Ow2 dead within 1 week?

When did this happen? All I see is a tech beta that’s missing over half of the actual game. Where are you seeing Overwatch 2?

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Nooo OW2 is DEAD again?!? :pensive:

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The thing is, the majority of OW players is casual since 2016. and among those casuals, it was always the same distribution: most players prefer the DPS role, then support, then tank.
What happened in OW2 is that the casual DPS player is still having the same amount of fun, if not more. But the casual support player is not having the same amout of fun anymore.
What happened is a shift in “who’s having fun and at what degree”.


If you’re referring to the games balance atm….yes they’ll make changes….and people will still think it’s broken…there’s no fixing that dynamic

But if we’re just talking direction the game is headed in then I’m not sure what to say….because it’s not something that will change much….it was a decision made with a purpose…you either like that or you don’t…they’re not just going to all of a sudden say “never mind”

Most did move on. Hence the laughable queue times.


Not everyone is going to play quick play or ranked play even if it was open queue, custom games offer other types of fun. I personally like ‘coding’ in the workshop to try random things and make silly game modes.

Echoflex on Twitter: “>Overwatch 2: Day 2 >Overwatch 2: Day 6 https://t.co/aj3EmaOk6I” / Twitter

Nah its because they killed the tank player base. Thats a completely different reason. Role queue had one of the most positive impact on the game ever. But I am sure you ignore that fact. :wink:


This might be the most shortsighted take in history

Imagine thinking OW2 is going to flop because of closed beta queue times where supports got essentially no shiny new toy to play with making Tanks (who got multiple new with Doom moving to tank & Orisa getting an awesome rework) and DPS (who got a new hero) queue times long



Mostly because it’s difficult to stay alive on supports if you’re casual. Casual player lack the basic tools that I mentioned before. Such as good positioning and cover use. Blizzard needs to address this for sure, because casual gamers are the ones that keep your game alive. So, as much as I truly believe that supports are still very powerful, the casual gamer doesn’t. Blizzard needs to make some changes to the mobility of certain supports. For example, giving Bap more forwards and backwards mobility on his jump, and perhaps giving Zen a teleport.

Most people who hate role queue just straight up quit playing the game. That’s why the most vocal players left are the ones who like it. The community has been dying ever since they introduced it and removing 1 tank isn’t going to bring back old players or bring in new ones.


Wrong again. Most people quit over long queue times that go hand in hand with the Exodus of tank players. This was LONG after the introduction of role queue and had something to do with blizzards balance record.


You’d think that this was a Closed Beta or something…

Honestly, not everyone who received a Beta invite via Twitch actually cared to stick with the Beta, they just wanted to try it out, which they did, so now they’re back to playing OW1.

It’s not that difficult to figure out when you actually think about it and don’t have a negative predisposition towards the company which motivates you to look for ways in which they perceivably failed at every turn in order to validate your opinions and enable you to continue trashing them.

Those numbers are actually pretty good considering it’s only a beta and not the full game. I think some people were just confused because they called it OW2, and saw the same game with some changes. Keep in mind the game still doesn’t have the PVE and is still missing a big portion of the PVP.

That’s the case for all casual players, including casual dps and casual tanks.

What the devs did, is making supports vulnerable and weaker so that they struggle even more than before without technically playing any worse, while other roles do the same mistakes but are still rewarded because they are buffed (both directly and indirectly).

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Nah role que sucked. Flex players left when that abomination happened. Role limits is the way to go.

Make full stacks required for comp to take it a step further, but add a clan system to help

Because we flex players where so many open queue worked perfectly… no it did not. Mostly the change was to make the game able to be balanced. In open queue you can not balance for 006, 600, 060, 222, 321, 231 etc. Its just not possible.

You must have missed where i said role limits

Yeah indeed I did… but it would make it to complicated.

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Not if full stacks were required for comp. It would still allow for role swapping which i miss.