OWL is not my DAD

86% of the player base is bronze, silver, gold and platinum! So 86% of the player base is casuals and Average players!

  • Bronze - 8%
  • Silver - 21%
  • Gold - 32%
  • Platinum - 25%
  • Diamond - 10%
  • Master - 3%
  • Grandmaster - 1%

So why is the overwatch patches are catering towards 1% GMs and 0% OWL players.

86% is a fat percentage. So satisfy the majority. Who’s gonna to watch owl if they aren’t even satisfied with the game in the first place? Basketball is a simple sport. So it’s easy to be satisfied for all skill levels. Say they buffed pharah a ton so the 1 and 0% can use her. Now you just unsatisfied 86% of your customers. Is that a smart business move? I thought video games was a business?

Make separate patches for the minority!

  • 86% of happy satisfied customers = :money_mouth_face::moneybag::moneybag:
  • 86% of unsatisfied customers = :cry::dizzy_face::poop:

If the majority is not happy with the game. Some are less likely to buy stuff in the game. If people are not buying stuff. That’s less content for everyone. Less content = Dead Game.

My guess of the real “monthly” player base is 25 to 35 million players. So like 25,800,000 million out of 30 million players are average skill. There are 30,000 GMs. 25,800,000 million is more important than 30,000. There are 200 owl players. How do 200 players get to adjust the experience of 25.8 million. More like how do 200 players get to ruin the experience for 25.8 million players.

Lol!!!:joy: I’m seeing y’all trying to use my “basketball” analogy against me. I understand that the rim is 10 feet always. And you can lower it for average skill players. Y’all trying to put up a good argument. But it’s weak. You do not need to be 6’5 to score on a 10 feet rim. The goal of basketball is to score. Not dunk. So stop it. LeBron James better than me and everyone on these forum. Him being very good at basketball don’t affect my ability to play basketball. The rules do not change because LeBron is good. The rules do change because of an owl player tho. The goal of overwatch is to move people off the objective and accomplished the objective. If they buff/nerf a hero for owl. That affects my playing experience and everyone else because y’all not on their level. LeBron being good do not affect my basketball experience (MJ the goat :goat: btw, don’t @ me).

Another problem I have with overwatch is the marketing :office:. The marketing make this game look all cute and adorable :heart::heart_eyes:. Literally Disney looking. Look at the short story video for overwatch 2. Then you play for the first time and like wtf :thinking:? I thought this was a casual game. Look at staylosa first time playing overwatch. Even he thought it was going to be more casual than this. You cant make a Disney looking game. And not expect a casual audience to not play your game :exploding_head:. Duh :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:. I’m sure tons of people never played overwatch just for it’s graphics art style. Because they want a serious look to their games.
Even that one Mario fight game got a more serious vibe to it. If you make a casual vibe. A casual audience is going follow obviously. (Super smash Bros. I forget the name lol).

I don’t have no problems with the game graphics art style btw. I’m just saying.


That’s kind of how all business is, to fill a need or want for a very specific audience.


I’m kinda confused what patches you think are for OWL that have a big impact on the majority

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The reaper 50% lifesteal, for one.
Then the weird tank patches.
It’s fine if you have hero pools and you have to choose them, but when it’s rein zarya or die, it’s not really good balance.


You cant really balance around people who are bad at the game. But then, you cant exactly cater only to the extreme minority at the very top.

So… what? Find where the average is, and go from there? That would be what I would do.


Yeah, but they don’t trash heroes, look at apex, paladins even pokemon.


Should I remind you about the existance of pathfinder?

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No it’s your mom. Respect it.

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Gold is the average. Bronze, silver and gold is 61% of the player base. So gold is the middle of the pack.

I mean yeah, that’s a good example. But it’s not in the game anymore.

As for Tank balance, yeah, but they really haven’t done much on Tanks besides D.va for a long while.


Gold is still pretty bad at the game, I think the no-mans-land of plat on the verge of diamond is where you should start with the balancing.


Which one? The one who’s still doing great at all ranks and has a great pickrate and winrate? When they saw that the nerfs to wraith kept her at the same pickrate and winrate, they gave her back her faze and gave her a little delay.

I always thought diamond to grandmaster is the place to balance at.
OWL is just a completely different game


So kick all the casuals out that are the majority and paying your bills? Perfect business practice :ok_hand:


Tbh, if you look at the hero variety and where it falls apart. I’d say they balance around 2800-3300SR.

Because even in the top 10% (Diamond) players still act like bronze.

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That’s not average. Average is average. Do you understand average? Average is also majority. The average male in the US is 5’9 to 5’10. They are also the majority of the males in US. Because that’s the average. A business needs to try keep their big audience. Don’t make a comment about making the game for the average group. And then I say it’s gold. Now you want to flip the script.


But look at the different environments of those three games.
Apex is a 100-man (I think), trio or duo, hell even solo battle royal, no swapping.
Paladins is a more MOBA-esque shooter, you choose your hero before you start, no swapping and card loadouts.
Pokemon has over 800 monsters. Some aren’t even viable competitively and most are unchanged since they came into the game.

Those games don’t have to deal with high teamwork either. Most of the time there’s little to no communication during game play, people are more likely to know what to do.

I meant average in terms of skill level, not numbers. It is not a matter of numbers, but where the balance starts to break down. That would be high plat to maybe low diamond.

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