OW2 Open queue and other issues

the only opinions you have are of those who chose to speak. the vocal.
you have literally 0 data to prove that they arent a minority.

they didnt. they were on a decline for a while dude. goats lasted way longer than people seem to remember.

they added it for the minority that wanted it. go and play it. you’ll soon find that there are around 7 active players.
like the option is there. if people wanted it, they would play it.


Player counts aren’t data now? That’s a pretty interesting position to take.

There is no data but player count does dip after role queue even if its not proof and even if it wasnt true an open queue rehaul to limit it to 1 or 2 tanks maximum depending on OW1 or OW2 would be a superior gamemode in almost all aspects this is what it improves

This is what I sent to someone else this is what open queue would improve.

Overexduration and its because its no longer the primary gamemode.

For competitive Open queue is by far the best gamemode if reworked correctly.

What are you talking about? You have Quickplay Classic in Arcade and it looks like it’ll be moved over under Quickplay in OW2. I don’t even play ranked. Haven’t in like two years. I play quickplay and don’t miss for a minute the days of solo tanking or solo healing.

You can cry about team creativity, casuals, and whatnot, but we all know it’s going to end with every team having a minimum of 4 DPS.

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its data, just not data that is relevant to your point.

there was also a dip during goats.

it would come down to who can chooses the fastest. it wouldn’t solve anything. if anything it would be even more frustrating that just having 6 dps.

the primary gamemode is chosen by the community. just because it isnt on the left of the mode selection screen? jsut because the esport nobody watches is 222?? are you high?


4DPS isnt a bad comp if your talking about OW1 if its played correctly regardless people want to win competitive thats why people dont play fun characters like doom and they will force themselves onto characters like Cassidy to win.

Brig is apparently widely considered the most boring healer in the game to play but she still sees good pickrates same with mercy because people want to win competitive.

No, role queue was made to stop people from picking more than 2 dps per game. Killing goats was just the cherry on top.

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The devs could have fixed it by reworking brig

More than 2 dps was never a bad comp

If the comps are played correctls 2-3 even 4 dps can work.

It only becomes a problem when you have no tanks or no healers which rarely happens in comp I played in 2016-2018 during this time period and it was like every 1 out of 20 games

Not to mention if people want to throw they will throw theres nothing stopping people from picking Lucio Zen and Hog and Ball which is argubly almost as big of a throw as 5 dps.

This is also plausible.

no one claimed it was bad. they claimed it was unfun.

DPS is widely considered the most fun role to play.

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How will this work exactly?

No, anything over 2 dps was annoying and unfun to play. I was on the forums every day for years asking for role q well before goats. It’s because I despised comps with more than 2 dps

and for those who couldn’t pick dps in time?

You queue and you cant exceed a certain amount of tanks on a team this hard prevents goats from being playable but allows all other competitive compositions.

That could lead to potential code issues, like the one we have currently that a character being copied by Echo can’t swap heroes until Echo’s ult ends.

OWL implementing that as a tournament rule don’t need to hardcode the limitation. It can simply tell the players they can’t swap and step out of spawn, and if they do, they forfeit the round.

Maybe Role Queue could be added into Comp to mirror the tournament rules. My main point is mostly that QP should not had enforced Role Queue at all, period.

I doubt doing this would cause many issues it shouldnt be too hard to implement its definetely doable.

I agree here. as much as i disagree with the idea, if a multi billion dollar company cant code that then there are bigger issues than role lock.

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Actually I think remove role q is the vocal minority… No one makes threads saying “keep role queue” unprompted.

You can implement time allocation selects it randomly selects a player to choose a character in order I would prefer this not to be a thing but it definetely makes it fairer if your worried about instalocks.

Most people will get a chance to play DPS anyway as long as you have atleast 1 healer and 1 tank you can have as many dps as you want and the comp is still viable.

Most people wont sabotage a game in competitive just to play their favourite role I played in 2016-2018 and it was like every 1 in 20 games on PC theres nothing stopping people from rocking Lucio Zen and Hog ball in OW1 right now which is argubly just as much as a throw as any other comp.

Maybe remove role queue was an overexaduration but it should be replaced as the primary gamemode also no one is saying keep role queue because no one is saying theyre removing it.