Ow2 dead within 1 week?

50 million active players? ow2 takes 10mins to get into a quickplay game even if u choose both dps + tank role. This may be the biggest flop in blizzard history


It is outrageous they need to remove rq

Role queue is a failed experiment -sunk cost fallacy


Because DPS and Tank are the most popular…


Dude if the beta has (just imagine) 100k players and 60k play DPS and 30k play tank than you have 10k for support that drives the queue times up. How long it takes to find a game has no implication how popular the game is it just shows what roles are strong/fun.

You guys are a failed experiment with your open queue. Get a grip that the time is over. Move on.


I was extremely for role queue and still think it was helpful but after talking to some extremely casual players and their takes i have changed my opinion on it

I think for the health of the game it needs to be removed. Having 8-10 min queues is asking for your game to die

I was one of those people who hated 5 dps, and me always having to solo tank or support. But it is very clear that role queue is throttling the game.

Most players simply arent willing to wait past a few minutes for a match. And then the problem snowballs since those people stop playing which means less players, which makes matchmaking take longer to find games or you get extremely unbalanced games.

I can take the L on this one. It had its uses but its very clear it has had more negative repercussions than the positives it gave.


Dude it just shows that one role is weak/ not fun. Open queue as a main mode was a disaster and does not work with the OW2 tanks. Please think…


I don’t think OW2 will dwindle that fast… but this beta sure hasn’t been a blockbuster grand slam for Blizzard, either.

  • Lots of DPS are mad because, shocker, queues aren’t really any better (wonder if anyone called that? Amazingly, some folks still can’t figure out why this is happening)
  • Lots of Supports are mad because so far their experience has sucked
  • Tanks seem 50/50, but it’s definitely far from universally liked and many are upset with the 5v5 change as well as lengthy queue times (though I don’t think that’ll be an issue in the live game as much)

Add in other things people dislike about the beta (weird aim sens, audiovisual changes, lack of map adjustments for 5v5, general feel of 5v5 compared to 6v6), and you’re cooking for a game that’s not going to have amazing longevity. It’s not a promising look, for sure. Blizzard needs to take some intensive actions to change course.


Tanks aren’t popular. Right now they are half the amount of the dps with 2 tanks lots less.


I doubt this has been true at any point in Overwatch history.


Ah yes 100k players that’s why there’s literally around 500 in the custom games. 500 for a brand new game LOL

  • tank: all with some buffs amd reworks
  • Dps: changed in their cc and reworks
  • support: only a new passive and ONE healer slightly changed.

It is so incredible to think than more people wants test more times the roles where there’s more new things? :kissing: So crazy


True. But you have this group of people on the forums who think ow2 is amazing and gods next gift to man.

Yet ask anyone outside of the Overwatch community what they think and its a stark contrast.

But they dont want to hear the truth, that their favourite game was neglected and died and its long awaited heralding successor has arrived with not so much as a cricket chirp


…You realize that if a role is overpopulated, it’ll take longer to get a game?

Long queues don’t just mean low playercount, otherwise support would be hard to get into as well.

Literally all this means is there’s lots of people queueing DPS/tank and not many queueing support.


Funnily enough, I just opened up Reddit and saw a highly upvoted meme making fun of OW2 for this exact reason :joy:


One week? No. Absolutely not. But obviously with the queue times, I have a feeling we will be right back where we started before too long.


Problem with removing Role Lock is the moment its gone we’ll be back to 4 instant lock DPS a$$holes forcing the other 2 players to fill for them & in higher lobbies it’ll be GOATS again.

If people would fill so we didn’t have to solo tank or solo heal & if Blizzard could actually balance their game correctly (e.g. their MO is always nerf the tanks & buff DPS heros too the point DPS are too strong & tanks are unfun to play, so the only way to stop the OP Dps heroes is double barrier) then we wouldn’t of needed role lock in the first place.

With Role Lock we que for 10mins (mainly because Blizzard have made tanks unfun to play) & in free role we get the 4 instant lock DPS a$$holes again. Either way we lose.


Supports aren’t weak. They didn’t add anything new to supports. All they need is a new support hero for queue times.

Well spoken, heck we wouldn’t have needed to force the game into 5v5 if we didn’t have role queue, 6v6 works fine when you dont force roles.

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If that’s the case then the queue time should be equal to DPS at around 8 to <10minutes. But every time I look it ranges from <10 to >10 minutes

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No one plays custom games for a real experience. They are experimenting what works on heroes and what not I dont know. This has no real value. Why are so many people wanting OW2 to fail? Its not like OW1 will continue the clown show what it currently is. Or that role queue goes away. They designt PvP 2.0 around 122. What kind of people are around here? Jesus it really hurts!