Ow2 dead within 1 week?

If they remove role queue in ow2 , dps will still die lol , the meta will be orisa rein zarya / dva/ doom with lucio moira or moira zen or depending on tanks

Have you tried selecting flex? You will find a game in a few seconds!

Sure, itā€™s not cause if there are a lot of people playing those roles. Totally not, itā€™s obvious that itā€™s dead

Bold of you to assume AKH and DVS are two different people. Iā€™m pretty damn sure itā€™s the same person on two accounts.

Yeah I also thought of that but AKJ is a aim elitist that wants Cassy to be meta all the time and all not aim intensive hero at F tier while DVS just favors DPS heroes in general I think.

But yeah. They are both the stereotypical DPS mains (even if they claim not to play DPSā€¦)

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Justā€¦ You do realize this is beta (granted, not that much more is gonna be there at launch), but thereā€™s no progression or anything to unlock, so most people hopped in to see whatā€™s new and left. Even if there were unlocks, they wouldnā€™t carry to the live game, so most people donā€™t bother past the first few hours. The thing isnā€™t even out yet, so canā€™t be a flop yet.

You just copy/paste this? Ainā€™t saying youā€™re wrong, but pretty sure Iā€™ve seen you use the exact same words before.

Since when? If theyā€™re so popular why can I get into game in max 2 minutes in the live game? Tanks got the most changes (plus a DPS hero got moved into this role) in the beta, so thatā€™s why everyoneā€™s playing them there.

The most popular roles have the longest queue time. Look at Overwatch 1. DPS is the most popular and most played. Longest queue time. Tank the least played. Shortest queue time.

In Overwatch 2 tanks gained popularity which is why their queue time is increased, in addition to only 1 tank being required and support is the least popular and has the shortest queue. Tanks getting the most changes is why theyā€™re being played the most which is what I mean by ā€œthey are the most popularā€. People want to play the roles with the most changes in the beta.

Queues are 20 minutes long. This is a failure.


DVS is also very much a hitscan/aim elitists from what Iā€™ve seen

I find it hilarious that some people ā€œthinkā€ they have all of the proper information to make educated statements when they really donā€™t. The original poster of this thread needs to educate themselves more about this. And to be quite frank, Blizzard wouldnā€™t give you access to the information anyways, and on top of that the game is still in BETA! lol
Buddy is a joke. Keep up the great work Blizzard. The games you produce have always peaked the interest of the masses!

they already did. that is the only hero they have

iam pretty sure they did not even play tested their beta. everyone with at least one healthy eye and ear could have noticed this mess they pulled up to the sound effects, visuals and UI.

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The only UI I donā€™t like is the character select screen. The audio and the visuals are fine, itā€™s just different from what weā€™re used to in OW1.

ESO and FF are prime examples of this. Both huge and popular games. DPS queā€™s can take 10 - 30 minutes. Itā€™s not exclusive to OW.

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I love how blizzard removed one tank to fix DPS queue times and now has to rebalance the entire gameā€¦ Only to fail in addressing queue times at all because now the support role blows.

Itā€™s 1 step forward and 2 steps back.

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no its not fine.

i get headache playing more than 5 games. because of too many sounds; too many colors, screen shakesā€¦ weapons too loud and you cannot tell where you get damage from, they removed sounds like objective or teammates death?? at least you can turn on notification for teammates again but the killcam moves too fastā€¦ its just a big bad mess. and thats only for the sounds and visuals, UI.

gameplay is another story.

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their ow2 balance is the same as 2 regular ow patches, except it took them 4 years to do it.


Weā€™ve known about Sojourn for multiple years now since Storm Rising archives was first introduced, and saw her in videos starting from the Blizzconline videos at beginning of 2021

Iā€™m talking about absolutely new heroes that nobody has ever seen yet, and they suddenly drop them in our laps. Thatā€™s a very different type of hype

i think sojourn is all they have for now, after 4 years.

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bet the owl owners insisted on having a beta pushed out the door before the start of the new season