OW2 in a nutshel? (from a support player perspective)

Does it really? I don’t think so tho?? Are you sure??

But isn’t sombras job rn to take care of the healers as well?

It is, but nobody plays Sombra now…that will change for sure xD

For those of you saying that supports will be more offensive in OW2, where’s the evidence?

The only changes we’ve seen have been nerfs across the board. Lower healing, a higher cooldown for sleep dart.

I like the way supports play now, but if you’re trying tell me that they’ll play more offensively in OW2, where are the boosts to their ability to play offensively?

The way I see it Mercy is straight up trash in the alpha we’ve seen. Is she going to get something to make her more offensive?


Mmm, the hope is that OW2 will fundamental rewrite what it means to be improve as a healer.

Like, ask yourself, why is the medic in tf2 seen as having an incredible skill curve, but Mercy is seen as brain dead? Why even on heroes like Zen is the healing skillcap close to nil?

Skilled healing is incredibly fun, but it barely exists in OW (kinda just limited to the moderate skillcurve of bodyshotting with Ana’s primary). So, how did the medic end up with a skill curve? Essentially, you need a level of depth and nuance that OW doesn’t reach with in its current form. If everyone is either full hp or dead, it doesn’t work. You should be making decisions, you should be incorporating the fact that out of combat healing matters more, healing should be a risk. Just because supports may be numerically less impressive doesn’t actually make the healing less necessary for the team as you’ll be fighting has healers in the same nerfed position. You can actually end up with a greater change in output based on skill if you’re not constantly hitting the output limits of having a full health team.

I do play sombra on my 2nd account but i have like 113 hours on her rn, she’s just such a fun hero and i’ve always wanted to main her the most honestly.

But since you get almost mass reported for throwing etc with her i don’t play her as much and i just focus on playing support on this account instead.

But now since sombra as more of a gamplay where she is independent i probably will find her way more fun to play, and i’m looking forwards to that

Because they want you to quit. Just uninstall. Bye :wave:

Pretty much same - I love to play Sombra, but she is almost non existent in games now.

Toxic much?

I’ve seen her a few times tho but yeah it’s not even that often, so i’m happy that she’s getting a rework and now will probably perform even better.

You are forming your argument on a failed starting point. Most of the hero’s were turned OFF for the match. So you only saw the tip of the iceberg. While I do agree with you that sombra will likely be nerfed (and should be even now) The fact that already in OW 1 there is overturned DPS who’s power creep has never been corrected even after basically destroying the function of tanks and In general Blizzards inability to actually balance a game doesn’t give much hope for a decent game 2.

I keep seeing people post about all these new players oh how wonderful. Really? Seriously? I by far am not the highest level player in the game but I do have over 1000 hours as a tank and almost 2000 as a support. Do you…as DPS….seriously want someone who has NO CLUE what the game is about as your Tank…your LONE tank? Do you as DPS… want to be in a direct fight with a quarter of your health Hitting that “Need Healing” button and the Support saying Well okay in 4 seconds (you’ll be dead by then) I’ll try to heal you with my reduced over all healing. Sorry guy……

So far, and we haven’t seen enough but what we have seen until this point is not worth me spending money on. Like everyone else I hope that changes. If I wanted to play a fast paced shooter I’d go play COD. Thats not what I personally play overwatch for. Overwatch was meant to be a game that was fun for everyone not a game fun for a select few.


I really like playing Brig kinda worried about her for OW2

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I mean if we are talking OW1 right now the Tank is the strongest role and its not close. Then it is your Bap, then the other 3 people are about the same. That is current OW1 balance in terms of raw power. Depending on the comp the Bap can be as strong as the Tanks but there has not been a comp really since Hanzo was broken where the Tanks were not more influential, and usually far more influential, than the DPS.

As far as my games go, it is basically impossible for someone with no clue what they are doing to be my Tank (or more likely my DPS as I will be the Tank in most games). However, let us take that argument a step further. If someone has no idea what they are doing and they are the SAME rank as you then you therefore also have no idea what you are doing and you all fit in rather well.

You are also thinking of your argument wrong. The healing nerf basically makes it so you are effectively healing the same amount of damage, as a %, as you did in OW1. If I am in an OW1 fight and I am going “I need healing” at 25% the fight better be over because I am dead if you have not already reacted which is the same in OW2. The difference is though that with less relative damage coming in you probably could heal that if you had your OW1 output which is a problem because if you can just outheal all incoming damage then nothing ever dies which sort of runs contrary to how fights are supposed to go.

Also OW is fast paced with a slower TTK if you are comparing it to CoD (plus several other aspects that differentiate it that would take too long to get into). The ONLY point of similarity drawn between them, in OW2, was that when playing Push (though almost assuredly will change when people L2P) that the fights tended to last longer stretches of time due to the closer respawns making it feel like CoD where there is always a fight happening.

This would be true if a healer existed that could actually out heal “all incoming damage”. There isn’t a healer that can do that in the game. They might keep you alive long enough to have a chance to kill who your facing but staying alive is strictly up to you. If you stand toe to toe with someone out damaging you…. You are dead and that is exactly the way the fight is supposed to go. So essentially with the new healing for OW 2 as they are saying it now you have zero chance even when getting healed of staying alive long enough to reload in a head to head battle. Add to that, that unless she is nerfed before release… they are tailor making a character who by their own statement is designed to and I quote “melt supports”.

Overall damage in OW2 is going up, Overall healing is being reduced and supports will have reworked kits to in some fashion help them stay alive :::: this is my doubtful face::: The only way to do that, is to make them more DPS oriented and if I wanted to play DPS… I’d be queuing up for it resulting in even longer queue times for those that actually WANT to be a DPS character.

I don’t understand why this is so hard for people to understand. I play Tank and Support because THAT is what is fun to me about the game. To have those roles diminished in this way… made “less than” than DPS roles. Does not spell fun. It spells… man what game am I going to replace this with.


Don’t get your hopes up.

Offensive supports aren’t allowed by the current community, I’m sure the DPS mains will complain “I died to Mercy she’s OP pls nerf” and The Devs will oblige and we will be repeating OW1 history all over


Wait are they removing brig shield?

The entire history of balance been “nerf whatever is being complained about the most.”

The appeasement strategy is my least favorite of any balancing philosophy.

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No, it no longer stuns, instead, it does 40 damage. At least, that’s what was said from the Pros that played her in OW2.

OW2 is all about DPS being the stars of the show and having fun.
Healers are just there to keep them up and cheer at the end!
The solo tank is just a fat slow dps with low impact that got in because of the lower queues.

How?? Every support on ladder is great in certain comps. Only one a bit lacking is moira. Unless you mean not adding more supports, in which case no role has been getting heroes, so.

Honestly OW2 balances and changes look like a total pile of turds… They are ruining the game and have been ever since they made role locks

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Exactly this. it´s literaly the smallest rooster in the game. Look, how many heroes has dps rooster, how many choices…also remember, when Echo was meant to be support?

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