[OW2] Reddit, might have solved Mercy and Sojourn

So we bring back reaper Beyblade? Anyway this still is NOT giving mercy her own agency. Any team enabling ability is potent in top ranks and rubbish in metal tiers because the teamates you are trying to enable have no game sense, poor positioning, no aim, no communication and no team strategy.

Attack speed isn’t movement speed.

What more can she do? Being able to attack at the same time she heals just makes her better Zenyatta

Mercy is fun as is and doesn’t need significant changes

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And I never made the claim it was a major adjustment either. I just said you have to change a whole other hero to adjust for a change that isn’t needed.
And sure it may not be a valid point but here is one then: Sojourn is currently overpowered. Even without a Mercy boosting her.

In lower ranks it may encourage more glock shooting and less healing/damage boosting and in higher ranks it’s technically a buff I SUPPOSE. You do have 5 more bullets that you’ll almost never use anyways but since the number is higher you are correct… Technically. However it’s pointless and unneeded since it doesnt provide better gains than damage boost does.

No. I’m refuting it. I personally think the game would be healthier if the burst heroes that can do 195 damage in a single shot that they VERY easily can charge up to werent in the game. Because 195 damage on 200 hp is as good as dead and you need to sneeze in their direction to finish them off which is incredibly easy to dole out and leaves next to no time to react to. Basically almost no difference to a one-shot.

Which is exactly why the change shouldn’t happen. There exists no alternative that is actually better as things stand. A Mercy swapping back and forth between healing and boosting your fire rate is a bad idea. Having someone else decide how your character feels is the opposite of what we need in OW.
Also Junkrat is like lowkey op right now and give him 30% more attack speed and he’ll ruin the game.
Pharah being able to fire off her rockets and then go into hiding faster would turn her into a poking menace. And lets not even talk about how that’d ruin the game for console players since we’re all on the same patch now.
You’re only replacing damage boost with another very similar problem ultimately. It’s pointless and the only reason for removing it is to enable super burst heavy heroes/playstyles which I think in turn forces the supports to act more as healers and not supports because you have spend all your time undoing an enemys action because your dps/tank/support friend has to go into hiding after that burst.
And you need to provide the supports with more tools and opportunities to affect the enemy team ultimately.
Because if you don’t you end up where we are now and all the support players just jump ship because they can only heal and run away unless they’re… Ana.

This wouldn’t really solve anything, at least as the OP is trying to portray that DMG boost is too essential. mercy would now just be locked to speed boost her allies.

Attack speed increase would greatly benefit some hero’s, notably spam hero’s with high rates of fire. First guess be Soldier, Orisa , Ram in staff form. Depending how it works Rein’s hammer be pretty crazy.

Also not entirely sure 30% faster wouldn’t do more dmg than 30% dmg boost depending on how it actually works and the hero. Sure you’d have to land more shots, but two shots within the span of a second is a “one shot” to the OW community.

Remember brigs “one shot” combo? You know where she put all her abilities on CD and melee twice.

It will be busted, it actually will be more annoying with widow hanzo as they can now charge shots faster the problem you are looking to solve.

Next it will actually increase dps for sustain dmg heroes for ex soldier will be 216 dps instead of 210 with dmg boost .

While it’s not big it will be even more noticeable with heroes like zen cree kiriko to busted levels.

Well, Widow charge speed is already faster due to damage boost.

Hanzo, worst comes to worst they just nerf him directly.

McCree would have more difficulty with recoil, and reload more than damage boost.

Zen doesn’t get attack speed buffs on his orb volley currently.
Kiriko, she’d benefit, but even top 500 players have difficulty being consistent with her Kunais.
And also “more popular supports” sounds good.

Also while we’re at it, I could see them increasing the explosion radius falloff on Junk/Pharah.

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Cass is the new ashe basically. Why go for headshots when you can kill with 3 bodyshots in basically the same time as you’d normally take to kill with 1 headshot + 1 bodyshot.

Or tracer melting with 1 clip 30% faster?

