OW2 Open queue and other issues

then we come back to the issue of varying skill level per role and switching role mid game. Im a gm support player but im not consistent enough on dps to consistantly stay above 3.1. thats 2 entire ranks, 1000sr for those that cant do math. do you really think having me on dps in a gm game would lead to anything other than me throwing?

most people is not all.
the issue is, without a tank and support, you arent winning. 4 people pick dps, you are then essentially forced to pick tank or support, if you like gaining sr that is.

This affects everyone though not just you so it wouldnt be a problem I also feel like the average persons skill gap between roles isnt that large.

Most diamond Tank players are diamond across all roles same with masters this might affect GM a tiny bit but I cant say it was never much of an issue in 2016-2018 from what ive seen.

The odds are you will get to play DPS most games since its a 4 out of 6 odds.

This is how I feel too. I’m not gonna wait 6-10 minutes to play a game for 6-10 minutes, lol. I’m actually amazed that they have as many people as they do, willing to do this.

uh, then the developers should fix that. But, I guess it IS too much to ask blizzard to actually make their game work.

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Im glad someone finally gets it the forum posters are not the average player these are players who play the game alot and are willing to wait through these queues the average streamer and the average player are not.

But this problem is way less of an issue than some regions and some ranks having literal hour queues ive seen streamers be in queues for like 1-2 hours.

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thats because most people are average players. they arent good enough on any role to make their weaker roles look bad.

most players? are you joking? have you checked any profiles in the past two years? most people have roles that cant break out of gold in diamond.

I should also mention that my tank is 3.9. 4.1, 3.9 and 3.1. even if we do use my average, its 3.7, still more than an entire rank higher than my dps.

you dont seem to understand.
the reason people queue for dps, and wait absurd queue times, is because they want to play dps. they dont want a chance to play the role, they want to play the role.

You dont seem to understand most people arent willing to wait potentially hours to get that DPS role Ive seen in certain regions at certain times in certain ranks queues go on for 1+ hrs.
Theres only 500 Top 500 players there isnt enough for them to queue with they play with people way lower rank anyway.

It doenst matter what they want to play no one wants to play that I would rather play anything than wait 1 hr for a 15 minute game.

If I can play 4 games in that 1 hr queue that means im almost garunteed to play dps in atleast one of those games.

In OW1 one game + the queue time is equvilent to two open queue games your chance of playing DPS are almost garunteed for the same amount of time.

OW1 frequently ranks Top 500 players with masters players anyway.
Ive seen plats and diamonds get put with silvers.

I saw this one video of a Diamond playing in top 500 this already happens in the game.

So tanks are limited to one, but other roles are unlimited?

Its limited you can have 0 tanks but its not advised you could also have it set to a minimum of 1 role each atleast.

But yes you cant have more than 1 tank in OW2s case
And cant have more than 2 tanks in OW1s case.

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the current game says otherwise.

your opinion literally doesn’t matter. we arent talking about you.

im well aware of the math. that doesn’t change peoples stance on the role they are playing. they either cant perform, throw or act like the outcome is irrelevant and indirectly throw.

and yet open queue is still a wasteland that only dps players who dont want to wait in queue play

It’s actually not that bad of an idea. I’m kind of surprised they didn’t just try something like this to fix goats in the first place, instead of implementing RQ (which was obviously a huge failure).

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How can you be so sure that the amount of people who would leave the game because there’s no role queue, wouldn’t be significant enough to kill the game? Overwatch was already dying before RQ was introduced. How can you be so sure that those same players wouldn’t have left regardless of RQ being implemented?

Let’s say Blizzard does implement a tank restriction. What makes you think that with the current tank population, there will be enough LEGIT tank players for your game? I know I won’t be one of them, because as a tank main I wouldn’t play this game without role queue. I wonder how many tank mains this game will lose? Are you willing to gamble that the role won’t just immediately die completely after the change? A lot of tank players came back to the game after the swap to RQ. Keep that in mind.

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The playerbase doenst say otherwise its been going down and down and down theyre losing 3x more players every year.

2 thirds of last years playerbase gone.

And every year it gets 3x worse.

Because its not the primary gamemode.

Players in this game frequently get mismatched ive seen Diamonds in Top 500 games this games matchmaking sucks already super bad.

