[OW2] Reddit, might have solved Mercy and Sojourn

Uuuuh that’s not how attack speed/firerate works.

E.g. tracer rn has 240dps (0.8333s ttk) from 12 damage per shot & 20 shots per second.

30% increase means 26shots per second leading to 312dps and 0.641s ttk. Like you shaved off a whole human reaction time from the theoretical ttk from tracer.

Ask Kiriko players… her ult gives attack speed.

This would also buff some supports healing. I like the idea and in terms of dps, it remains the same as damage boost.

How the heck does adding 30% more rounds to a timeframe reduce burst potential?

Tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about without twlling me you don’t know what you’re talking about.

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Isn’t a 30% damage boosted Tracer 312dps?

(1.3 x 20) x 12 = 312

And 30% fire rate also 312 dps

1 x 20 x (12*1.3) = 312

Careful with that statement. Changing Mercy is like defusing a bomb while an active nuclear reactor is strapped on your back.

If anything, Blizzard learned this the hard way with the Mercy rework, they did not recover from it to this day. The amount of Mercy mains they lost with that move is just insane.

With Mercy, they simply cannot afford to mess around with in order to attract a wider audience, because it would risk alienating a much bigger one.
Sure you might get a few thousand DPS or tank players who temporarily play Mercy because they think she is much more fun with changes, but if you lose just as many dedicated Mercy mains in the process then congratulations, you shot yourself in the foot, not even with a pistol,but a grenade launcher.

By changing the beam to attack speed, you take away agency from Mercy herself once again, because while damage beam is universally useful for every character, attack speed however is clearly much more useful on certain characters than others. So you indirectly limit who they can choose to damage buff.
Not to mention Kiriko and how her attack speed buff would interact with Mercy attack speed. If they stack, it becomes ridiculously broken, if they dont, then once again,you limit what Mercy can do during a specific timeframe that a teammate of hers dictate.

If that’s a nuclear bomb, then the matchmaker/queue issue they got coming up in 9 days, then they are going to let rot and fester for at least 21 days afterwards, is more like a continent sized meteor.

Like legit they could easily lose, 20-50% of their current&potential playerbase.

TBH, I think they are just going to need to go with full-on power creep, and nerf anything that “gatekeeps” the way forward.

i.e. PharMercy too strong with Mercy buffs = Nerf Pharah
Mercy Damage boost too strong at high ELO = Nerf Widow, Sojourn, Hanzo

And keep doing that for any “Well you can’t buff that support or else it will cause problems. BUFF Support. NERF DPS/Tank that get in the way. No problem.”

i.e. This kind of vibe

Please read again what i said, if you change Mercy with the intention of appealing to a wider audience, you might gain a few players who temporarily play her.
But if you lose just as many dedicated Mercy mains in the process, you caused more harm than good.

I said this in plenty of thread before, what Mercy needs is more agency over what she can do and when. Changing the universal damage buff to attack speed is anything but that.
What they could try, is slapping a healing overtime on her primary that activates when the beam ceased to exist. That way she can hop around between healing targets more effectively and have extra time to do anything she wants while most of her targets are on regen.

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TBH, I kinda already abandoned the thought process on “Let’s see if we can squeeze in some more value on Mercy, by doing a really targeted nerf that only affects high ELO.”

They are probably going to need to just go “Buff Only” mode on Supports, nerf any DPS/Tank that gets in the way, and unleash some ungodly balance horrors for at least 2 weeks.

Then after even some of the most diehard Support mains can agree that was way too much, then start scaling it back down.

Tried playing support ranked tonight for the first time this season… holy crap, even at my rank there’s just so much value from mercy pocketing sojourn. This is awful. They buffed her especially for ranks below GM and it’s fricken crazy. Sojourn is even BETTER than last season. They’re incompetent.

I honestly dont think that this is a situation that can be solved with pure number changes.

Most support characters are just not fit in 5v5 and wont work properly until they can find a solution to remove pressure from them.
Slapping extra healing onto everything just promotes burst damage even more, and at that point why even bother healing when everything gets one shot. Giving them damage is the same thing, why heal when you can just kill the damage source much more easily.