Or similar with soldier ttk?


Sure you don’t get like the 1 hit breakpoint “issue”, instead you get a timeframe breakpoint “issue”: is their ttk on you when attack speed boosted long enough to allow reasonable time to counter?

It’ll help, but won’t be sufficient. The maps where supports get walled are usually also the ones where vertical mobility really matters.

Guess I’ll take some time this week to make another one of these.

[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

The smaller the damage increment, the less TTK difference there is between 30% damage boost, and 30% attack speed.

This is more about reducing the impact of high damage increments with damage boost.

And even more specifically, giving Mercy a targeted nerf at very high ELO, so we can fit more buffs in.

I think most sustain dmg heroes will be more or less the same, like soldier its 216 dmg instead of 210. its not a huge diff, for tracer faster bursts dont matter much unless she is shooting a tank.

it will change how cree or hanzo are played though same with zen kiriko etc. though i dont see them being broken other than for hanzo,

This sounds good on paper however faster attack speed can actually make it harder to aim since it messes up muscle memory.

You’re mistaken, Mercy is popular pick because there is SOJOURN in every match. Pocketing Sojourn has net me a lot more victories. Otherwise I’d go with something else entirely. Flats summarized what the Top 500 were saying in his new vids, and they mentioned this fact.

Mercy being buffed at all would only make her a permanent fixture on both teams which is not good for balance. I’d nerf her damage boost to 20% or less if it means she could be more supportive as a whole. Damage buffs and weapon interactions cannot be the only important actions a support player can make. Lucio has speed boost. Baptiste has immortality field. Ana has sleep dart. Mercy has resurrect. The less interactions we have with damage boosting the better, and a 30% firing speed increase is a net buff to everyone.

Mercy has always been a popular pick. I’m not talking about the last week, I’m talking Overwatch’s lifespan

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The value isn’t that big deal. I mean sure the ally would generate more overall ult charge. Her ult charge would be increased porportionally also.

The problem with that is: with 1 less character and most foes at 200hp range your db per target would have an average of 60-120 damage per target at best. With one shots your “share gets even lower” considering hs your barely get anything from hanzo or widow on those targets, while on soldier, cassidy and bodyshots you get more out of it.

If a foe have 200hp the average damage boosted would be about 46 damage. Considering deviations and other perks roughly 60 on 200hp foe at best. If your dps are bad about 80-120 tops.

Her pistol would deal up 100 damage per sec (20 per shot and 5 shots per sec) or up 200 damage on hs.

I would argue that her DB on valk would be way more effective than actually farm ultcharge through db, would be even worst if her damage role is bad. Which makes sense due Bronze most mercy often or go to boost tank or simply heal most of the time.

At same time on higher levels, if the value is too high often they don’t use mercy anymore unless the hero was unrealiable to begin with like hanzo.

At mid tiers, mercy db gets value because damage role have better tracking than lower tiers but can’t reliably shot some heads.

If the game had 6 foes, sure, due the amount of hp that tanks bring to the table. But even right now tanks are given way less than before with bigger hp pools.

2 tanks with average of 450 hp
4 heroes with average of 200 hp

you get about 1700hp that if you had to kill those foes you often need about 110-120% their ehp.

Roughly a 1.870 - 2.040 ehp. That would generate about 623,33… damage amplfied to mercy up to 680.

Plus this value to her teammate.

Right now on OW2:

1 tank with average of 500hp but their passive only generates 70% of that damage as ult charge, so 350.
4 heroes with average of 200hp

you get about 1150hp that if you had to kill those foes you often need about 110-120% their ehp.

Roughly a 1.265 - 1.380 ehp. That would generate about 421,66… damage amplified to mercy up to 460.

On ult economy wise, isn’t that great anymore. Even worst if you consider that most of the time the TTK got reduced and several “fights” are happening at same time. The concept of db itself, should be forgotten due the 5v5 change and the reduced ult charge generated by tanks and overhealth.

