I’m extremely concerned for the game. So far, it’s all going downhill for tank and support players.
I remember certain parts of the community assuming echo would be a support without blizz ever saying she would be. Only later did we find out they tried her as a support; but decided on her being a dps. And post launch we have been given 3 tanks, 4 dps, and 4 supports. So just as many there.
At least they all fill a role with only 1 being lacking, way more dps are lacking than supports. I don’t think they have been neglected at all.
You just don´t get it…
With 7 heroes - if you don´t like to play 2 of them, one is taken by other support and one or two are always weak/ bad for the certain map/team comp, you don´t have much left to choose from. It can get pretty boring…
(and I am talking about QP where I don´t care about meta)
Of course they cannot currently do that and that is the point. Everything you just described about OW1 healing is how OW2 healing works. What you simply do not realize is not nerf healing would be the same as going, on the live game, we are increasing all healing by 20%.
Let’s just use that as context. If you increased healing by 20% on the live game what do you think would happen to fights. You would either die to snipers or to nothing. That is the situation that would exist in OW2 without a global healing nerf. Overall damage in OW2 is going DOWN. If you think it is going up you are simply wrong. Tanks do as much, usually more, damage than a DPS and you are losing one of them. Damage is 100% going down. With the loss of a tank and new tank passive, the amount of ults per game (from a non support) is 100% going DOWN which further pushes damage down.
So if damage is going down overall healing would therefore need to also go down to compensate. If you honestly play Tank, then you should realize as you holding those Gold/Silver damage medals that if you did not exist there would be a LOT less damage to heal.
after years of neglecting support role (and rooster)
Not true, there’s that one Bastion skin with the rooster Ganymede.
I hope they’re still sticking with the pve story aspect of overwatch 2, cause that’s all I’m playing it for. These new changes show that blizzard doesn’t care about healers in any of their games, but then again it seems like most games don’t like healers.
…so what we (support mains) can look up to?
New characters.
Assuming that there are 2 - 3 new supports, at least one is going to be designed with the new 5v5 system in mind from day 0 and probably is going to feel more at home.
Although, if I’m being honest, beyond Mercy and Brig, the other characters I don’t think are going to suffer from anything. And Bring is probably going to have a new hability to compensate the one she lost.
Yeah, there is that healing nerf while on fights, but I see that as a good thing.
I don’t think are going to suffer from anything.
Heal tuned down is a big of a deal - specialy in player base with mentality, that see support as healbots. We know, they are going to be crippled, but we don´t know, what they will get instead…so yes, I am concerned.
specialy in player base with mentality, that see support as healbots
I see that as Tank-DPS problem.
The game is going to have way lower TTK thanks to more DPS and less healing at the same time.
Players are going to face that fact the instant that they explode while being healed by two mains support at the same time.
It is going to require a different playstyle than current OW.
“My healing output on fight now is this. Expect to die on team fights. Now that you know that, you do you”
My guess is that supports are going to shift a little more to dps.
Edit: My only question is “What do they have planned for Mercy?”
I see the general healing nerf as a good thing, but even I understand that Mercy is not going to be a enjoyable character to use if everyone dies quickly now.
All I can see now is even more “where are my heals???” whiners…
Oh, I’m looking forward to that.
It’s really interesting answering to those players.
In my experience, they stay silent (boring), tilt (funny, with extra points the more they tilt) or understand that everything explodes in the game and are chill after that (really fun because now the team, having accepted their fate, laughs and enjoy the game even if it’s a lose)
The new self healing is nice increment and all but that’s not enough for all of the current ones i think.
The moment people start playing natural cover (which they will, due to being 5v5) you will realise how HARD can be to kill a support that knows how to dodge, hide and “wiggle” with that passive regen.
That change is INSANE. Not as good as the one tanks have but its brutal.
healing tuned down
I’m pretty sure Geoff Goodman was saying the other day that it’s unlikely that the healing change will make it to the final game, it was just something they were experimenting with. People really out here all doom and gloom about a game that is still many months away and is subject to change.
