After watching 1 hour of owl experimental

Honestly tho, Blizzard isnā€™t known for the good balancing skills, and balancing skills also is fairly heavily dependent on previous experience in the same genreā€¦Iā€™d say OW balance team do lack in this regard.

I almost feel alright with the pushback nerfs for hamster. Thanks Blizzard for not being as incompetent as these streamers.

Like iā€™ve said before, i saw games dying because the devs gave too much power to the pros and popularities and their bias made the game unfun for everyone else. I wanted the game to make a comeback, to be popular again. I of course have shown why i think it was how me and my environment, everyone around me by our experiences felt that something is going wrong.

Devs started to talk less and less, we saw everything that pros want being added or changed ingame and to us the game started to alienate itself. I start to feel that OW2 will not have that much impact as they think because there are many competitive games are coming in the future with built in PvE story mode and free roam.

Im a mazochist

have they discussed brig yet?

anyone know im looking for it rn

Yes and no. :wink: They fear the Brig-mains. :laughing:

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they were too scared to experiment with brig and some of them think Brigā€™s fine now.

They decided to make her inspire healing cancel if she died.

I dislike the Sombra changes the most.

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Buffing Hanzo LOL
Net nerf to Orisa shield LOL
Just remove 26 of the characters so people only play the approved 6 characters in every match.

I did it too, would not recommend.

Get over yourself :slight_smile:


At least you know lmao

It kind of blows serious holes in the theory that the pros are objective and ā€œknow whatā€™s good for the gameā€ doesnā€™t it? When you get paid to play a game it taints your view far more than people realize because a lot of it is subconscious. People who have not been paid for performance donā€™t understand how it affects people.

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I feel like lucio change is unhealthy for lucio mains, I feel like the OWL is used to scrim lucio which is just one playstyle of lucio and makes the hero less enjoyable to play and is harder to counterplay other heros. I think I would rather see boop cooldown get increased to 5 seconds with no other changes than to get these buffs and see the cooldown increase all the way to 6-8 seconds. I think that blizzard needs to think more about the casual community rather than the pros. However I feel like if the lucio change were to go through I would enjoy the character less itā€™s possible that I would have to start 6 stacking just to get max value of the hero I enjoy to play if I were to take ranked seriously.

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Doesnā€™t change the fact what u did was extremely inconsiderate and rude, and despite that you keep talking in your arrogance. But oh well what can one do.

ML7 would not be good either he is a hard Ana bias, and will not concidered other hero interactions.

Just some players willing to be neutral woulda been good rather than buffing only their heroes and ignoring or nerfing the ones they dont wanna play.

its for money. they are intentionally stacking the deck in their favor.

The reality is that being good or experienced at a game does not necessarily mean you know how to balance it.

Honestly I think they did this to ā€˜proveā€™ they shouldnā€™t listen to the community. Cause spending 2 min on each hero and making changes in a vaccum without thought on interactions or meta implications is a joke. Iā€™ve played and loved Overwatch since beta, but these changes would push me to Valorant for good.