While her valkrie could have value on it due the benefit being spread out for multiple allies. her DB itself often would be less favorable than her pistol by example.

Your reasoning could make sense on OW1, but OW2 becomes really not that big of a deal. Pistol would enable her to ult more and valk would enable her teammates ult more. Without her ultimate her db at best would enable one shots in a few use cases, while would be better her simply shoot stuff .

Yes she makes foes target her, the moment the foe does that, she should pick her pistol and return fire, while search another ally to fly off and monitor his teammate hp or keep shooting supressing fire.

OW2, if you do the math. Is less desireable to do db than was on OW1. Also, the only real rank that “could” make sense is mid ranks. Due the inability of actually do headshots reliably. Which is why on S1 often we had winston, roadhog, kiriko, sojourn, reaper, soldier 76, tracer, lucio, sombra, genji and d.va. Prior to it when Jokes were a thing, brig and lucio paired with genji and JQ.

I opened my mind, to the point to see that things that were “strong or good” on OW1 are not ideal on OW2. At same time, things that were “weaker” on OW1 became pretty strong on OW2.

After the phase of adaptation and “fear of change”, those patterns emerge. Which is why mercy itself is a good pick for db on mid tiers. Due the inability of folks not kill stuff properly but have a good uptime dealing damage.

That’s the problem, anything on source you don’t have counterplay. The moment you actually need to engage a super mobile hero who actually don’t need LoS with you she is badly positioned or you’re.

Her value is bare minimum through DB most of the time, with the sole exception between plat and diamond. Other than that her value diminishes really fast.

Her db aside from Valk, barely have any value. If comparated to her pistol, is a net negative, more often than not.

On her valk mode, is a valuable asset. For her team. If overkilling generated ult charge could be useful, but as far I’m aware doesn’t.

To counter requires coordination and gives your team advantage, sure. The problem is that depending of the rank, the raw damage is lower than any other alternative. Or simply her damage dealer doesn’t need her, picking kiriko would have way more value than sticking with mercy by example.

The increment on ult charge would be less than her shooting. Due her valk mode be way more effective than a single db for that. Even right now valk itself holds way less value on db than previously due overall less EHP from the opposite team.

While mercy can try to “mind game”, the reality is you get one less player dealing damage. On lower ranks and higher ranks that becomes a burden. Only really useful on mid ranks.

Which goes, it is really worth it? Having a hero being ocasionally effective in a single bracket? I would rather have the hero more effective across multiple ranks.

The problem in focusing on tactical things are that neither you or your damage dealer are on the objective and that represents 1/2 of your team a simple decoy can make 2 heroes of your team become useless. Making the rest of the fight being determined by 4x3.

There’s a ton of counterplay against pocket metas, shields were example of that. Widow gets tilted with sigma’s barrier on her spot forcing her to reposition, his cooldown o barrier is small enough to keep replacing the barrier.
Same goes for ramattra and winston.

Most of the time the mercy pocket would spend more time repositioning due someone monitor the pair, than actually be effective supression to get the “tactical” value.

Like I said, on lower ranks mostly of the damage output comes from tanks. Mercy in the past on that rank would pocket them. But with the amount of “ult charge” nerfs the benefit often doesn’t worth it.

On mid ranks, you can get value but if you compare with pistol or support alternatives often isn’t a good deal. But is the rank that she would be “more effective”.

On higher ranks, you barely get value, due the aim from your teammates being better and the average amplified damage would be lower due lower TTK. Reflecting on lower ult charge overall.

She meant to be subservient. But that led to toxicity. That’s why they reworked her. The problem was that on OW1 her DB made sense on ult economy. On OW2 doesn’t.

While kills on OW2 are more impactful. The db value got 2 nerfs (one from the removal of one tank, another due the ult charge reduction on both tanks and overhealth enemies). Her ult charge cost stayed the same and db got 2 nerfs. The amount of amplified damage on OW1 on average are way higher than the amount of amplified damage on OW2.

