OW2 Open queue and other issues

I didn’t experience that this much 2016-2018 overwatch was definitely my most fun time playing OW and people have a tendency to remember negative memory over positive ones.

Maybe they saw Dunkey’s video and are now bringing it up again

I have seen Dunkeys video but I think dunkey is clueless with what his on about the only thing he said correct was that OQ is better and he didnt even expand on it like limiting tanks.

He might be sarcastic or trolling but he seems to think Junk is op and widow is the worst character in the game so I almost disagree with everything dunkey said except that.

Ive been on this opinion for a long time though since im an oldschool OW player Ive always prefered open queue 2018 dive meta and all the weird compositions the nostalgia and fun was uncomparable to anything.

lol is that why the most played characters in masters+ were DPS? erm…oh wait, not even close?

If what you said is true then people would just play the two open queue modes that already exist in the game instead of waiting for queues, but yet these modes represent only a small minority of players.

No because it isnt the primary gamemode.
Because theyre playing it in OWL which means everyone else follows and plays rolequeue whereas if they overhauled OQ and limited it to 1 or 2 tanks max then it would be the superior gamemode in every metric.

Casual players dont follow OWL and play what pros are playing just because its what they play. They queue up for whatever mode is most fun to them.

why focus in on genjis? I didnt say there was a lot of them. I said I see genji otps commonly. there aren’t a lot of gm players my man. half of them could be the same person with how prevalent alts are in this game.

I think you are underestimating what people do to enjoy a game that hasnt had any meaningful content in 3 years.
im more than willing to admit that this might be a high rank issue in that it could be people doing challenge runs of sorts but to claim it is uncommon is not true.


low ranked players cant position correctly as it is. but low ranked players cant punish poor positioning very well anyway.
if you speak to anyone that has ever smurfed or done any boosting (i know its bad but it happens), they will tell you that to win low ranked games you just have to go in with your tanks, even if it leaves you in a bad position. the reason is you can get away with some outrageous things when people cant punish you.

it absolutely wasn’t as bad as I am making it out to be. like, it wasnt every game was 6 dps but those experiences happened often enough for literally everyone other than dps players being in favour of role queue.

what stats are you going on here bud?

Not the reason I made the thread so im glad.

Made up ones from my head? Obviously I’m too lazy to look it up, but I don’t think there were 6 DPS comps in GM roooflll.

Common sense tells me it wasn’t plagued with DPS.

Dont see alot of play in your rank satisifed?

I played with my brother on an alt so I do agree your positioning doesnt really get punished you can dive the whole team solo as genji get an elim and dash out.

People wont play the same character for 8 months which defeats the purpose of new content it wont keep queue times incheck for long like I said bandaid solution.

You keep neglacting the fact that people can still through and play unoptimal picks theres nothing stopping Genji from playing into Cassidy Brig just like theres nothing stopping both of your healers from choosing Zen Lucio or your Tanks choosing Hog Ball.

Yeah that’s true, his videos tend to be tongue in cheek or running gags or maybe he prefers OQ, idk.

Regarding the thread topic, personally when RQ was in the works and the community was talking about it, I was heavily against it. I wanted to ensure short queues and flexibility to play whatever desired or needed and worried about limiting strategies (I also didn’t like hero limits). Now, I’m kinda indifferent, partially changed my mind on it, and don’t mind it. But I’ve always still thought that it would have been nice to still have that flexibility to swap roles with another player.

For instance, if they kept a limit for each role of 2, I could play dps then swap with the support player and they take my place as dps mid match. I always thought it should have been more like that, as we select heroes it locks out the roles if a limit was reached and frees up when someone decides to change deselecting their hero. Although, who knows what other problems that brings, maybe players become toxic or fight over it, but I always thought it might have been a decent middle ground.

Anyway, while the game sucks to play as a support you will have trouble getting support players, and your queue times will be long.

You could think people who were SO worried about that would be trying to get the supports to suck less.

VERY few people in the support lineup is going to be pushing open queue, because playing into 2 flankers as 2 supports suck pretty hard. Playing into 3 as one support? No one wants that.

You are going to have to solve that issue before you could hope to open queue, AND find a solution for the fights in the spawn over who gets to play which role.

Solve those, and you should be ok.

so you’re guessing instead of taking a gm players experience?

common sense should tell you to not state things as fact when you have no idea but look how far that got us.

not really. I still never said they did. I said I run into them commonly. there’s a reason I named a lot of heros. its because the heros themselves may not see much play but the frequency of one tricks is high.

exactly. positioning only matters when the enemy is good enough to make it matter. same thing in ow2. bad players will still be bad.

Well that doesn’t matter, because the people that play support are like 5 people total, anyways. :stuck_out_tongue:

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They will be if you openQ and they got to play into 3 flankers a lot.

You have a LARGE LARGE group of players who will not sign up for this for VERY good reason.

You arent acknowleding the fact that 6dps is just as much as a throw as playing incredibly suboptimal picks like playing Genji into Pharah mercy or Genji into cassidy brig.

The 6dps excuse isnt a good exuse if people want to throw they will throw even in RQ.

it was never brought up. I agree with it.

I’m not guessing. Believe it or not, I have a memory, and people actually used to look at most played characters in high ranks.

But no, I’m not going to go look up exact stats for you. You can google it yourself, or just try to remember properly.