OW2 Playtests + POVs

Yeah damage was high, but he dropped first in front of 5 people then started getting shredded, then flew in the path they were going in. I just don’t understand why he dorpped in front of them at all, or didnt just fly back up to his team


Yeaaaah people get shredded and healing doesn’t do much. The maps are designed completely differently though, so the cover will help mitigate a lot of the damage since you can hide and get healed.

HOWEVER - Characters with super high mobility like Tracer seem to be suuuuuuper strong because of this. Can’t hide from someone when they can just blink right to you to finish you off.


And sombra. I think tracer sombra dive will be absolutely broken


Prob not, which is why they’re moving to a more dps-oriented goal.

If everyone shoots, that heal+tank is secondary, I think we’ll get the number of playerbase good enough.

Hog seeing the briefest of lime-light is already good enough for that. Granted, it could be super meme-ing but he was doing decently against the hammond FWIW.

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I mean…subject to changes and whatever, but as a tank main, every glimpse they’ve given us of OW2 looks miserable. This isn’t any different.

If Super is dying in seconds, before HE really has a chance to react, what chance do us mortals have? This looks terrible to play.


honestly this just look dreadfull, i don’t even want to watch past the first 2 minutes of the 2nd video, it’s just infuriating

tanks are getting destroyed as fast as ow1, damage hasn’t been adjusted in the slightest, ttk is way too small… simply baffling


Of course the support extremists are going to chime in to say TTK is too low, DPS are OP and the healing nerf needs to be reverted. :rofl:

If you can make balance conclusions like that from a frenetically edited gameplay video, then you should be working at Blizzard.

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It doesnt take a scientist to realize that version of supports are really bad


Considering the gameplay wasn’t edited i’m not really sure what you’re talking about.

Also, labeling people as “extremists” and not interacting with their point doesn’t really prove anything. If you don’t think ttk is too low, you should address that point instead of calling people “extremists”.


Perhaps there will be enough tank and support players, but it could also be the reverse after the newness of OW2 wears off. Supports could end up being the new bottleneck for queue times.


Not really, supports have enough DPS potential and many like me (Who was support primarily in Zen/Ana before switching to DPS.) prob would go back since it’s more fun to DPS.

I will probably wait and hope there some changes that I would like later after OW2 releases.

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Supports look a lot less helpless than I initially thought.

For some reason you can’t hear hit markers tho, which is hopefully just a bug along with the lack of voice lines.

Tanks can probably be given a little of a buff still.

That almost made that a horror film tbh

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Presumably us mere mortals wont be doing as much damage…guess we’ll ind out when we finally get a beta

Remember the narrative they have been throwing out is that healing is too strong which is why we have something like the suggested (included?) healing debuff thing

Now, can anyone tell what is wrong with this picture?



Thank you!

I’ll be honest, I feel like there’s a disconnect between what you’re telling us and what we’re seeing here. And maybe that’s because things are still tentative, but I’ll still voice my feedback.

So the big thing is, you’ve said that having 1 less tank means that lethality went down more than defense. In the videos, this seemed to be very much not the case–watching Super play, he blew up almost instantly several times, simply because if he got anywhere near the fight, his big hitbox = instant death.

A lot of successful tank play currently uses cycling. One tank takes the heat for a second or two, then cycles behind the other tank to get healed up and and let their CDs come back. Without being able to do that, Super’s options were a lot more limited. He couldn’t really dive, he had to play on the outskirts the whole time and look for people that were out of position to pick off. With tanks already being so reliant on healers, taking away their playmaking even more worries me.

I’ll also be blunt and say that there seemed to be like 0 emphasis on team-protection as a tank. I never saw either tank focus on protecting their team, or even on holding objectives. They were focused solely on getting kills. That concerns me–I like being able to protect people as a tank, but that capacity was just not there.

If you’re not prepared to discuss this, that’s fine, but I’ll ask anyway: Is burst damage going to be reduced?

You talked about how one of the major frustration points for DPS is they spend too much time shooting barriers. I can tell you that one of the main frustration points for Tanks is that they can go full to 0 in less than a second, even through defensive abilities and with team support. There’s plenty of videos showing this, and Super showed some good examples of this too. He was discorded, and just sombra shooting him melted through a full-health D.va in about a second.

A lot of my concern too is that so much if this feels designed to make the gameplay better for DPS players–give them more power, give them a passive that feels good to use, etc. It doesn’t actually feel like much is being done to make supports/tanks more appealing, and in these examples, both look markedly worse than they are currently on live.



Is it glister killing the invisible 6th member?