Being passive doesn’t mean you should be exploited. Widow can be a passive character, rein can be a passive character, torb can be passive character, ana can be passive, bap too.

These heroes would work better if they aren’t playing passively. Some cases they will be better because they played passively. But since 2019, this kind of thing became way less impactful and viable.

I don’t mind beaming friends. I do mind the low value of that kind of gameplay generates, after several changes this game gone through. The game matured in a way that instead of fine wine turned to a vinegar.

Mercy db got outdated, similarly to Doomfist kit being outdated due the 5v5 change. The rework of doom would do wonders in a 6v6 game, but the current state of the game his value is too low. The recent patch could improved it, but I also heard that he is bugged.

If mercy db were that much powerful on OW2, why on Top 500 we see sojourn but not mercy? Because in there she is pointless, due overkill being unnecessary.

You’re within a rank of the “peak” of what mercy could achieve. Focusing on who are dealing good amount of damage improves your team for sure. But the value on OW2 of it is way lower than on OW1. I have several friends who enjoys to play with mercy, on OW2 those same friends got the need to pick the pistol more or really limit their db window time. Those are reality on high and lower ranks.

Mercy have often a bad time at higher tiers, due the db value being in a bad place. The issue with db is that can force instantaneous deaths, that are valuable. But within a second timeframe the game itself have enough lethality already to not be needed the db to begin with.

Mercy is a praised hero, since launch but often abused with toxicity. Isn’t a healthy playstyle. Right now DB is the only reminescence of it that can “pressure” folks to play within certain ranks.

One of the few heroes that the fanbase kept loyal, but also often an introductory hero for someone who wants to climb easily between gold-diamond by playing with friends.

I dislike the subservient gameplay enforced by 2016 and 2019. Which is why with lower efficiency than before deserve some changes, healthy ones. I don’t mind beams, I do mind the kind of gameplay that mercy were enforced to play thougth thoses years because of it. In a moment that those same beams aren’t valuable anymore should be replaced to something more interesting. I wouldn’t mind on her valk, because in there makes some sense, even if she don’t get ult charge she gets the impact and reward from it. Right now the value of db is rank dependant and teammate dependant. Isn’t a synergy, due for her the value is minimal and for her teammate is a negligible increase on most situations.

I never stated otherwise, but her abilities enforces that kind of playstyle. Which most of my friends who was or still are mains on mercy, are really happy to play with friends because the toxicity out there is unnacceptable. But those same friends needed to learn that her way to play should change and on OW2, db isn’t as good as was on OW1. To the point that with more bullets and the speed on swap her pistol got even more attractive to be used than before.

Which I think devs done it by purpose. To shift the focus from db to folks not feel much when they change it.

Db itself is problematic due the buff on source. Like I stated previously. The gameplay that “forces” to be played in that way isn’t healthy. Which having less value on that makes me a bit more happy about mercy mains tbh. They deserve better and db isn’t a good thing for them, neither for the balance either.

I sincerely doubt about it. At least right now, maybe at some point they considered it and after the launch noticed that is a problematic philosophy. Which is why Tanks shouldn’t had CC but supports were the most adequate candidates for it.

Is fast paced for sure, exciting not that much because becomes repetitive and plain. If everything ends fast and everything are at faster pace you disable the viability of several. Which is why the first change was nerf the speed increments.

Doesn’t challenge anybody, tbh just becomes a deathmatch arena. The issue with that is their OG players gone for OW1 because they didn’t wanted that. Which is why they not leaving OW1 in the past is a problem that are hurting their development.

Double shield were problematic because forced folks to play heroes they didn’t want to play. The 5v5 done similarly due they innability to address countering gameplay or by not disabling hero swap in the middle of the match.

At this point 5v5, needs to be hero queue, without switch in the middle of match and mostly with mirror matches without counters.

That’s the only way to make it work and justify heroes on BP. You can think alternatives but if you see their reasoning about “reduction of counters”, “the 5v5” and “most playerbase playing 1-2 heroes” makes sense they adopt a mode for that which would naturally become a main mode.

