OW2 Open queue and other issues

So what if the tank role DID die? It would just be all healers and DPS then I guess? With instant queue times? Sounds fine to me, lol.

You mean like what they had with open queue in the first place?? What do you mean “lead to”

I really like the idea of limiting tanks, especially in OW2 where tanks (at least from what I’ve seen) have been pretty heavily buffed. At the very least, it would fix queue times. And as the OP has stated, I don’t think they realize how many players don’t play overwatch ONLY because of queue times.

Then what was the issue? Bad team compositions?

Anything above gold, I rarely ever saw a comp that wasn’t very close to 2-2-2. Although usually some variation, to help the weak links. If you were someone with the mindset where 6 DPS is okay, you would never rank up above gold, or even more likely silver. So yes, RQ helped low ranks, and ruined higher ranks/queue times/pretty much the game. lol

the lack of players is a result of the game not having any content added for 3 years.

The queues would not improve by much because the playerbase while making queue times better will always be limited by proportional role selection OQ is a must if the game is to succed

the frequency of games lost due to the lack of a tank or support player on the team.
6 dps was common place. half of the games came down to who has more people willing to play tanks and support rather than who has the better players.

They did that, and it sucked. It was one of the things they trialed before roleQ.

And yet the posts saying “the supports are just going to have to get used to…” still happen.

They don’t have to get used to a damn thing, they could just not queue.

Isn’t bothering people who are telling the support players to cope obviously.

What do you mean, I sang along, it was fun.

totally worth it.

Because it isn’t.

They don’t now, why do you think it would start. You would just end up with Tracer / Genji / Sombra comps, and you wonder why the support players are not on board with this?

What are you going to do, make it so the supports are SO overtuned they can fight 3 flankers at once and have a good chance at victory?

adding more DPS means more peel for the support… and I am the queen of France. No one is going to believe that for a single second.

Currently people are dead set on making the problem worse though shrug

worse reason for a thread ever :wink:

I didnt experience 6 DPs commonly at all back then 1 out of 20 games maybe thats a bit high but it was not common people play comp to win.

Getting Lucio Zen hog and ball is as much as a throw as 6dps almost unwinnable against some of the more meta compositions.

then add a new tank or new support.
just look at the beta and you can see that in action. tanks and dps got new shiny things and people are queuing for tank and dps. give us a new support and people would queue for support.

Temporary solution there will always be a least favourite role this balances the roles temporarily and forces you to release 1 role for the end of time release a new DPS instead and all of a sudden the queue times are imbalanced again.

Dont release enough character the queue becomes imbalanced because people are sick of the new character its a band aid solution.

temporary solutions work when there is a reasonable content cycle.

How long have you played the same character for every day in a row.
I would say the longest ive one tricked a character was sigma when he got released and that was only for 13 days.

You cant expect a new character every month.

im practically an ana otp dude. youre not gonna get the answer you want from me.

Ok but the majority do get bored of playing the same character and we cannot expect a new character every month.
It is a very bandaid solution.

Also wouldnt OQ benefit you having 3 DPS 1 Ana and a Tank means you can have a Torb or Cassidy play backline with you or whatever and have 2 DPS more upfront near rein since apparently support is weak in OW2.+

Brig is obviously an option too but Im not sure how they compare in OW2 having a DPS for defence or a brig since she lost the stun and all.

Even during regular content cycles we only got a new character like every 6-8 months most people cant play 1 character that long.

Yes, I think at low ranks maybe that was a problem, as I stated.

But their “solution” just now means the frequency of GAMES you can play, comes down to if people are willing to play tanks and support. And now most players, rather than waiting in queues for half the time, just stopped playing.

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Pretty much, basically I mean they do not want to deal with another comp like GOATS, whatever that would be.

Well, if the OP were to somehow gets what he wants (hopes springs eternal), you’ll get exactly that! Welcome to an even more TDM oriented OW!!! I’ll just become a dps main and finally realize my dream of being an Ashe main (not joking)!! All those grueling hours learning tank…I wouldn’t even care…just straight release from my shackles😮‍💨.

Why would tank die literally all this does is limit the fact you cant have more than 2 tanks in OW1s case and 2 In OW2s case this is basically the same as role queue for tanks but you can switch between roles and you can have more players on other roles.

This literally does nothing against tanks I dont get how this makes tanks bad at all.

Except that tanks are really strong. As it is right now, I’d choose orisa over any of the DPS characters.

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see now that’s weird because half the players i run into are one tricks.
be it widows, genjis, tracers, reins, bastions, monkeys, junks.

like I said. temporary works when there is a reasonable content cycle.

the people saying support are weak are exaggerating. they need some tweaking sure but they aren’t the free picks people seem to think. lucio is kinda busted, ana still works in basically every situation, brig is less oppressive but still very good. baps playstle doesnt work great but thas an issue with how he heals and not the role. zen could also use something. he is incredibly glass. dive him and you kinda win but if he can stay alive long enough to benefit from his damage and discord then he gets sht done and done well. hell, even moira is doing pretty well.

having an extra dps in the mix wouldn’t make support better. it would make them incredibly worse. no other support ot peel, and more dps to focus them down.
your argument straight up doesn’t work.

see now here you’re making the same assumption as everyone else in that supports have the same playstyle in ow 2. they dont. they cant just sit back and heal bot anymore.

they wouldn’t need to. there would be people who didn’t get to play her much at launch and as hype dies down, they now get the opportunity to without having to rush in the hero select screen.

In your rank genji sees hardly any playtime and even in lower ranks his not a top 7 dps I think this is a slight overexaduration.

I dont think there are as many hard one tricks as you think.

Ow1 content cycle even during the beginning was one character every 8 months.

I dont think healers are that bad in OW2 I just thought thats what you would think I think its low rank players not knowing how to position correctly because theyve lose the extra tank.

every rank. gm included. you literally had to be t500 or a streamer for people to be consistantly willing to play anything other than dps.

im in no way saying role queue is perfect. I am saying it is better. id personally rather wait for a good game than play 3 bad ones.
the way to fix it is to incentives people to play less popular roles.