OW2 Playtests + POVs

I hope supports gets some kind of meaningful positive change. I also hope that was not Brig’s final rework form.


I mean they’re current maps yes……was the 5v5 not noticeable? (Cause that would prob be seen as a good thing by the devs)

Everything seems to be subject to change, yet consistently TTK is drastically lowered in all footage of OW2 we’ve seen.

Strange, that. It’s almost like they’ve got this idea of DPS supremacy they’re doggedly and consistently pursuing.


Lol at super feeding 2 seconds in


I am sorry but just removing 2 players from the match doesn’t make a new game.


Bit skewed view, considering that these are Pro-players we see, and their TTK has always been incredibly low. We need to see how that translates to the live game.

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The game is balanced around these people. I don’t like it, but their play matters a great deal to how I play the game.


I like the little directional indicator when Mercy is healing you. You can keep it at the six o’ clock position and tank some hits for her :open_mouth:
Situational awareness 100

I’m quite interested if there are former HOTS working on it
Teamfights look quite familiar, even if it went from 2D to 3D

I can say I do really enjoy how the fight looks and can’t wait to see for myself how much macro and microplay has changed

I hope they nerf the dps role before launching because dps in these video’s look extremely overtuned…


Just saying - given the doom and gloom surrounding 5v5, that’s probably seen as a successful change to dev if upon seeing it the reaction is “what’s the difference?”

But to your larger point I guess….that wasn’t new maps or game modes or pve or new heroes…didn’t see much of bastion but we did see some sombra…this wasn’t a “look at all of OW2” video(s)

It’s a play test…who knows what they were looking to get done with them exactly…maybe just curious to see how some specific abilities do…or maybe just interested in seeing how the game plays out in the hands of skilled people playing with only 5 people

Would you rather they not test the game?

How is that in any way a positive change?

The game plays the same. It is just playing tanks will feel more miserable.


Difference is there you actually cited a difference


I hope the low TTK is mostly because these are OWL players. I want lower TTK but this is a bit much.


At least it feels more meaningful when you get a killed. Often, killing a tank/dps doesn’t matter much.

Here, killing a tank means you have a massive shot in actually taking the objective and having one member down means a lot more compared to live.

More like D.Va’s Critical Box Flaw working as intended.

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Dva 2.0(?)

Dva now sits on top her mech effectively moving her cry box :sweat_smile:

Edit - like typo…leaving it


To be honest I have no idea why he drops right in front of 5 people then flying in the direction they’re rushing. Sure TTK may be a problem but I still don’t udnerstand what kind of play that was

Did you still see how Crazy that damage was? It doesn’t matter what he did, he panicked and tried to get away.


I am more concerned with enjoyment factor when playing tanks and supports.

I know this is not the final product but all showcases has showed us the direction they plan to take the game and I am very skeptical that tanks and supports will be fun to play in OW2.