Ow2 dead within 1 week?

They should make a comp mode for 5 stacks in OW2 where they can pick what ever role they like. That could work.

People quit because of bad reworks and role queue almost deciding the outcome of a match before it even starts based on who is playing their best role and who is flexing. Before role queue your teams could create all sorts of fun strats to counter even a higher skilled team. 4 dps, hog and a zen worked countless times for example. With role queue all you see are the same comps over and over again.


Again: role queue saved the game and brought more people back than it drove away. The rest is bundeled with bad decisions on blizzard end and it just was clear how bad it was with role queue.

Its not the cause its a symptom.


They should just make it the only way to play comp because thats how the game was designed to play imo. Comminication, counter picking and overall would just be more enjoyable.

They just need to add a damn clan system!!


I understand not liking it. I get the argument on both sides of why one is better than the other but a disaster? The game didnā€™t fail because of it.

Not saying it was the reason the game succeeded but a disaster? Nah. The disaster was trusting random groups to play as a group in a video game.

Yeah they promised us this years ago!

Yes and open queue let those random people even decide if they wanted a tank in the team or notā€¦ or a supportā€¦ or wanted to troll and switch from tank to torb because no one was healingā€¦ it was just not good.

In high rank I am sure it was better because of more freedom. But plat and below it was very bad and thats 80% of the playerbase that had to deal with this. Dont get me started about QPā€¦

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Itā€™s only natural that people want to try new content, so because supports were left pretty mych unchanged they are not as atractive as other roles. This is a huge mistake by Blizzard planning crew and a marketing failure - they should either throw in a new support or just leave role pick out of the beta.

Open Q had benefits and drawbacks, and the drawbacks are honestly much heavier than the benefits that itā€™s just better to have Role Q.
Most notably the 6 DPS comps. you just canā€™t coordinate with strangers and predict their behavior.
Having set rules is a necessary evil.

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Outside of removing Brigā€™s stun, I disagree that supports have become more vulnerable. If by weaker you mean damage, I completely disagree with weaker. You can do way more damage on support now than in OW1. Supports players who are struggling in OW2, have become much to reliant on shields and CC.

The concepts of staying closer to your team when dive is being run against you, and using a car over a Rein shield is lost to some people. However, I understand that telling people to simply ā€œget goodā€ is ridiculous. The casual gamer wants to have fun, and itā€™s not fun dying immediately.

Iā€™m not going to propose the support changes again, because Iā€™ve done so twice. There is a reason Lucio, Moira, Brig (to an extent), and Ana are being played heavily. Blizzard just needs to bring the other supports up to speed and supports will be fine.

ā€œsaved the gameā€

Thatā€™s why the remaining player base knows each other on a first name basis because the same players get matched together constantly. OW has become almost cult-like now the same way Halo Infinite is. It will always have its die hards, but they chased off the mass market years ago. Most are playing Apex and Valorant now. Not because they prefer those games over the original OW, but because role queue and reworks turned OW into something else entirely compared to what it launched as.

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When you completely ignore giving a role some nice things. No wonder queue times are high and feels like itā€™s dead

Than they should stay there if they like the games also :slight_smile:

Instead of 6 dps comps every other match ends up having a Lucio or Ball who soft throws, or an Ana who canā€™t aim but just wants to shoot things, or a Hog who spends the entire match in the enemies spawn getting farmed.

The dps comps still exist, people are just playing heroes in other categories like dps now. Which is why you end up with the Reinbot who whines every other match that heā€™s ā€œsolo tankingā€ or the Mercy healbot complaining about ā€œsolo healingā€. You cannot coordinate in any game without the entire team using mics and being unselfish and actually being able to properly play the heroes they pick. That doesnā€™t happen without a full stack of 6.

Itā€™s a beta! Forum andy with 12 posts. Leave lmao.

OQ will be on the same select screen as RQ, if people donā€™t OQ it is because they just donā€™t like it.


Beta 2 is gonna be 10x more popular when they release actual new heroes for it

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one can only hope. finally this game can die already and so canā€™t feel like i was cucked out 60$ :pray:

They should just make everyone fill IMO. Have the roles be random.

I mean thatā€™s what happens when they donā€™t consider an entire role, lol. No one wants to play it, so queue times are awful for the other two roles. Ironically, Iā€™ve found DPS queues are better than tank queues.

Hopefully the lesson is learnt and the second beta will have new stuff for all roles, while not entirely butchering one to the point noone wants to play it even after playing around with the new toys on the other roles lol.

Usually takes me 2-5 minutes for DPS or Tank, 1 minute for Support.