OWL Drops Not Working

Nothing besides a player card despite watching EVERYTHING and connected.

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Got the Sombra Icon, that was it, watched all of them days, no tokens, no skins -_- what a waste of my time


I got only drops of 15 hours and 0 of final.
I watched 66 hours of playoffs and 10 hours of Finale (everytime it’s the addition of Live and Encore Stream).
I got a Google doc with all the details of my watching time (beginning / end of watching. I can’t post it here but I can send it too someone at Blizzard if they want)

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same for me im really sad

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Same here, I have the coins for 32 hours watched but only rewards up to 15 hours, 0 from the finale including the tokens.

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Anyone else feeling scammed ?
Patch is live - still not received my missing tokens and viewership rewards like all the sprays / player icon’s / etc. Player icon’s show but are locked. Ridiculous
Edit - things are really messed up : i did get the Finals Spray #1 for watching 3 hours - but nothing after, while i watched everything. received the pulse pistol name card for watching finals - but not received any of the other rewards that should have dropped with it. :confused: what a mess


Haven’t recieved any rewards as of know tokens or drops emailed support about it. They said my account shows the rewards was added but nothing told me to take it to the bugs forum but not sure what that will do unfortunate I watched everyday aside from day one and nothing to show for it


imagine inflating OWL views by promising rewards and still being unable to deliver, sick


unfortunately the same case, nothing shows up for me after the initial drops, I think I only got 55 OWL and maybe the skins for 7 characters? Funny enough, I got the skins for Winston and Zarya that iirc they are the skins for the most amount of hrs…
This is so weird… =/

Skins and tokens after 15h and in Finals not received, but I got Grand Finals card. What is going on?

I have surely watched literally all the OWL Play Offs Live for the rewards. I even watched all the encores Live just to make sure. I have everything in my Watch History on Youtube and also i’ve connected with my battle net account and i didn’t received any of the perks (skins, owl tokens, sprays, tracer name card etc). Is that correct, Blizzard?

Watched every live and encore game. Did NOT receive any of the Playoffs rewards from 18 hours and forward nor any of the Finals rewards (besides the Pulse Pistol name card)

Still, no Tokens, no skins for Sojourn, Kiriko or Junker Queen.
I got Zarya’s skin, but I did not get Winston’s skin and, if I am not mistaken, they were both the same ‘tier’ in the Perks thing.

So far just the name card no icons, no skins, nothing

edit: i have the grand finals 1 spray in my inv so check ur sprays
edit 2: i watched the finals and playoffs but never got the other spray, help?

Here is the Technical Support/Sister Post to this issue that got a reply to a Dev a while ago but no recent reply feel free to cross post on this thread and that one to boost their attention !!
Be detailed as possible and look through each hero and look for your sprays and indicate your hours, discrepancies with same tier rewards too. With more being said about it by the thousands the more hopeful we get some kind of response.

Thanks everyone


Was waiting until patch to make this post in the hopes everything would be properly awarded. During the playoffs I was lucky enough to received most of the rewards, but was missing a few from various tiers Sigma skins, Echo skins, Baptiste skins, Lucio skins, Happi icon, OWL turns 5 icon, Clockwork icon, and 100 league tokens.

The only thing from the finals I’ve been awarded has been the pulse pistol name card. I’m still missing the spray from the first tier, Sojourn skins from the same tier as the name card, and the Junker Queen and Kiriko skins.


I just want my stuff. I put in so much time, over 40 hours into ow league, and the couple hours on twitch to try and get the recent drops and Ive gotten nothing. :frowning: i feel scammed.


Just stop believing in Blizzard’s Bull shxt.
“They will find and fix the problem as soon as possible” “They are already working on it”
Oh come on, even the OWL live game version can’t be released on time, but they still can fix the mall purchase error and refresh the mall on time. Obviously, the vast majority of players are only used as a tool for Blizzard to make money.
Yet now you’re telling me their devs will give you back your rewards someday? Why don’t you stop posting and go take a nap? You’ll get all you want in your dreams, hopefully.

Overwatch2 on Metacritic
Maybe that’s what we should do.


No surprise here. I didn’t receive my Kiriko charm drop from Twitch. Twitch told me that Blizzard had to help me and BLizzard told me that Twitch had to help me. I didn’t receive my OW2 Founder’s rewards, either. It’s a coin flip at this point whether or not I’ll receive anything I’m supposed to get.


Got pulse pistol card and i think 2 profile icons & 1 spray but still no skins past ashe tier or the new hero skins. Already been playing less recently if stuff keeps going like this will prob uninstall.