Against dive, pretty much CC or some utility technniques are needed. Mercy should be fine against dive due her mobility. But overall supports would suffer against dive due their damage be lower than the dive and CC aren’t a thing anymore for them.

Dive got less risky and got better rewards, which is why retired poke on higher tiers.

If you’re within the same rank as your foe. They’re supposed to be as good as you. Which is why, having better tools give them an edge against you. Mercy and ana are good against dive. Brig was, today is a bit of russian roulette, zen also goes to the same thing, bap can manage with IM at certain degree and his jump, lucio would not be targeted by them, kiriko can leave ocasionally and have lethality to counter play due her arm block partially her head and moira are somewhat “fine”.

But all those cases the support itself, aside from mercy, would leave their “purpose” to duel flanks and dives. Which they’re inherently weaker against them.

I don’t mind more players, I do mind gameplay being improved. Which they didn’t. I dislike 5v5, but doesn’t mean that I didn’t learned how to play it. The issue with that is the game wasn’t ready to receive the change and they didn’t planned well enough the perks around their changes.

The same “game fast paced, exciting and proactive”. Got clashed with outdated heroes abilities that weren’t mature enough when they did the transition. They started to repeat the same mistakes as before.

JK was a miss
Sojourn was a miss
Kiriko was a miss
Mei rework was a miss due breaking the hero
Doomfist rework was a miss due being planned for 6v6
torbjorn was a miss due breaking the hero
bastion was a misse due breaking the hero
orisa got fun to play but isn’t exactly in a state that was supposed to be in 5v5
zen got fun interactions, but zen itself were a hero problematic to change due his ability to be useless and oppressive at same time.

All dive didn’t had enough nerfs, otherwise they wouldn’t be that prevalent.

Don’t get me wrong, but the current problem with mercy and many other heroes are since 2016. Ana exposed how badly the design was. Mercy rework improved a ton but her db was prevalent part of it due how the game was played.

RQ didn’t done much favors either. OW2 instead changed how things behave but didn’t changed heroes to suit the new paradigm which made the game to be in the most unbalanced state ever.

Double shields were easy to fix even without removal of a tank. Double shields should been heavily nerfed. Which I think the sole exception would be rein, but his damage could be sacrificed if the got the ow2 perks on firestrike and charge.

CC I would say that was a delicate matter, due CC being important part if was only on supports. They have less overall damage comparated to damage role and often on OW2 they are at constant fight against them. There is no bodyguards anymore for them.

If you please more folks to play the most popular role. Demote folks to play the least popular role and cut one player requirement from the bottleneck role. You didn’t solved the issue, you just created a new one at expense of all other game modes being messed up.

Mercy db, was effective on OW1. On OW2 isn’t that great comparated to alternatives of her and other heroes pick advantages. Around high gold-plat-dia would be the “most” beneficial way to play her and her wouldn’t be a “really good pick” on that range, as was before.

Well that’s easy, buff the entire Support Role.

I haven’t read this, but just the length alone is a ton of effort.


Mercy db on utility wise isn’t a good deal to promote “healthy” gameplay or have a purpose on the game with the shift towards 5v5 and overall reduced ult charge generated.

While she can enable certain “oneshots”, she would be subservient by doing so. As previously she was.

In terms of ult charge she would be more effective by simply healing or shooting with her pistol. On OW2’s case the math was done above.

While on her ult her db could get a really decent value for her team but not for her on ult charge wise. Reinforcing the non-synergy aspect and more subservient one.

The EHP in the game decreased, the ttk decreased and the overall ult charge gained also decreased. Which means less value on db than before.

Also the oneshot and lethality provided by it would be more valuable on the mid ranks. Due on lower ranks folks would be inneficient to deal damage and on higher ranks her db would “overkill” to the point of losing it’s benefit/value. The aspd idea could solve the overkill part but would generate the similar problem as I previously talked about with you. Buffs on source shouldn’t have changes on breakpoints, while target debuffs should.