[Main Thread] Not receiving League Tokens/Drops

Same here i was gonna make a support ticket because i even relinked my account before it started to make sure it wasn’t a connection issue and im watching on pc i watch the finals and now currently encore with no rewards?

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I’m having the same problem. I’ve watched everyday and my total coins hasn’t increased at all.


Me too! I watched all matches and ive gotten nearly not enough of what i was supposed to have received.

I watched over 40 hours, between my PC and YouTube app, of the OWL playoffs and only got around half the skins and seemingly random skins at that. I also have yet to receive most of the tokens I earned, and haven’t received any drops in over 3 days.

The ones in bold are the ones I have received and the ones not in bold I have yet to receive.
(Listed in order from hours watched)

  • Tracer, Genji, Bastion
  • Mercy, Mei (IDK I can’t see her), Hanzo
  • Ana, Brigitte, Zenyatta
  • Wrecking Ball, D.Va, Ashe
  • Cassidy, Pharah, Echo
  • Roadhog, Baptiste, Sigma
  • Soldier: 76, Orisa, Reinhardt, Sombra
  • Symmetra, Torbjorn, Doomfist
  • Lucio, Reaper, Junkrat, Moira
  • Zarya, Widowmaker, Winston

So I’m still missing: Mei?, Wrecking Ball, Ashe, Pharah, Echo, Baptiste, Sigma, Orisa, Reinhardt, Sombra, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Doomfist, Lucio, Reaper, Zarya, and Winston.

What’s going on with the drops?


Ive relinked my account twice now this week to try to fix it but its simply blizzards fault i cannot earn any rewards watching the last three livestreams i haven’t gotten one single thing not tokens not skins and most definitely not a spray this is unacceptable i watched the whole broadcast and bout to watch it again tired of running into a bug everyday its plainly obvious im not earning a thing please help

I just wanted to chime in with a bit of information on this.

First the non-token cosmetics should be awarded normally but as previously mentioned they will not appear in game until Nov 15th with the next patch. If you were receiving your tokens, then you should receive the cosmetics without issue.

As for the tokens those are intended to drop within a few minutes to an hour of earning/claiming them. However it can take up to 48 hours for them to be fully awarded.

We are investigating them not already being awarded but it may just need some extra time for all the tokens to be awarded out. I do not have any ETA on this other than to say this particular delay is being investigated.

If I get any additional information on the issue I mentioned I will update this post here.


Well guess we playing the waiting game until November 15th and hope it’s true cause I don’t want to have sleepless nights worrying about not getting what I suppose to earn only then I can sleep happy


Gray skins, sprays and etc

What’s odd is I got all my OW1 hero skins on time and the coins up to the extra 100, I never got those.
And haven’t gotten Kiriko/Queen/Sojourn yet nor the sprays but I assume those will come at one time. I just don’t get why I got everything else on time BUT the extra 100 tokens

If you guys agree with me or not that’s up to you but that’s my opinion (Please let this suffering of waiting for gray skins and stuff end somewhere) :pray:t5:

What about my issue of only getting some skins, but not others? Is that an issue being investigated or a known issue? I’m not aware of anyone else having the same problem, but I would assume that if I got one skin from a batch then all of them should’ve been awarded at the same time.

Watched the finals yesterday and the encore today, no drops and no skins despite seeing some with the skins. I do think there is an issue here.

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Same here. I started to watch since day 1 and got like 10 tokens and Ashe skin. I don’t have the avatars, others OWL skin. Nothing. :confused:

Same here. Watched all, received nothing.

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Is it so difficult for blizzard to actually acknowledge the simple fact that they have error on reward counting system during playoffs???

I didn’t see any official statement on any medium. Guess 130k of viewer just too unimportant to them to take time to even post a tweet. This fustration and scam for time happens every playoffs. And yet this year which they promised to provide “live game support” is somehow the worse when it comes to addressing this ever occuring issue.

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Same here, I watched over 30 hours both on the YouTube app and the overwatch Leauge website. I only got 4 skins and 120 tokens even though at the least I should have 250 since 5 per hour and 100 once you reach 30 hours. I watched the overwatch Leauge finals as well and haven’t gotten anything from that either

Having the same problem Im also missing 130 overwatch leauge tokens

Same here hopefully they fix it. But I feel like it won’t be fixed unfortunately

I have watched literally every stream and encore I should have gotten over 350 tokens but instead I got 170 coins . Maybe if you watch the live streams you don’t get tokens from encores ? I got every skin except sojourn,kiriko,junker queen and I am missing all of the sprays and profile icon , name card .

I have watched all the playoffs and finals for over 70 hours. I have only received a total of 175 tokens. Not to mention that I have not received any tokens for watching the finals.