Ive seen Plats with Bronzes and Silvers forget about a whole rank lower some people are already getting matched with people 3 ranks lower because the game is dead casuals arent waiting to queue these 1hr games.

Theres only 500 top 500 players and a limited amount of masters and gm players and with a lower playerbase since its % based there will always not be enough for the higher and lower ranks unless we switch to open queue and expand the playerbase by getting more casuals.

Which will mean the Plats in 2800 will get to 3000 with the influx of players it balances the matchmaking and queue times this isnt a problem because the skill difference between the top 1000 players and the top 10 players are humungus.

Open queue would only benefit this game and would benefit the competitive and pro scene people like seeing unique comps and gameplay.

I am actually quite ok with this, if tanks are mega buffed it would make sense to limit them.

My theory is that they are worried it would lead to other limitless comps like only dps and support or something like that. So they thought it would be better to limit everyone.

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Roll queue is here to stay so they may as well double down on it.

Remove the jump the queue for priority pass and they are now used for selecting your roll. Want to lock DPS that will be 5 passes want to lock tank that will be 3 want to earn passes looks like it’s flex for you friend. You get 1 pass for completing a game as flex and 2 for winning have to give the DPS junkies a reason to play better as support.

They could just limit it to atleast 1 of every role and no more than 1 or 2 Tanks which would make so many comps in OW1 avaliable since most comps played in OWL before Goats consisted of 1 Healer 1 Dps and atleast 1 Tank and then the rest of the numbers were dependant on anything else.

This will just kill the game the actual length of the games for supports and tanks does not significantly shorten the queue to lock DPS down enough to make it worthwhile.

Mathmatically its actually just better to queue DPS unless your winning consistently because that time spent queuing for Flex and playing the game is actually longer than just the flat DPS queue.

Open queue needs to be implemented and rehauled to save this game.

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because goats wasn’t the issue in ranked. it was a surprisingly difficult comp to play effectively as it required coordination. it really wasn’t an issue below mid masters.

they were losing players long before role queue was implemented.

you also conveniently don’t see the correlation with loss of players and lack of content.

3 years since the last meaningful content drop. how are you not seeing the correlation?

in what way is it not primary. literally the only difference is that its not on the left of the mode selection screen.

ive seen a lot worse than diamonds dude. 3600 tank players in 4.1 lobbies.

this really isnt relevant to my point though, is it now?

youve yet to name a benefit other than queue times and β€˜unique comps’. unique comps are what lead to goats dude. no one wants to watch weird comps, they want to watch high level mechanics and interesting strats. comps are a by product and not necessarily a good one. goats comes to mind.

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Streamers play what OWL is playing and players play what streamers are playing it is not the primary gamemode.

Yeah that just is what im saying so if your a worse DPS and a better tank its not like the matchmaking in this game is that good anyways.

Shorter queues
More diversity
More players stay because shorter queues - Two of my friends refuse to play OW because of the queue times it isnt an over exaduration someone on the forums literally just said they dont like these queuetimes and dont like queing them.

Whats the benefit of rolequeue?
Getting the role garunteed despite the maths working out the same to get DPS.

streamers play what streamers want to play.
pros will stream rq because it would be a waste of time to practice anything else.
everyone else plays what they want to play. it just so happens that the open queue experience is that of 6 dps.

its nothing to do with matchmaking dude. its lack of players.

the two things that I called you out on.

ah yes, queue times again.

youve still yet to name any benefits outside of queue times and varying comps.

The lack of players are a result of casual players not wanting to wait through 20 minute queues more players from valorant csgo and other games would migrate if queues werent so long.

2 Of my friends refuse to play this game and this guy literally said he wont as much

because of the queues on the forums.

Role Queue exists because it is literally impossible to balance the hero pool otherwise.

Tank restrictions won’t solve this issue. Besides, what broke GOATS was the supports. In their own right they were all fairly subpar on their own. But having all three together broke the game.

Role Queue is the best chance at this game ever achieving a state of balance.

All that said, my preference is Open Queue. Yes, I should just get a free win for providing proper team balance, a strong comp, and a promotion of teamplay. Alot of OQ is hit and miss. It’s either 12 players all trying to 1v1 each other, or one team trying to do that while the other stomps them with teamwork. Egos get punished in OQ and I love it.

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