Brig is loosing her best tool (and who knows what else will be removed)
…so what we (support mains) can look up to? It seems like we are going to play even worse game (unless we choose a different role). Seriously, I am curious…after years of neglecting support role (and rooster) from blizz. Why there is nothing I can be excited about yet?
I dunno man, the way they are changing the role system and how that will change the gameplay plus difficulty of adding new heroes, i just feel like if anything, we should see more offensive supports in ow2. I honestly hope so they add like 1 tank (mauga please) 1-2 dps (as soujorn is basically confirmed a dps and they are the esiest to add) but at least 3-4 new support characters. The composition will be played in a 1/8 , 2/17 and 2/7 heroes currently. There are so little options rn and its unsustainable as defensors such as the new style favors much more sups that can easily move around or be less dependant on others
I would not mind to be more offensive in game…but they just don´t tell anything nice to be excited about…
From dps perspective, the game looks very exciting for now…
Thats their intention, to be fair. More like a fast shooting game and less slow and steady MOBA i guess is their new MANTRA which is kinda cool imo. They just have to give the support role more attention as they are and will be even more lacking behind by a huge margin of choices in the hero deppartment.
Im curious to see how every hero is going to change… The new self healing is nice increment and all but that’s not enough for all of the current ones i think.
Overtuned DPS? I am going to ask a single question: take Sombra out of the equation (clearly she just got her rework and was broken and will clearly be nerfed) what did the other DPS in that game do? You had 2 DPS who played multiple heroes and the sum total of their contributions were 2 nano blades and at one point Reaper and Mercy killed a Rein. Other than that they might as well have not existed. So once Sombra is nerfed what overtuned DPS are you imagining exist because we did not see DPS have ANY impact.
Support will basically play like OW1. Relatively you will be healing about the same as OW1 and considering that people seemed to like Support in OW1 (cant imagine why as I hate it) it doesnt seem like they want to rock the boat that much. They only changes they are making is removing a lot of CC which is also probably good for Supports overall but that one is just harder to measure.
As a support main i’m very worried about what will happen to the support role
I really don’t want to go back to playing dps just because they perform better and that you have more fun playing dps.
Don’t get me wrong i used to be a dps main and i still have ashe as my main dps but honestly, healer for me has been way more fun to play but now with the healing nerf and all that i’m not so sure anymore…
I guess i would have to actually play to know how it really feels and if i will still enjoy playing support or not.
Sorry, bro…I can´t really understand you, when you are not using interpunction. I can just roughly gues, what you wanna say (english is not my native language). But yeah, I´ve seen just two hints about overbuffed dps and I guess there will be more. They didn´t show us much from support role…al we know, that we will be even less effective…
It´s just not enough for me - give us more info about support role, before we buy it.
I still play dps and I main Ashe too…but I would like to see at least something positive about support role. All we´ve got are just negative things…
Still replacing the game for people who actually like OW though.
I don’t even know if it is worth it to even keep playing OW now??? Do you get the last enjoyment you can, or do you just find other games to play since Blizz clearly doesn’t want you playing their games.
Okay I will make it simple. Ignore Sombra because everyone knows she is going to get nerfed to the point where even the pro’s were agreeing to just not play her in their playtest. NONE of the other DPS had any impact in the actual game we saw. If they are overbuffed why were they useless? If the Bastion rework made him broken, why did both Bastion’s switch off having gotten I think 1 kill between the two of them over a couple minutes?
The simplest answer here is that there are no overtuned DPS. There are overtuned heroes (Sombra) and undertuned heroes (Mercy/Zarya) but that no role itself is overtuned.
I’m more focused on playing in the support role because i just find that role most fun (mostly mercy really, but i play other supports as well) and i just feel like i belong in that role as well.
But yeah i really wish that too, like if they’re going to keep that healing debuff or whatever it’s called i would really like to see some buffs in other places for the healers.
Like let’s say with mercy when rezzing, maybe remove her statue form and maybe make it so she rez faster or something?
I know that all the healers are getting mercys passive ability where you get health back after getting damaged, but now knowing with the whole debuff healing thing i think that giving the healers mercys passive isn’t enough.
I find PVE in OW quite boring…unless they make it somehow interesting…
I didn´t watch that match and I don´t even have to. It was played by pros…everybody knows, that reality will be different in causal games. Bastion is even now something, that people can´t deal with for some reason in QP. I am causal player, I don´t care about pro picks, cause I know, that where I play, things works very differently…
This is actualy the only positive thing I see… no more begging my Lucio to heal me, as dying Ana…lol (unless I will be hacked 24/7)
Yeah, I actually have a blast in Junkenstein, but don’t really enjoy the Archives for more than once or twice a week. Not super sure what it is… maybe it’s just the map itself and the survival mode that appeals to me better.
Is that interesting to you? Do you want to click on people with a comparatively anemic weapon while the actual damage dealers shred everyone around you? Is that why you play support? Is that what you want out of overwatch?
My answer to all of those questions is a very hard no. You may feel differently. Hope those folks enjoy Overwatch 2.
I like offensive site of supports…but even now, people yell at me for heals, when they die, when I die, when I need to get rid of flanker or recharge my heal meter - about everything. I am just scared, that with “crippled” supports (it seems like that for now), I will get yelled at even more, cause people don´t care, that healing will be tuned down. They see us as healbots and this thing will never change in their mentality. I am accused of beying dps Moira or even dps Mercy - despite having gold healing medals and almost healboting all the time - will this be even worse game expirience for me in OW2?