OW still has hope it's more fun than HALO

Halso isn’t really the same type of game as Overwatch. It’s very similar - it’s an arena shooter with various objective-based game modes.

But there’s a key difference and that difference is classes. Overwatch calls them heroes. Halo has no cocept of them at all.

I honestly gotta appreciate the little things as a PC player. Halo runs like frozen butter, the input lag feels like it’s approaching triple digit, can’t even run it Exclusive Fullscreen, weird FPS cap tied to dynamic res for some reason and the sounds… Oh the sounds are so bad, the one main riffle (I don’t know the names, I’m not into Halo lore) sounds like a ventriloquist doing fart sounds.

343 never quite captured that Bungie quality aesthetically and for whatever crap I give Blizz, they do polish their crap, Overwatch may be long in the tooth these days but it runs smooth even on low spec PCs, input lag is minimal, proper FPS cap, reduced buffering in game, triple buffering for those who want it and the guns sound quite nicely (except for Bap’s gun, that’s a bunch of peanuts).

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no i already did that, plus i even verified the files and it still crashes everytime the loading bar finished. it’s mainly because the game automatically sets my settings as ultra and maxes everything out and idk if i can change it manually in the files

Halo runs on DX12 which doesn’t support fullscreen exclusive because borderless windowed mode in these titles have the same performance optimizations that you’d get in exclusive mode.

This means changing the format from 222 and completely rebalancing atleast 1/3rd of the entire cast.

The hope for OW1 is long-gone. The copium is strong. The Devs arent going to update this game in any meaningful way anymore, it’s best to start moving on until 2023 when OW2 comes out.

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That sounds like “official excuse”. Input lag is through the roof, CP2077, Deep rock Galactic and plenty others run DX12 exclusive fullscreen.

I am sure the devs had their reasons somewhere somehow along the way, I’m just not buying it was the best decision. I’m not exaggerating when I say I can feel the input lag dragging my mouse and even even keyboard in that game…

It’s called selling your product at the proper price point in the first place so that your return on investment is good with you, rather than acting like everything should just generate endless money forever simply because it ~could~ due to you crafting a weird, arbitrary purchasing system that kids don’t realize is flim flamming them because they have about as much experience handling money as a squirrel does.

An “official excuse” for what? Exclusive fullscreen does not exist in DX12. The games you listed do not support it either in DX12 mode. They might call it that in the stetings/UI, but that’s not what it is.

Additional fun fact: Most exclusive fullscreen games even in D3D11 do not run in exclusive fullscreen. For many releases now, Windows changes all requests to fullscreen exclusive to what they call “eFSE”, or “emulated fullscreen exclusive” which is borderless windowed mode with a different swapchain effect that allows it to go through the same flip mode as DX12.

I’m not saying the game doesn’t have input lag - just that any input lag you’re experience is not because of that.

Then give me whatever they’re calling it, 'cause whatever Halo got sucks.

I don’t think you’re understanding - It’s the same thing. The thing that Deep Rock or CP2077 call “Exclusive Fullscreen” is borderless windowed mode. It’s also an identical mode of operation to nearly all D3D11 games that set this as well.

There’s noticeable difference between Borderless Windowed and Fullscreen in Deep Rock, CP2077, etc. It is not the same, I can see the difference, lol, some even alt-tab differently.

If you have a singular purchase price then you would get singular content as in the launch OW would be all we get because that is all you paid for.

People WANT their games to get updates. They want their games to get new heroes and new maps and new skins and new modes. You can see this in the fact that games that do not have this tend to slowly die out. So if the community wants those updates they have to come in a way that makes them worthwhile for the game to do.

They said we’d get all that stuff with the launch of Overwatch; we were told that they were working on internal systems, guilds, social stuff, more maps, heroes, etc. That was all PROMISED to us.

Blizzard NEVER ONCE said ‘here is a fully finished, done game, we will be making no changes, it’s 60$’

That was NEVER how they sold the game, so DO NOT act like that was the social expectation of the game after purchase.

They told us we’d get more, we expected more, and they failed to consistently deliver DESPITE choosing to sell their own product for a flat 60$ one time purchase.