I dont envy the devs trying to solve this, because they pretty much need to rework every support in a very detailed manner and find a solution to remove the pressure without starting a powercreep.They probably know this, this is why they are hesitant.

Nope, 100% powercreep and nothing but powercreep. Then maybe a month after that they can scale it back.

Although I guess technically nerfing Tanks/DPS is anti-powercreep.

But we’re talking about “Buff the overall value on each Support by about 20%” type of powercreep.

It probably can be, if they entirely abandon the premise that Support and DPS need to have anywhere near equal value on contributing to objectives captures.

Also if things become too durable. Nerf tanks or buff Support firepower.

“Shoot first, ask questions later” style balancing.

You fail to account for the DPS innate which favors rate of fire, particularly when reload speed is a major component of damage balance.

The what?

The 35% boosted reload speed on a kill.

Ah, the passive.

I’d argue more reloads is weaker, than not having to reload.

You would, as always, be wrong. Uptime is better for anyone who cannot regularly 1 clip

So don’t both styles of blue beam get the +35% reload speed?

I tried.

Your insights are great, your numbers are great, but you’re refusing to see how these details fit into a larger system. For example:

There is certainly less HP on the table for her to suck ult charge out of. However, the value and scarcity of ults went up in general. Most hero’s ult charge requirements went up for OW2, while Mercy’s stayed the same. With 5 teammates instead of 6, you have one less ultimate available to you as a resource, but likely the same number of fights. With less hp in general and less ult to be gotten off tanks, any boost to the ult economy is welcome. Also, while there are certainly lots of fights that can end so quickly you’re likely only dealing about 120% effective HP as damage, even in top 500 that’s not going to be the norm for most fights. That is mostly going to happen when you’re dropping ults and not getting charge back anyway. Supports are generally pretty good at healing in this version of the game. They have one less tank to pay attention to and can top off their DPS more regularly. The tanks have a lot of self sustain and can stay in the thick of it, taking damage and getting healed, for a lot longer. There’s a lot of opportunity for farming ult still, even at high levels.

And this:

This needs to stop. Take that backwards mentality away. You are the reason for the toxicity. I mean it. This tunnel-visioned notion, from looking at the surface level of the character and the simple numbers, that Mercy is meant to be subservient, that it is the philosophy behind the character and the optimal way to play her. I am not exaggerating that spreading these claims as if they are fact, instead of recognizing that you’re missing something, is directly responsible for the toxicity around Mercy. My little joke earlier about knowing true power? That’s not a joke. You are not exploiting Mercy. A good Mercy uses you, and you won’t even know it.

Do you want proof? This is it:

When I talked about improving with Mercy, you assumed that my improvement came from boosting the right teammates. But I didn’t say that. I listed the main things that led to improvement with Mercy: experimenting with what I could get away with, by which I mean positioning, peeling and pistol kills, and this led to the other two, which were saving teammates from their mistakes while punishing enemies for their mistakes. I did not say a single thing about damage boosting the people with the most consistent damage and kills. That’s because it was not the key to my improvement. That is the very bottom of the Mercy ladder, the very first thing you figure out. It’s also a trap. If I’m playing Mercy nowadays and I’m not doing much else besides pocketing a good DPS it’s because my brain is fried and I don’t want to actually play the game. It’s the same as when I go Ashe and just shoot people, just brain-dead baby mode.

Damage boosting the right hero is baseline Mercy, it’s what she should be doing automatically when she isn’t actively engaged in something else: pushing the back line with Doomfist, setting up a team-wipe with Reaper, getting Junkrat his Tire ASAP, keeping an eye on a flank to head off the enemy Tracer.

You assumed and asserted that damage boost is the crux of a “peak” Mercy (which I am not). That comes from nowhere but your own head, your own bias, and you are letting it inform your view of the character and those who play her. Stop it.

no this would be useless for hanzo