oh sure lets give the game more reason for her to dominate the casual ladder meta, not like shes already 10% pickrate down here but anything for pro overlords I suppose
in high ranks maybe, but diamond and below she is an easy value character. nobdy contests her so she gets super easy free value by shooting rein butts all day and boosting mercy heals and nanoing the rein or gengi. no need to anti anything when you could just outheal the enemy.
am not sad more vindicated in my belief that they can come with suggestions just as selfish or stupid for their ranks without considering the effects it could have on the rest of the game and its various skill brackets as the rest of us. theyre meant to better and smarter at this or so am told.
ana is over performing in lower ranks as is and just straight buffing because shes mediocre in high ranks just isnt healthy for the game and its community as a whole. this is the exact same thing with gengi buff months ago. he wasnt working in high ranks they gave him numerous buffs to work and he dominated both the ladder and the pro setting.
why do people only care about changes that dominate low ranks when its on character the community finds abhorrent to play against, but when its ana or gengi its like put them through screw the meta and health of the ladder where they are already performing well we want to play what we want.