THEY made this bed, sir.

In DX12 mode there will definitely not be. The APIs to set fullscreen mode literally are not supported. It is part of the documentation:


In DX11 mode, there is a difference between which mode you select because the device swapchain is allowed to pick a swap effect that is composed. However, when you select “Fullscreen exclusive” in a D3D11 game, it automatically promotes it to a non-composed mode and also purposely changes the behavior of the window (e.g. minimizes on alt tab and enforces mouse lock). However the actual presentation mode under the hood is the same. It goes through a presentation layer called independent flip which bypasses desktop composition, which is the thing that adds latency. If you were in actuall fullscreen exclusive mode, your monitor would create massive flickers every time you all tabbed as it changes the display modes and you wouldn’t be able to get certain overlay behavior like the game bar.

You gotta trust me on this one my dude. This is literally my area of expertise. I know what I’m talking about, and I deal with it on a daily basis.

Not disagreeing with you, just saying that whatever it is they’re calling it, Halo needs it.

And then they went ahead and made their lootbox model so consumer friendly that nothing they made was going to get any RoI so now we get next to nothing because they do not make any money releasing content. They made all the things they said and then gave them to us.

Now with the sequel coming around they are not going to do the same failed model. There is a reason the entire industry is moving in one direction and it is because it is the only model that has been shown to work. You still get all the new heroes and the new maps (and likely more of them) and the new game modes but now it is harder to get skins (probably at least as hard as it was before they made the lootbox changes).

Edit: just as a note. The distinction between the current model and OW2 is that Blizzard will have actual incentive to have more players in OW because right now that does not exist. With no reason to buy lootboxes there is no incentive for them to spam release content and force the player count up. With a battle pass style system that will become the case.

But what I’m saying is Halo has it… Your input lag is coming from something else - likely due to the design of the game engine itself.

I’ll take the placebo Exclusive Fullscreen other games offer me then, alongside the Borderless Windowed they also offer for no reason apparently.

Somewhere, somehow, someone messed up.

It’s been shown to feed the greedy corporations that won’t accept record breaking profits that Overwatch got and want more, more more.

Things are not infinite. They cannot just monetize everything to the point where everything is this way, it’s an unsustainable and stupid practice to not only impliment in business but also cheer on as a consumer.

Overwatch made record breaking profits, it was never ‘unprofitable’, it’s just not making as much money as predatory tactics put in mobile games that prey on humans not noticing that they’ve spent too much money on teeny tiny purchases. It’s still a bad practice, even if it is ‘profitable’.

Nobody plays Halo’s multiplayer because the character have a personality. Same goes for CoD. They play it because it’s fun. Besides, you shouldn’t be comparing Halo and OW anyways since OW is a hero shooter (like Apex and Valorant) and Halo is like your normal fps (like CoD, Battlefield, and any other fps games that don’t have heroes).

If most of your argument for OW being better than Halo Infinite is because OW (a hero shooter, literally says it on the box) has characters that have a personality whereas Halo (a normal fps, not a hero shooter) has generic soldiers with no personality, you have lost most if not all of your credibility. Also, yes Master Chief and Cortana are characters in the main campaign, but it will be very difficult to find a gamer who doesn’t know what a spartan from Halo looks like.

Last thing, is Halo Infinite the only Halo game you’ve played because I would not believe you if you said you have played the previous entries?

I would also like to add that I am a Halo fan. Have been because I grew up watching my Dad play it and I even played with him when I got old enough (big reason why I didn’t enjoy Halo 5). I also like OW and enjoyed it when I first got it as it felt like I had some sort of impact on the outcome of the match unlike most fps games I played. Nowadays, OW lost that feel of me having any sort of impact and the toxicity level is just insane. I only ever play OW now if new skins/cosmetics release and then I stop and go back to playing Halo once I’ve gotten those cosmetics.

I will say the personalities of the heroes in OW did make it feel alive, but that had to have been done because OW is a hero shooter. It would be weird if hero shooters didn’t have characters with compelling personalities.