[OW2] Cassidy should get a "Bolas"

In the recent Reddit AMA, Alec Dawson said they were looking to rework Magnetic Grenade into something else with these qualities:

You know what would fit that really well?

Cassidy should get a Bolas:

Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Here’s why:

  • Kinda like a Lasso (Very Cowboy)
  • Without the Noose connotations (Not Good)
  • Can be made to be pretty techy looking in the Overwatch Aethetic
  • People know what it is, and what it does, but it’s not an overused trope, so it would feel fresh
  • It can create a very obvious visual effect without cluttering up existing visual status effects. (i.e. Status effects at head level, or foot level. This would be a bit above that.)
  • A negative mobility status effect that affects the legs… that would visually go on the legs. Very visually clear what’s going on.
  • The projectile visual effect would be very similar (or the same) as the existing magnetic grenade.
  • Easy to Code, since it’s basically a Junkrat trap, that doesn’t block WASD horizontal movement, but does prevent Ducking.
  • “Bolas” just kinda sounds cool (And potentially memeable)

Now here’s how that would work:


Magnetic Bolas

  • Basically the same as the magnetic grenade they already have now.
    But instead it applies the “Magnetized” Status Effect.
    • Enemy hero cannot use mobility abilities or passives.
    • Enemy hero cannot duck.
    • Enemy hero cannot jump.
    • Applies a -10% movement Slow effect.
    • The “Magnetized” effect lasts for 4 seconds.
Results: The balance/design team was looking for a status effect that makes it easier to line up headshots with Cassidy’s Revolver. This does just that. The enemy player can freely walk in all directions for movement. But they can only do that. Can’t use a movement ability. Can’t jump. Can’t duck. Walking is the only movement that player can do. This makes it so that all Cassidy has to do is aim head level, then focus all of their aim at landing a headshot horizontally. This makes it less of an easy “free kill” and more of just an easier time landing your shots. Also Magnets, how do they work?

Bolas that explode would be good.

Like some sort of explosive that sticks to the enemy player?


I’d be okay with this ability so long as it can be cleansed by stuff like Zarya Bubble and Kiriko Cleanse and doesn’t prevent abilities like Translocator/Recall/Wraith Form/Fade/Ice Block/etc… Only stuff like Swift Strike, Blink, Grappling Hook, Lunge, etc…

Having something that can very easily punish heroes like Wrecking Ball, Doomfist, Winston, and Tracer could push him into absurd power levels. It’d just straight up be a better Sombra Hack and Ravenous Vortex.

EDIT: Instead of outright preventing Mobility abilities, it’d be nicer if the Bola would just apply a slow and then also pause CD timers for a duration. Catch a Tracer without Recall and has used a couple Blinks, Bola her, and she’s SOL. More balanced and fair imo.

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Well they could make it so that you can use those abilities, but if it’s a movement ability like a Tracer Blink, it travels 0m.
i.e. Basically Junkrat Trap, except it doesn’t block WASD movement. But it does block Ducking.

And yeah, it could be cleansed.


Legit A+ suggestion.


Real talk though. Will it disable Kiriko’s bike?

Me, regretfully announcing to my team that Cass’ balls are on me


4 seconds? Thats gonna be more annoying than getting hacked by sombra. No thanks

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I theorized a lasso type ability for Cassidy that would halt movement in some way so he can have his role of peeling for the backline/stopping flankers returned to him without being an outright stun.

For something this strong it would need to be a very short effect. 4 seconds is a really long time to be slowed, cant jump, cant crouch, and no movement abilities. I think 1 second would suffice.

Think of it like Kiriko’s suzu. Heals, removes status affects, immune to stuns, immune to damage, but only lasts for 1 second or so.

What if JQ could use her magnetic grapple thing to pick up the person it’s attached to and throw them?

Oh wait…that was D.va’s thing.

I think making it do a little less damage than it does now and just disabling movement abilities and passives would be enough. It should counter hypermobility without being too strong against heroes with limited mobility.



Well, they could call it a “Magnetic Snare”, but where’s the fun in that?

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I don’t even get why they need to rework it again, is it annoying ya but it’s hardly op.

This looks cool though.

So you just want Cassidy to have a strictly better version of Junkrat’s trap?

Kinda, it doesn’t stop players from moving around with WASD.

They’re not reworking it because it’s OP; they’re reworking it because it is the most boring and uninteresting ability in the game.

Good idea but 2 seconds and no slow. We want to have easier time against Tracer but let’s not outright kill her… Hack lasts significantly less than 4 seconds now and it’s still annoying as hell. This would be like hack for mobile heroes. Imagine throwing 4 second Bola on Ball, this is instant gg for him… No grappling away, just standing there and dying like pig. 2 seconds would be enough probably.

I would like some Area effect though, like people suggested Caltrops that would do basically the same - disable movement for few seconds. To screw mobile heroes some you kinda need ability that doesn’t miss and discourages them to get very close to you. Magnetic thingy works well on Genji but not that much on Tracer because of her Blinks.