trash for good players
  • Trash/dumpster fire for owl players

There are certain characters in the game that need their own separate rank patch notes. Heros like pharah will never be useful for all ranks. No one will never be happy on heros like pharah. She will be op for some. Or trash some. There is no middle ground for heros like pharah.

I would watch OWL if half the team was put in a different room with no voice chat, it would be a more relatable experience.


An apt basketball analogy to balancing for the average OW player would be lowering the official hoop height so the average player could dunk at will.

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Or changing the 3 point line. Or changing requirements for the number of steps before traveling.