OW2 isn't what I bought

Not even remotely similar. Your pants changed from wear and tear; Levi’s did not break into your house, dye them purple and cut holes in them which is more akin to what Blizz did to OW1. ActiBlizz fundamentally changed the product we purchased back in 2016 and then re-named it by slapping a “2” on the end to justify ram rodding a new monetization system even more egregious than loot boxes into the original game that we bought.

The industry standard is when a online game sequel launches the old online game remains online and playable forever frozen in the state of its last patch until many years later when the player population almost vanishes and then servers are turned off. Can you imagine the outcry if Activision overwrote COD Modern Warfare with this year’s live service COD entry just because the publisher knows the new product is bad and they don’t want people to be able to go back to the old product the prefer?

I can literally see the videos on the overwatch League YouTube channel. All of the most recent matches had Kiriko and Souj.

Ill just sum this up to some guy saying he wants a refund while clearly acknowledging he wont get one.

While this is no different than me saying “i want a million dollars.” Also I understand i wont get a million dollars.

The rest of this post is people explaining why this peraon wont get or doesnt deserve a refund even though he clearly doesnt need the explanation as he already knows everything you are all saying. Just a bunch of people pretending not to or actually not reading and understanding the post to make some kind of arguement that needs not be made to boost their self esteem. Thats pretty much every response to every post though. So next time you want to respond to a post with useless needless info to win an arguement no one made in the first place remember this post. 90% of the ppl who responded are toucbed in the head.

Yes, it is what you bought, the license to updating content - whatever it transforms to.

OW1 getting taken offline is a rude awakening that games as a service are toxic practices and arguably fraud. If OW1 was released in the 2000s, it would have an offline mode, maybe dedicated servers and LAN option. Now we don’t even own the game.

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No, you bought pants that were always changing colors. That is what you agreed to buy. Overwatch 1 in the end was a completely different game than what it started as and it changed dramatically many times throughout the years. OW2 is just the next change.

No faith but honestly whats better currently?

I dont own cod currently and not paying the amount they want

Apex is bland

Valorant is terrible

CSGO is full of hackers

Did the shopkeeper put holes in them over time? If yes, you can rightfully criticize him for that and ask for compensation.

stop acting entitled to having access to ow1, they changed THEIR game the way THEY wanted and if u don’t like it you can simply stop playing. They are not gonna go out of their way to keep ow1 just because minority of players like you don’t like the changes. It’s literally their game that you decided to buy knowing they can and will make changes in the future, so either deal with what they’ve done or leave

No, they marketed it as “redefining what a sequel is” and are having it be a FREE update for PvP with a whole PvE game coming next year.

It does not matter at this point what we all call it. Blizzard calls it a sequel. And thus it is so

Criticize all you want but you knowingly purchased a live service game. If you didn’t know live service games are always changing and can end up drastically different from how they started, that’s on you but that’s what you agreed to purchase.

This whole thread justifies a bag of popcorn - the OP is either bait, or the absolutely most naive take on how gaming licenses work and their ‘entitlement’ to refunds when the game itself is, by their own admission, no longer the game they paid for and thus not covered for any potential refunds.

OW1 is dead, non refundable and buried - uninstall if you must, but there’s very likely no cash refunds or compensations coming your way.

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Doesn’t matter. Not how online only games work. Devs have no obligation to keep servers up forever

Nope, no fraud, no toxic practices either.

Games will eventually shut down. That’s an inevitable fact of life. Sometime in the future Overwatch 2, CS:GO, Apex Legends, Valorant, League of Legends, all of these games will shut down. And when they shut down the developers of those games will owe us, as players, nothing. We got multiple years out of those games, infinitely more entertainment value than any other form of entertainment in existence and for an extremely cheap price.

Realize that and prepare for it, because many online games have shut down already and more will shut down in the years to come.

You never ‘owned’ the game back then either.

You owned a license to play the game, and you owned the physical contents of the box. But your access to any online functionality, even back then, could be revoked in an instant and you legally recognized that when you agreed to various Terms of Services or End User License Agreements.

You never owned the game in the term and service you are only renting the license to play the game. This is the biggest issue with live service games.

Yes they did.

Of course paying to own a copy of a software does not mean you own the software itself, the company you buy it from does. People know this.

The fact that disgruntled customers have no legal recourse in this case doesn’t mean they don’t have a very good reason to be upset. Stop being that guy.

Right, that’s how services go, you OWN the service so when you screw it up, it’s everyone else’s problem and you should just keep going. And if everyone slowly leaves, it’s their problem, not yours when nobody buys your stuff anymore. Great explanation!

But it’s wrong. It’s unethical. What if they started taking away all the old games we bought? Zelda: Breath of the Wild discontinued. Elden Ring taken offline. Sorry, you paid money for it, but we decided you shouldn’t get to play it any more, because we released a sequel.

Where does it end? Buy a car, and they just disable it with a software update when they release a new version?

This is NOT how things worked, ever. If they wanted to release a sequel, they should have just released a sequel. Instead, they removed the original and gave us this atrocity.

It’s shady, unethical, and if we had any sense, we’d all boycott it.

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The physical or digital content you will always own, it’s just that the service included in the product has ended. For online games, that means you can no longer play. But can still install it and log in, that isn’t possible if you don’t ‘own’ it.

The mental gymnastics are getting wild.