That´s the first time I hear such thing. Also, don´t be surprised, that people are worried. From what I have seen yet, this game will get worse for me, while other roles, mains get pretty exciting news.
overtuned dps
The old lie.
Usual ‘dps bad, tank/support good’ mentality.
We DPS players should quit the game due to the abuse we get from GOATs elitists like this OP.
What you simply do not realize is not nerf healing would be the same as going, on the live game, we are increasing all healing by 20%.
I don’t think that’s true, tbh.
While I can well believe that healing needs tweaked some to not be overwhelming in 5v5, the problem is that, while there is technically one less damage-dealer on the other team, it is rare in the current game that all six damage dealers are pointing at the same target in this game. Shoot, if you’re playing against Rein and Mercy, two of the enemy heroes are going to spend a lot of time not attacking your team.
No support (or combinations of supports) can keep someone alive while getting hard-focused by five enemies now. This is good, to be clear. Fights need to end. Healing shouldn’t match damage 1:1 in a teamfight. Almost every damage-dealing hero—not just DPS—can outdamage any one supports’ worth of healing now.
Yes, OW2 will have one less source of incoming damage, but it also has one less source of mitigation, with a couple of buffed damage-dealing characters, and more damage-orientation in all classes across the board. Cutting incoming damage by 1/6-1/5, while cutting healing by a full quarter, is disproportionate even if nothing else was changing. And other things are changing, and I think the exhibition match showed that healing was not even close to being able to slow the match to a stalemate.
People really out here all doom and gloom about a game that is still many months away and is subject to change.
This is a valid point, for sure. I think it is also a valid point that, so far, the only thing we’ve heard about the existing support roster is that they’re getting nerfs—to their healing rate (everyone), to their cooldowns (Ana), or to CC (Brig). The only gameplay we’ve seen (the exhibition) had people calling Mercy garbage, a Lucio main saying he hated how Lucio felt, and very fast teamfights that ended so fast that the supports’ current kits would struggle to make a difference in the outcome. Apparently a dev has gone on record saying supports will have the least amount of changes of all three classes, so it’s hard to hope for some revolutionary new mechanic that will make supporting feel awesome. And now that DPS can outrun supports, anyone who isn’t Mercy or Lucio is going to have an even harder time evading pursuers.
Right now, all the information support players have to work with point to supports being much weaker, without any clear upside—unless you consider getting sent to spawn more often to be an upside.
Could that change? Sure. Will it change? …I mean, I hope so, but so far it’s not looking great. That change could either be new mechanics / abilities that get developed, or new information that clears up our current understanding. But until an announcement of some kind gives supports something to look forward to, rather than something to just suck it up and accept, then I don’t blame supports for feeling pessimistic.
Usual ‘dps bad, tank/support good’ mentality.
This is your words, not mine.
We DPS players should quit the game due to the abuse we get from GOATs elitists like this OP.
I play dps too and I didn´t even play this game, when GOATS was a thing, so stop calling me “elitist”. My OP is just normal concern of a support main, who is watching all leaks and news about new OW2 and can´t find anything positive about support role yet. Idk, how you missed my point so much…
it is also a valid point that, so far, the only thing we’ve heard about the existing support roster is that they’re getting nerfs—to their healing rate (everyone), to their cooldowns (Ana), or to CC (Brig). The only gameplay we’ve seen (the exhibition) had people calling Mercy garbage, a Lucio main saying he hated how Lucio felt, and very fast teamfights that ended so fast that the supports’ current kits would struggle to make a difference in the outcome.
Finaly someone, who understands my frustration without making asumptions and putting words I never wrote there…thank you.
I know we can “wait and see” but that´s just not enough. I wanna hear something positive too…something, that would keep me in this game until OW2 as a support main.
we should see more offensive supports in ow2
Again, every choice made is just homogenizing EVERYTHING into ‘You do damage, kill things’
It’s only 10 HPS. Lmfao you’ll still need your other support to heal you or take 20 seconds to fully heal.
Yeah, thanks for positivity…