40% of the players in OW2 need to be supports (Rant)

Support players, that aren’t interested in actually supporting?

It worked out great for tanks(spoiler: it didn’t).

If you listen carefully, you can hear screams from the future, that tank isn’t protecting anyone, supports do not heal, and everyone just goes pew-pew.


for some reason i imagine her just softly hitting people with her flail but when u said that i now think that she just swings it onto their face and bops them back and forth with force

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They probably haven’t committed to any idea yet, they are clearly making things up as we go along if you have been paying attention.

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Why on earth would Bad DPS appeal to DPS players? It would just be frustrating to them to not be able to murder like how they’re used to.

It’s a bad design philosophy that satisfies no one except current DPS mains.


Still not as ridiculous as expecting 33% of current players being tanks…

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They don’t convert, ever, without some sort of bonus attached. We found this out with Tanks.

They said “Make tanks strong damage dealers and fun and mechanically skilled! DPS players will play those tanks!”

They made Sigma, who was very strong at release and is still strong. Didn’t move the needle.

They made Hammond, who is mechanically THE most skillful tank and plays an exciting style of hit and run, and did good damage to boot at release. Didn’t move the needle.

They never admit this, but they DO want CoD. They DO want Apex minus the abilities that don’t let them get burst kills. They DO want Quake, and CS, and a million other clones. They want to have a gun and shoot shoot shoot, check their brain, run around and not have to worry about what their team is doing now. They do it even now 5 years into knowing Overwatch isn’t that game.

Blizzard will throw every Tank and Support player in a fire to get DPS players to fork over the money, since they’ve made the calculation that this will get them the most money. Everything else is fighting a rear guard action.


This thread has strong “Tell me you are a healbot without telling me you are a healbot.” vibes.

They have also helped elongate team fights to buy team for momentum shifts for tug-of-war teamfights.

Since there’s only one tank now, we can’t have strong barriers even if we wanted to, as they would simply dominate non-barrier tanks.

5v5 is going to need tons of work to get back high quality teamfights. We have had enjoyable dive and rush metas that were DM-style, but the fights still on average lasted a decent chunk of time. Not like we saw with the constant back and forth quick stomps which just screams respawn simulator.

Even live has team fights that can last only 3 seconds without ults if a team screws up badly. On live team fights something lasts over a minutes. Sometimes the team fights last an average amount of time.

That’s the point though, OW1 has all of it keeping fights interesting. OW2 (with those heal debuffs) had homogenized all teamfights into quick 5-10 second stomps. And the dev’s say that healing leads to teamfights dragging on. I call BS on that as losing 1 tank may remove their damage. But some of that damage was from poke and peeling teammates (threatening death to stop the teammates from dying), and not to mention the loss of damage mitigation.

Having 2 tank’s peeling has stopped so much unskilled brute force tactics and strategies. If you thought rush comps were barbaric now, wait until OW2 with Winston + Mei rush melting everyone with pierce beams (+ potential 25% heal debuff). Try Winston + Mei rush in OW1 and the 2 tanks would shut down that brutish strategy.

5V5 needs healers to pick up the peeling slack if we want those high quality teamfights back. We are going to need CC to come back, add new defensive ultimates and keep healing numbers unchanged. Team fights lasted too long during double shield, but right now? They’re perfect and don’t need to be changed at all imo.

This all could have been avoided if we kept a 1 barrier tank limit instead. 5v5 will require lots of work to fix its major flaws. One flaw being the supports, which means for the dev’s to accept that supports are not fine and need their playstyle reinvigorated.

Also, stop spinning to us that support’s getting meaningful changes such as Brig losing Bash CC as something positive and ‘meaningful’.

You cannot spin a narrative to me that supports losing raw healing and defenses as something positive for a support player’s self-interest. Leave those schemes to politicians and sleezy salesman.


I already liked it but this is a very insightful and concisely written post. Very good job


Pretty much a garbage version of Valorant (with less teamwork LAWL). You may not like Valorant, but at least it tells everyone what it is and wants to be; it has a clear vision of what Valorant should be. So everything from gunplay and to abilities was designed around that vision.

It’s annoying getting our leg peed on and getting told it’s raining. We brought Overwatch to play Overwatch’s genre.

For OW2, it is jumping all over the place, trying to be Valorant without the gunplay foundation, COD without killstreaks, OW1 without the necessary defenses, and larp as WoW’s holy trinity.


It implies, that supports actually forced to support their team and would happily shoot like everyone else, if allowed to.

Idea, that not all players enjoy “pew-pew” part of FPS gameplay, doesn’t even cross minds of developers.

Basically, Blizzard: “We will finally set you free, support players! You were chained and forced to heal and buff your allies, but we will let you do what you actually always wanted to do - to earn kills, like everyone else”.


Orisa’s damage is not what I’d call significant and it’s not 100% reliable. Anything in the air, high mobility, at range, or any combination of that is going to be able to dodge of lot of those projectiles. Zarya turns defense into offense, in that she thrives off you shooting her bubbles. Her damage output is going to depend on how much you are feeding the bubbles. Her range is pretty limited too and there are maps you don’t want to be running her. Sigma was a mistake but I would say his damage is high. It’s just that his left click bounces around corners and that makes it a bit OP. Sig should have been balanced instead of nerfing all other tanks.

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Yep, if healers can bring more value to the team killing than healing it makes sense for them to just ignore healing and go full DPS and only heal between fights. That or pocket the best player / most OP character on your team.

Jumping off the map and respawning can be faster alternative.


Wow, that’s probably Blizzard’s POV.

Well Blizzard… I picked support because I like being rewarded for using my game sense to punish bad decisions, proactively predict and counter lethal team wipes, augment my best teammates to win and do something different in a fps that wasn’t just killing.

DPS got rewarded for having great aim and positioning. Supports got rewarded with staying alive through smart movements and decisions to ensure my team gets the maximum value of my hero.

You won’t be rewarded with surviving, as you can’t survive as a support in OW2. Every position will be lethal death, you have no possibilities. Current healing philosophy is having it be useless in a teamfight, so you can’t even play hide and heal. Either provide more damage, damage, damage and stomp, or be stomped.

The beautiful feng shui of OW1 is going to be ruined. I disliked OW1 currently Pre OWL 5v5 showcase, now I oddly love everything more even if it got watered down over the years.

You don’t know what you have until you lose it.


Mercy was/is an icon too, and she got a rework and a box of nerf hammers… :man_shrugging:.

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Thanks, I basicly said the same.

For now, I feel like you lost another support main and I will stick with my dps mains in OW2

Exactly. We already had a long run of DPS Moira and DPS Brig, so here we go with that nonsense in OW2. With tanks being brawlers and support being attackers, why not just remove role queue entirely and let it be 5v5 whatever happens.

EDIT: That said… my winrate with Mercy just keeps getting worse because now this game is almost requiring that it’s 6 players attacking. It’s an insta-gib slugfest and if this is where OW2 is going, no thanks lol

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I know I for one won’t be playing support based on what was shown so far.

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didn’t they nerf her bullet speed back in month meta? I remember her having the same bullet speed as Dva.