OW2 is just a more fun game

Stable how? When has RQ ever been stable?
All the devs had to do was not add busted heroes to the game that made barriers and supports must picks, but kept adding more fun balanced tanks and supports so people would play those roles.

I honestly couldn’t think of another mode more unstable than RQ. Harder metas, terrible matchmaking and disproportionate queue times. It’s been over three years and the devs still couldn’t make it work. RQ has always been an unsustainable mess.

Here’s a list of the pros and cons of RQ. I wasn’t worth it.

You mean the vast minority of players who stuck around? Even I bad mouth OW2 open queue because the devs keep making it worse and more unbalanced with every passing year attempting to balance the game for RQ. 2016-2017 OQ format was widely popular until, like I said earlier, newer tanks and supports started to become must picks. The low ELOs filled with players who don’t fill complained about not having enough tanks and supports on their teams. That wasn’t an issue in mid or high ranks where players were actually decent, except for when peak GOATS took over high ranks. Which, again, was a roster balance issue not one caused because of the OQ format.