[OW2] Is this how they solve SMS controversy

So what if they solved the bulk of the cellphone drama, the same way they solved the Kiriko drama? Make it so that OW1 players don’t need to deal with it.

  1. Phone number required for Comp, for everybody
  2. Existing OW1 digital-only players don’t need phone verification for Quickplay
  3. New players do need need Phone Verification for Quickplay

Since you can ban OW1 players, but you can’t ban unlimited free smurf accounts.


Yeah, I sort of agree but I don’t think you should need SMS verification for Competitive if you have an existing OW1 account.


No sense. Same rule must apply for all




Like other players, who had OW1, can still be toxic and cheat. Without SMS barrier people will abuse this.


Why? If they are a problem then ban their OW1 account, and they can’t make a new OW1 account.


People still pressing same key theres no OW1 and OW2 accounts, exists just Overwatch license. You cannot ban someone from creating an OW1 account. Since OW1 will not exist anymore

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But the point to any sort of verification system, is that you can ban something that takes money to replace.

i.e. Like a purchased copy of OW1

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Its part from BNet services, not game service.

  • Open game → Connect to bnet lobby → Check license:
    • Is valid: Proceed → Connect to main game cluster server
    • Is not valid: Return

Game don’t interact with bnet transaction services and should never interact with

You solve the problem by investing money in moderation and anti-cheat solutions instead of off-loading the problem on the consumer.


I’m pretty sure they have databases that know the difference between a new account and a legacy account.

Especially since new accounts are gonna be locked into that First Time User Experience thing.

Where as legacy accounts get all the old characters, Sojourn, Junker Queen and Kiriko unlocked instantly.

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The proposal is that existing accounts can play OW2 without a phone number, but new accounts can’t. There would only be a finite amount of smurf accounts left, and eventually they’ll all either find their skill rating or be banned.


You are absolutely correct. They know if you are a legacy player or a new player.

Your idea is a good one and still solves the cheater situation because, at most, a legacy user could create one account after a ban (worst case scenario).

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This isn’t just an “database difference” Mojang did same thing with minecraft accounts. Theres no more legacy account. Every account was merged.

If you can read the first paragraph, is it really that difficult to read the other two paragraphs?

There’s bound to be an account creation date. If accountdate <= 2022-10-03 then don’t require SMS else require SMS.

This is actually really easy.

You literally is talking to modify bnet account services to just detect who date that player created an account for that only specific game. Theres no reason to do this. And people that works in bnet account services is not same people in OW dev team, take this in your mind. Game just request if your license to play is valid or not then proceed with rest stuff not because they want. Its some IT data security predictions, some information must be valid and relevant just for who need, and kind of information you need

I don’t think much has to change in Battle.net. the rules for adding a phone number are unchanged. The only thing that changes is the check in Overwatch’s code for whether your account has a phone number or not. Just skip the check for accounts created before today.

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Touch same key, that information is stored in bnet services not GAME services. Please read

So how do they tell which players get kiriko instantly unlocked, and which players need to grind to unlock the hero?