OW2 Open queue and other issues

Just out of interest… you have no affiliation with AKJ or DVS? I am just scare of them both because… if you know them you know. Therefore I am worried about player with 3 letter in caps :upside_down_face:

The thing is the game wasnt dead in 2016 this doesnt make much sense the game is literally did in OW1 and I dont think OW2 will appeal to casuals if queue times are going to be 20 minutes there is no way to balance the queue roles.

People didnt want to play tanks because its the least fun role because you got blown up in OW2 thats not the case people will not want to play Support over the two fun killing roles.

Stop derailing im trying to stop this game from dying with this suggestion because this is my favourite game and if this game gets any worse ill also be forced to quit.

Youve cut the other part I said about 2 of my friends refusing to play and now I will add additonal information that a 3rd will refuse to buy the game because his heard stuff about queues being as long as potentially 30 minutes why did you delibrately leave this out?

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Then just quit. How many times to we have to do this old man… :face_with_monocle:

Role queue time is over because of multiple reasons.

I did quit. I’d like to be able to come back for OW2 cuz most of the gameplay changes look good. But I’m not going to put up with inflated queueu times and Blizzard’s attempts to baby the playerbase because they’re afraid of another GOATs dominating OWL.

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I also quit and came back when 222 was in the game. It was just unbearable for me… solo tanking and solo healing… sometimes in the same game with 5 DPS… never again.


I don’t think Queue Times are going to be 20 minutes. The idea that it’s a 100% guarantee because of RQ is an absurd premise that this thread is based on, it’s not set in stone.

Queue times are bad in OW1 because no one wants to play tanks. They are bad in the beta because there is nothing new for supports worth trying out. Both of those things will be different when OW2 is released. This is not worth being mad about in May of 2022, when it’s all hypothetical and based on things we already know will be changed in the actual game.

It wont just be me who quits OW1 has already lost I think it was 30 million players this year gone that was 3x more than last year it was either 1 or 2 thirds of their total playerbase gone.
If the game gets any worse there wont be any queues to play the original Advanced warfare once a great game now a dead game you cant even get in a lobby.

You got me. I really do think the Sonic the Hedgehog movie made OW lose players. I thought I could pass it off as a joke, but it’s a real thought that I had as an adult man. For sure. Can’t slip anything by you. This comment is also very sincere, as I’m sure you can tell.

Also, as an aside, great job mods. Amazing moderation from Blizzard, as always. The civility is really something in here.

Even if supports got a new character it would not last there will always be a weak role that someone wants to play less.
In OW1 tanks had more characters and got them more often than supports but even no one wanted to play tanks releasing new characters is just a bandaid to get temporary players on that role just for them to quit and switch back to their new Mega DPS Tanks or their DPS main roles.

It is not a permanent solution.

People played support because it was more bearable than Tank now that tank is fun why would anyone want to play the healing role rather than the two killing roles with “the most impact” in quotations because I do not want to declare this since the game hasnt been out long.

It’s no worse than making me play with 5 DPS every game, which I will not do again. It was miserable. It will be miserable to do that again. I will not play OW2 if that is the default experience.

Hello? How is this guy still allowed on here? Anyone home?? I’ve been silenced for less in the actual game.

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Literally no one does this I played open queue from 2016-2018 and this was like once every 20 games.

Its no different from getting Lucio Zen and Hog Ball in Overwatch if people want to choose to throw they will throw and theres nothing you can do to stop them.

Most people want to win in Comp so most people will select characters that will make them win thats why Doomfist despite being more fun is less played than Cassidy who is less fun but more Op.

They think they got an opportunity because none of them understand how betas work. Of course the viewership went down. It’s not the full game. :confused:

That’s a lie. Sorry. You won’t make me forget the thing I actually lived through. That’s not something you can pretend didn’t happen. My PS4 account from that era has the Rein-only playtime to prove it.

I’m just going to keep quoting these until this guy is kicked, this is absurd.

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PS4 players are more casual than casual pc players Im only talking about PC.

There where different reasons why people quit and role queue was a minor one that mostly affected DPS players that had to deal with high queue times… and we still have to many of them. So not a big loss.

OW2 is also for a new audience. So they will only rely on the old one a bit. If you are not part of it and the other “open queue” people than thats fine.

That’s not a rebuttal and it’s not an excuse.

Less players = Less money = Less budget for the game which leads to a worse game overtime which leads to 0 Updates OW1.

Losing players is always a big loss

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OW2 will bring new players. More than will go. Thats the point of it. Losing players is bad but losing players that want the game to be in dispensary is even worse for more. Let them play games where just DPS exist for the most part.