OW2 Open queue and other issues

Any day now, mods. This seems pretty obviously against the rules around here. Oh, now I’ve reported his comments too many times, so I can’t report anymore. Great report system, that can be defeated by someone simply posting too much. Awesome work Blizzard.

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OW2s main audience is DPS specifically those from other games (Valorant etc 5v5 works in these types of games so OW2 is copying.), thats what 5v5 is it adds more carry potential for DPS if DPS dont like the queues the main audience will leave.

OW2 isnt attracting new healers its primary audience is dps.

And it won’t maintain the increased player count with stupid decisions like keeping RQ. lol. You can believe me or not, but the next few years will tell the story.

Spamming the thread without adding anything is also against the rules. Should I report you too? It’s pretty funny, you were all too happy to insult my intellect and say i was just an “angry gamer” but when you got hit back over it, you started with this embarrassing hissy fit. Once you calm down I’m sure you’ll see how silly you’ve been. lmao.

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It wont be an issue you can just make a system where it allots select times at random so it will choose player 5 chance to choose a character for 20 seconds then go to the next player and they can choose what to select this makes it fair and worked fine for League of legends which im pretty sure it has since everyone likes to compare OW to a moba.

This makes it more fair but I personally would not prefer this method most people will not be insta locking tank.

Thank you realizing your position as such. Role Que, especially in the Beta, is important. For one, it gives you the opportunity lock in your role for the next game. In OW-1 before role que, I would go in and select which character i wanted to play. certain maps i would prefer tank, others DPS, and still others healer, but in quick play i would find my self with no tank on defense, or others no healers. I would wind up changing my role because no one else would pick up the needed role. with Role Que, I can choose my desired role, and yes i wait longer for a game. but i know (for the most part) we will have the desired META for game play. (excepting those who play DPS healer/tank and leave the team out to dry) But by using the RQ Blizzard can see how the game play is going to unfold. I love the RQ in OW1, and i can see why they placed it in OW2 especially the Beta.

The long wait times are due the limited number of players, and as more people are allowed to play, the better it will become. (hopefully)

Be glad your able to play it, I signed up but was not chosen for the Beta, I am a Junk Rat main, but planed on rotating through each role, and most of the characters to see how the different roles worked I also wanted to test out the linking characters like rein and brig being able to link their shields worked. (or did they drop that idea?)

the 1/2/2 Meta was designed to stop the whole bastion bunker, Also i understand they moved some characters around, some of the Tanks became DPS and such. there is a lot of things that are going to be interesting to see how they play out.

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They could just make it so quickplay keeps role queue as its primary mode with open queue as a secondary mode

But for competitive the primary mode should be open queue you can read the other posts ive made and what other people have been said but I think like you said a tiny bit Open queue just makes the game better.
It adds more diversity to the game and compositions.

It allows you to switch out with players underpreforming so you can help them out ive im getting absolutely rolled on tank I can say does anyone want to switch out with me Im getting destroyed.

It makes queue times quicker which improves it for casuals the game was at its height during Open queue

You can add tank limitations to stop stuff like Goats being played or bunkers being played.
You can limit it to 1 tank maximum in OW2s case
Or 2 tanks maximum in OW1s case.

Some players are more suited to different team compositions you might be a great winston but a terrible rein so if your stuck on tank and your team isnt playing dive with you you might want to switch out for a teamate who plays a better brawler tank.

Role queue defenders usually fall under 1 of 3 types of players:

  1. Healbots who literally cannot play anything else besides Mercy and Moira without being bronze level bad

  2. Reinbots who aren’t good at anything besides holding up a shield and can’t function without a second tank to carry them

  3. Ashe/Cree mains who turn into garbage without a team that plays around them the entire match


These are the same people complaining about 5v5 and the barrier/CC removal.

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These people complaining about support being bad for OW2 dont realise that Open queue running in OW2

A 1 3 1 comp would allow them to have an extra dps to peel for the support maybe have a Genji or Reaper up front and a Cassidy or Torb further in the back the compositions and imagination are endless.

Even if we end up going back to 6v6
1 3 2
1 4 1
1 3 2
2 2 2
2 1 3

Are all very viable.

It baffles me how people are complaining about queue times in a closed beta.

Queue times are high right now because of the lack of players compared to live (which includes grouped console players in its pools and generally has more players) and also people are mostly queuing to try the new hero changes, meaning there’s a weighted disparity between supports and other roles, supports normally being the second longest queue time on live.

I was anti-rolequeue when people were first talking about it, but honestly it makes the game wayyy healthier. Jumping into open queue is great for getting a quick game, but you very quickly remember why open queue is god awful


Lmao ypur living rent free in some peoples head

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Its not about OW2 beta but even if the game releases the issue will pertain this is about the longevity of overwatch 1 overwatch 2 and the overwatch franchise my favourite game

Lack of players is a factor theres also that people dont want to play support as much even if supports get a new character when that character gets old people wont want to play that role anymore that also means every time they add a new character the roles will be imbalanced rolequeue is a bandaid solution.

Dude you’re literally complaining about the OW2 queue times in your first post.


I do mention OW2s queue times as well towards the bottom to show its not working out currently and I dont believe it will get better, but originally at the top im referencing OW1s queue times.
Read this though

There will always be a favouritised role and a least favourite role amoung the general populous and that will effect queue times which will affect the playerbase and cause players to leave and cause streamers to want to stream different games which leads to less exposure

Read the other stuff above rolequeue will not work it is a temporary solution that has lasted way to long the only way to fix this game is to overhaul OQ bring it back and fix what the game started as because what the game was in 2018 was perfect that was the best state the game had ever been in in my opinion.

The main reason why people who don’t like RQ also don’t like Goats being used as a scapegoat (pun intended) is because Goats was only a problem for OWL, because it was so absurdly powerful when used by a coordinated team that no team could crack the code to beat them for over a year. So they basically stop trying and just focused in perfecting the only comp they could play. That lead to homogenization of teams and every OWL match was basically seeing the replay of a previous match.

That could be solved by adding role limit as a OWL-exclusive rule. The pro league can have different rules from the casual players. There is a reason why your backyard b-ball don’t need a shot clock, but NBA need to enforce it as a rule.

what makes you think that you arent?


You do know open queue is there as an option right? Or are you salty that open queue isn’t the default way to play?


Even simpler solution make it so you cant have more than 2 tanks for OW1
and cant have more than 1 Tank for OW1.

Still open queue can still switch between roles.

No one is salty this is to save the game, open queue is what will save the game.
Open queue has to have limits on tanks right now open queue isnt in a good state playerwise or balance wise, an overhauled open queue would be many times greater than role queue for all these reasons below

This is what I said to someone else open queue improves all of this.

Because role queue has been almost universally reviled since it was implemented except for the three groups of players the person above listed? Or how about the fact that the player counts for this game started tanking around the time it was implemented? Or the fact that they had to fold and add it back in as an option in Ranked because European players were literally quitting en masse?

Not in quickplay. Not everybody wants to do ranked play all the time.